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The Villain’s Wife Chapter 435

Chapter 434 Monstrosity

After discussing more details about Zhou Jingren’s plans, Fernando and Li Shanshan immediately left for the UK. They needed to keep pretending that Lily’s death devastated them so they could avoid Jack’s suspicion. With no concrete proof, the group could not really do anything aside from investigating and waiting for results.

Because of this, Zhou Jingren focused his energy on the Zhou Family instead.

\”Why?\” Bei Tian asked. The fact that Lily was missing is already making him livid. Why was Zhou Jingren still calm about the matter?

Zhou Jingren’s lips thinned. \”If Jack is indeed the one who took her away, I can’t act carelessly. I don’t know his motive or him at all. Plus… he has Qin Yuanfeng. He is smart when it comes to computers. Think about it. Jack could easily threaten Yuanfeng to do something for him now that Lily is in his hands. Or… he could threaten Lily to do something or else he will kill her brother.\”

Bei Tian frowned. \”My point is we don’t have proof that it is him. Why do you always say it is Jack? The man seemed to grieve in front of us. He did not show any weird behavior at all!\”

\”Do you want to ask how did I found out that you liked Lily?\”

Zhou Jingren’s questions rendered Bei Tian speechless. Seeing this, Zhou Jingren added. \”There… the same feeling. Call me insecure or whatever… I know Jack likes her. I saw it in his eyes. We are about to get married and everyone knew that the only thing that could stop the wedding is if one of us refused to do it. In this case, both Lily and I would do nothing like that.\”

Bei Tian only nodded in response. What else can he say? Can he really convince Zhou Jingren to not focus all of his plans on Jack? NO. Bei Tian knew that Zhou Jingren’s obsession with Lily is on the extreme side. He would not let his instinct go just because Bei Tian told him so.

\”What are we going to do now? Are we going to just wait?\” Bei Tian asked.

\”I want you to get a list of Jack’s properties. Everything… It will be hard, so take it easy. I want you to include his mother’s properties as well as Liam Arison’s and George’s. Every property that he or his family own. I want a concrete list of everything.\”

\”I can do that. But I would need more time.\”

\”I understand.\” Zhou Jingren nodded. \”Meanwhile… let’s cause some chaos to the Zhou Family.\” He dialed his phone and called Secretary Go. After a few minutes, the latter arrived.

\”Do you have what I need?\”

Secretary Go nodded at Zhou Jingren’s question. \”You are right about the Zhou Kang’s plan on blaming you for Zhou Jingtao’s death. He already met with the Dongfang Family and I have reasons to believe that he would use this as a motive for murdering an executive from the Zhou Enterprise. He would say that this upcoming partnership threatened you, so you ended Zhou Jingtao’s life. Here is what I have…\” He gave both Zhou Jingren and Bei Tian a tablet.

\”Look at the press release that he will release in the funeral of his brother and father two days from now. It was written before the explosion. Our spies got a list of his schedules, as well. He had been seeing the patriarch of the Dongfang family in the past few days. I dare say they are cooking something.\” Secretary Go added.

\”I can’t say I blame them. The Dongfang Family is the Zhou Capital’s direct competitor in mainland China. They had been eying our bank for years now. Too bad they are lacking when it comes to connections.\” Bei Tian said as he browsed the document. \”Still… I would like to commend them for thinking that you have lost your mind because of Lily’s death.\”

\”Actually, Zhou Kang’s analysis was very much accurate. He knew that once Lily dies… I will get distracted. He is greedy, and he wanted to make me suffer. Those are his only motivations for doing this. He would even sacrifice his own company just to see me fall. He wanted… he wanted that woman, my mother, to help me once I struggle.\” Zhou Jingren said. His eyes were glued at the numerous pages of PR strategies and social media articles that Zhou Kang is planning to release after Zhou Jingtao’s funeral.

\”He is a psycho. Killing his own brother for his own self-interest.\” Bei Tian muttered. \”Humans are selfish in nature… it is a little scary.\”

\”That man is capable of killing his own father and brother. He is not just a psycho but a complete monster.\” Secretary Go chimed in. As someone who grew up in an orphanage, this is a very touchy subject for people like Go Jichen. While he had seen Zhou Jingren and Bei Tian do a lot of cruel things, he still could not fathom the reason why someone like Zhou Kang would kill his brother and father. When all they did was support him.

