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Unscientific Beast Taming Chapter 399

Chapter 399 - Butterfly with Physical Strength comparable to a Dragon (3)

That’s it?

Buggy wanted to despise the power of the other party’s unique skill. It couldn’t even compare to the power of its leader that didn’t use skills. In the empty dragon state, using other skills was a waste of energy.


Because Buggy ignored it and let the skill collide, a huge explosion immediately came from the sky.

The Thunder Crown Feather Dragon’s body trembled as it hit the Butterfly of Imagination, but the Butterfly of Imagination floated steadily in the sky without moving at all. Just now, it was like a grasshopper hitting an elephant, unable to cause any damage to it at all!

Sensing the huge reaction force and the pain in its body, the pupils of the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon clone constricted, and its heart was shocked to the extreme.

This scene was also shocked by a bunch of spectators and two commentators!

[Holy shit!!!]

[What’s going on??]

[The butterfly’s body resisted the ultimate move of a dragon-type creature??]

[Eye of the Stars, film it more carefully… Zoom in! Holy shit, it took the hit physically…]

[I’ll report it. This is not legal at all!!]

At this moment, all the Beast Tamers watching the live broadcast were shocked.

Then, an even more shocking scene occurred. The Butterfly of Imagination glanced at the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon clone. Then, its right wing flapped slightly, and its body came into contact with the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon’s body. In the next moment, the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon’s body directly caved in by a large half, as if a huge rock had violently pressed onto its flesh and blood. Almost instantly, the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon’s pupils turned completely white. Under the slap of the worm, its body fell towards the forest on the ground like a falling meteor!!


Smoke rose, and the fallen Thunder Crown Feather Dragon directly scraped the ground, dragging a deep trench. It knocked over dozens of big trees in succession before the sound at the bottom fell silent.

There were no energy fluctuations the whole time. Buggy completed it with its physical strength.

This scene stunned many people.

[F*ck, Butterfly, killed the dragon with a slap!]

[Is this a f*cking butterfly? Legend Hua, who specializes in butterflies and cries weakly every day, is seriously protesting.]

The two commentators were also stunned.

At the same time, Chu Yi’ang, who had already walked a distance away, sensed the situation of the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon clone. His brain immediately rumbled, and his gaze was filled with disbelief and fear. Then, a scene that made its gaze explode appeared. From an incomparably far distance, his and the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon’s bodies were suddenly frozen by the blue Psychic light that appeared out of thin air!

“Roar!!!” The Thunder Crown Feather Dragon that was flying at high speed immediately roared loudly, but it was useless. Then, under Chu Yi’ang’s frightened expression, he separated from the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon he was riding. Then, under the control of Psychic power, with a boom, the Thunder Crown Feather Dragon’s main body was also smashed to the ground from the sky!


The smoke rose again. This time, the power was even stronger. It still dragged out a deep ditch that was more than a hundred meters long. It knocked over dozens of big trees in succession before the sound at the bottom fell silent.

The forest surrounded by smoke looked like two meteorites had just fallen. It was a mess.

In the sky, Chu Yi’ang, who was frozen and couldn’t even see the figure of the Butterfly of Imagination, was directly scared silly, afraid that he would be accidentally crushed by the Butterfly of Imagination.

“F*ck, I admit defeat, I surrender…”

“Let go of me…”

“Another, another, another one.”

At the same time, looking at Shi Yu’s Butterfly of Imagination that easily eliminated another contestant, the audience’s mouths were dry. As they sympathized with Chu Yi’ang, they felt even more deeply the horror of Shi Yu’s strength. This Butterfly of Imagination’s strength was even more f*cking unscientific!! This was the spiritual and spatial element? What was this physical strength, was it not the spiritual, spatial, and dragon elements?

Unscientific Beast Taming

Unscientific Beast Taming

Status: Ongoing Author:

Shi Yu woke up one day in a world built on the foundation of Beast Taming, where powerful monsters roam and great societies formed around the Beast Tamers who tame them. After concluding that he'd been reincarnated because he was good looking, he put his skills as a mythology expert to use, aiming to become a professional Beast Tamer so he wouldn't be poor again in this life.

Thankfully, he had been reborn with a trump card in this life, a Skill Index that broke certain rules of the Beast Taming world. Starting from zero by secretly copying and teaching skills to domestic and wild beasts alike, Shi Yu stepped on the path of Beast Tamers as he raised a bunch of logic-defying and unreasonably strong beast pets...

Key Words: Beasts, Beast Pets, Pets, Summoning


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not work with dark mode