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Vampire’s Slice Of Life Chapter 494

Chapter 494 L Am Your Aunt

“No! Wait!”

Lith looked at her and asked, “what now? Didn’t you say you won’t do things to make me uncomfortable? I want to leave, can I not?”

Lucifer shook her head as she heard that. “You can do as you please, but why do you want to leave? Do you not want to hang out with me?”

Lith seriously had trouble understanding the lady in front. The more he conversed with her, the more he felt his IQ drop to the surrounding temperature.

The conversation really had no meaning behind it.

Lith seriously looked at Lucifer and said, “Why would I want to hang out with you?”

“You don’t want to? Why?” Lucifer asked again.

Lucifer failed to realize that she was a complete stranger to Lith. Though she may have known Lith even before his birth, Lith had never once seen Lucifer in his life.

He did know that the Demon Supreme was his aunt and that his mother didn’t like her, but he had never once seen her and the thought of her being with him never crossed his mind.

The topic of Lucifer was never brought to him almost all his life. How could he even come to a conclusion that the devil was right in front?

But Lucifer wondered why her nephew didn’t want to be with her. Was it because she was not attractive enough to him? Or was it because he was married and thus didn’t like any beauty other than his wives?

But who even were his wives? Were they more beautiful than Lucifer? Were they as strong as her as well?

Many questions popped in Lucifer’s mind as she tried to analyse why Lith wasn’t interested in being with her.

Finally, after much thinking, Lucifer realized, ‘Shit! I am in a disguise! No wonder he doesn’t know it’s his aunt! I must show myself or I’ll never be able to hang out with him or go on a date. Once he goes back to Nightingale, I know for sure that bitch won’t let him meet me!’

‘Hmph! In your dreams! I’ll hang out with my nephew and spoil him to death. He’ll never wish to be with you then. Perfect revenge it’ll be.’

Lucifer failed to realise that just thinking won’t solve the problems and she had to act on it.

A while later, Lith took a step to walk away when Lucifer’s attention was back on him again.

“Wait, don’t go.”

Lith looked at her and said sighing, “lady, I am not interested in you and don’t want to go on a date.”

Lucifer clicked her tongue and said, “Don’t go before knowing me then.”

“Yeah no, not interested.” Lith was blunt.

Lucifer walked towards Lith and holding his hands, she said, “Please, why are you being so cold to me? I only want to hang out with you.”

Lith was now surprised as he saw her do this. Aren’t things changing too fast and her mood as well? Just what was going on in her mind and why was she having such mood swings?

She first seemed like a strong woman, then like a dumb woman, and now like a woman who just wanted to be with someone. What was up with her?

Lith looked at her and wondered why she was so interested in him? Did he have something she liked?

He couldn’t help but ask, “Why do you want to hang out with me?”

“I can’t even hang out with my nephew?” Lucifer blurted without thinking twice.

“Hmm?” Lith was now confused.

Looking at his confused face, Lucifer only just realised what she just said. ‘Oh shiz…’

The arrow was shot and it was too late to take her words back. Lucifer could only awkwardly smile and say while rubbing her hands,

“Ehe-heh-he, you see… Umm well… Ehe…”

Lucifer had no idea what to do. Reveal her identity or run away? The situation was now very awkward.

If she said her identity, she didn’t know what would happen but if she ran away, she knew for sure that she wouldn’t be able to meet him again.

Thus, weighing the pros and cons, Lucifer decided it was best to say the truth now and not lie.

Lucifer cleared her throat and said to Lith, “Right, I forgot to tell you. I am your aunt.”

Lith eyed her suspiciously and said, “…right. I can tell.”

He didn’t believe her one bit.

Lucifer clicked her tongue as she saw her nephew thinking of her as a scammer again.

“I am really your aunt. No need to be so suspicious.” As she said that, she snapped her fingers and her disguise was gone.

She now stood in front of Lith in her original appearance, making Lith raise both his eyebrows and look at her in surprise.

Standing in front of Lith was a devilish beauty with an hour-glass like figure and perfect curves. Big boobs, thick thighs, wide hips, and not to mention her height as well. She was almost as tall as Lith.

She had black-hair and eyes as dark as the night itself. Looking in her eyes, Lith felt as if his soul was being sucked into the deepest abyss. And her red horns… they only just acted as an icing on the cake!

Lith had no idea who this woman in front was, but she sure had looks that could rival his wives.

But still, despite such looks, he really wasn’t interested in her romantically and not attracted as well.

Lucifer, who was expecting Lith to show a shocked and amazed expression, couldn’t help but frown as she saw him not even flinch.

‘Do I perhaps lack looks somewhere?’ Lucifer started feeling insecure about herself.

She forgot that she was the top demon in the world, a being whose looks really were unmatched. The only reason Lith didn’t show any reaction was because he was used to being around beauties.

Had it been someone else, if they were weaker, they would already lose their mind and would want to r*pe Lucifer for her beauty. If it was someone stronger, they definitely would want to bed her.

Lith was the exception among all, but Lucifer didn’t know this and now felt insecure.

In any case, her insecurities could wait. She first had to clarify the situation.

Lucifer walked towards Lith and once again held his hands and looked him in the eyes. She then said,

“Lith, I am your aunt.”


A/N: All three GT bonuses are done. New goal is 579/700 GTs (+1 bonus)

For Powerstones it is 670/800 (+1 bonus)

Have a good day everyone and also Merry Christmas to all of you.

I hope you’re having a good holiday and that Santa gives you some gifts (:

If he doesn’t, you can always put your cream in the chimney to lubricate it so that Santa doesn’t have problems sliding in

(??? ??°? ???? ??°?)??

Have a good day and happy reading!

Vampire’s Slice Of Life

Vampire’s Slice Of Life

Status: Ongoing Author:

Lith is born as the son of the strongest being in the world and after he realizes that, he gives up any hopes for world domination. He decides to lead a slow and lazy life and work just enough to not tarnish his family's reputation. Will he be able to do that though?

Welcome to a world of magic where different races reside, resurrection is possible and so is reincarnation.


[Warning: There is incest and Yuri. Readers discretion is advised.]

A/N: All sorts of genres of hanime are involved except the extremely dark ones.

No NTR or yaoi.

FFM/FFFM, etc, will be there.

Mc doesn't get his women stolen or c*cked by any man or women. Therefore there's no NTR.

This is a light read.


If you want to support me and have character illustrations, you can do so via PayPal or Patreon.




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not work with dark mode