\”Well… we are all born animals. Our parentage and environment affect the way we make decisions as adults.\” Zhou Jingren said. \”He saw his father kill his brother’s family. He must have thought… he must have seen this as the norm.\”

Both Secretary Go and Bei Tian shook their heads at the same time as they fell into their own thoughts. While Secretary Go was still mulling over this fact, Bei Tian was eyeing Zhou Jingren. He couldn’t help but wonder what kind of monstrosity Zhou Jingren is capable of.

\”This… I want you to have someone kill this man.\” Zhou Jingren’s words interrupted the silence. While Bei Tian and Secretary Go are used to seeing Zhou Jingren order them to end someone’s life, this time, both of them notice the difference in his tone.

Contrary to the previous darkness that he always exhibited when deciding to end a life, Zhou Jingren’s tone contained a tinge of warmth this time. It was light. It was as if… as if he was talking about some random hobbies like cooking and baking instead of killing someone.

\”This man,\” Zhou Jingren smiled as he showed the image to Secretary Go. \”I want to frame the heir of the Dongfang Family. Let’s not wait for trouble to knock on our doors. Let’s bring chaos to their doorstep, instead.\” Zhou Jingren’s eyes sparkled. It was beautiful- too beautiful, it was almost deadly, evil. It immediately sent shivers down their spine.

The Villain’s Wife

The Villain’s Wife

Status: Completed Author:

There is no RAPE or MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDINGS. WARNING: FL is scheming and evil.

Like almost every dramatic romance novel, Lily Qin’s story began with an evil stepmother, a scheming stepsister, and a dumb ex-fiance. At twenty, she fell prey to their grand scheme and became the laughingstock of the country. In despair, she left.

Seven years later, Lily Qin rose from the ashes.

She was labeled as an empress, an iron lady, a genius, and a prodigy. She was Miss Tycoon.

Now, at twenty-seven, Lily Qin was an established businesswoman who was single-handedly controlling her multinational company abroad. She was beautiful, smart, and successful. Women envied her while men couldn’t help but worship her ethereal beauty.

With her devastating past, everyone had assumed that Lily would exact revenge on the people who had wronged her. Who would have guessed that behind that beaming smile of hers was a numb heart that aimed only to make more profit?

"You got it wrong." Lily elegantly propped her chin on the back of her hand. "I am seeing you today because we have something in common. We're both villains in somebody else's eyes. And I think it's time for us villains to get our own happy ending. Don't you think so?"


Zhuo Jingren’s love for Lily Qin was something that only he knew. Ever since they were children, he had his eyes on her. Yet, every time he had tried to confess, he would end up fainting from nervousness.

So when Lily Qin promised to marry him if he became richer than her, Zhou Jingren did not hesitate to leave the orphanage and work his way up just to become her man.

Who would have thought that years later, when he was successful and feared by many, he would come back to an engaged Lily Qin?

Then she mistook him for an escort after eating his tofu? Preposterous!

The worst thing was, she seemed to have forgotten everything about him. Hadn’t she promised to marry him the moment he became more prominent than her family? Now, after taking advantage of him, she dared to run away?

This woman was a liar!

He gritted his teeth as he watched her approach him. He was about to say something mean when she suddenly spoke. “Are you my new bodyguard?” She did not even wait for him to answer before tossing her car keys at him. “Drive. Let’s go wreak some havoc.”

Thus, the mafia’s big boss became Lily Qin’s bodyguard.


"So? What do you want as a compensation?" Zhuo Jingren asked her once again before laying down next to her. His elbow was resting on the ground and his palm was supporting his head as he looked at her intently.

The first thing that Lily noticed about Zhuo Jingren when he laid next to her was his exposed tanned chest. This made him look more casual… and hot. She didn't even realize she was staring at the latter.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He smirked at her. "Do you want me to compensate you with my body?"

Lily immediately rolled her eyes at the latter. "Who wants your body? Hmp! I want money!"

"Your mind is always thinking of money but your body actually betrays you. Am I right to say that I have a shameless wife?"

"Hah! I am a strong and independent woman of the 21st century. I know what I want. But if you insist on giving your body, I will take it too!" Lily shamelessly said, taking off her stilettos. However, just when Lily was about to lie down beside Zhuo Jingren, he suddenly pulled her on top of him. With her body on top of his, their faces were really close and they could even feel each other's breath.

"What a shameless woman," he noted, the smile on his face only deepened.


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not work with dark mode