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The Bumpy Road of Marriage: Divorce Now, Daddy Chapter 24

Chapter 24 - Goodbye, Army Uncle

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Listening to her soft voice, his heart was broken. A glaring light flashed across. Gu Juexi was not capable of not running over in time. It was too late.

“Ye Yuwei!”

The moment she fell to the ground, Ye Yuwei could only hear Gu Juexi’s voice. She could not even feel the pain. This was probably the only emotion he had toward her besides hatred.

“Ye Yuwei! Ye Yuwei!”

Holding the woman who was lying in a pool of blood, Gu Jueyi turned to look at PA Wen who was also running over.

“Call the ambulance!”

Looking at the blinding street lights while hearing his anxious voice, it was the same scene two year ago.

She was hit by a car on a rainy night. Lying on the ground, she was watching him leaving with Yu Sha’er. Today, he finally looked at her. Unfortunately, this was not something that she wanted anymore.

“Goodbye, Army Uncle,” Ye Yuwei spoke with a soft husky voice. Blood streamed from her mouth. Slowly, she closed her eyes, her bleeding lips curved into a beautiful smile.

‘Goodbye, Army Uncle.’

‘Goodbye, my love for thirteen years.’

‘Army Uncle…What did she just say?’ Gu Juexi lowered his head only to see Yu Yewei had lost consciousness.

The ambulance roared passed as Yu Sha’er stood in the rain—all alone.

Gu Juexi belonged to her. She was his one and only. She would never let Ye Yuwei tell him about the accident. Absolutely not!

Ye Yuwei felt as though she had entered a sea of fire. A little girl was struggling to lift the wood with her tiny hand. Under the wood was the man from the liberation army who was pinned to the ground. Breaking through the fire, another man from the liberation army rushed in and carried her. Hastily, he pushed the wood away to rescue him.

The little girl’s eyes were fixed on the person holding her in his arm, his face was covered in ash.

“Gu Juexi, I am nearly burned to death.”

‘Gu Juexi…what a nice name,’ the little girl thought to herself.

But in the next second, she was tugged into an abyss. The icy cold sensation pierced her heart, nearly causing her heart to stop beating. However she did not feel pain. Sitting still on the chilling ground, watching her own heart cease beating gradually. Her heart was dead. ‘That is the feeling of a heart frozen to death. I have finally learned to give up on love,’ she thought.

PA Wen stood before Gu Juexi outside the emergency room, watching him glancing through all the information relating to Ye Yuwei. It was only three pages long.

Nothing could be found from before she was ten years old. Thirteen years ago, when she was ten years old, a disastrous fire broke out at an orphanage. Only two kids were rescued from the fire. The rest was killed in the calamity, including all information related to Ye Yuwei. She was one of the two survivors. As for another survivor, Gu Juexi knew exactly where she was.

It happened during the time both he and Lu Qichuan were serving in the army. After rescuing the first kid, Lu Qichuan returned to the building to save another kid. The building suddenly collapsed and the wood fell on him. Gu Juexi was the one who took the second kid out of the building.

In fact, the person who had saved Ye Yuwei was actually Lu Qichuan. Not him!

Gu Juexi lowered his head, his gaze resting at the last page. With the help of a charitable man, Ye Yuwei enrolled in the best college of B City and took a course in Economy Management. In her third year of college, she donated her liver to his mother and married him thereafter. Gu Juexi suddenly realized something crucial. Ye Yuwei married him to pay her debt of gratitude!

The Bumpy Road of Marriage: Divorce Now, Daddy

The Bumpy Road of Marriage: Divorce Now, Daddy

婚途有坑:爹地; 快离婚
Status: Ongoing Author:

He was the powerful and influential heir of B City, the merciless head of the commercial world, but the divorce papers made him lose his cool.

“Sign the divorce papers, daddy,” said the 5-year-old boy.

This man had the divorce papers thrown in his face by his wife six years ago, and was now being pushed by his own son to sign the papers.

“That would make you a single-parent child,” said Gu Juexi coldly.

“Mommy said unicorns don’t exist but men like you do,” the boy leered at his father and said.

Gu Juexi’s face fell. ‘That damned woman.’

“You haven’t signed the papers,” the boy reminded as the man left. As usual, the door shut in his face.

Good lord… Dad and mom are not getting a divorce and are giving him a baby brother? How worrying!


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