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The Villain’s Wife Chapter 170

Chapter 169 Walk Down the Aisle

July 25th, Monday

After the dinner at Qin Fei’s, Qin Mo decided that his daughter was right. He needed to train his only son for his future responsibility, and giving him the company while it’s booming would not make him grow and encounter challenges. So last Saturday, he decided to call a meeting to introduce this idea to his board of directors.

While most of them argued, some people were very supportive and found him to be reasonable. Surprisingly, even Zhuo Jingren’s appointed director agreed to have Liwei as the new CEO of Qin Industries. Of course, this did not mean that Qin Liwei would run the company without training. It was agreed that he would intern under his father first before taking up the job as his assistant and eventually the VP. Of course, after Qin Mo stepped down, the company would be handed to his son immediately.

When Lily heard about this development, she let out a laugh before shaking her head. As expected of Tang Lingyun and Qin Fei, they were able to convince Qin Mo to make Qin Liwei the new CEO of Qin Industries.

“President, are we going to proceed with the plan?” Yang Mi respectfully asked.

“Do it right after the launch on the first of August, my father’s birthday. It will be an excellent birthday present for him and his family,” Lily answered. A knock echoed inside her office, and Daohu arrived with a group of people. He then gave Lily a low bow.

“Madam, these are President Zhuo’s people. They will take your measurements for the launch.” Lily’s raised her eyebrows when she heard his words. What measurements? Just last night, Fernando sent her a group of gowns, she even showed them to Zhuo Jingren.

“Hold on, let me…” Lily did not even finish her sentence before her phone vibrated. She immediately answered it, knowing it would be her husband. This was his style after all.

“I sent a group of people to take your measurements,” Zhuo Jingren said, his tone light.

“I already have something to wear.”

“Don’t like it,” Zhuo Jingren said shortly. “The yellow gown was too skimpy.”

“It is an inch above my knee,” She rebutted before rolling her eyes. “And the blue one?”

“Too traditional.”

“That’s a Cheongsam. Of course, it’s traditional,” Lily reasoned.

“The other one was too… robotic.”

“Robotic? What kind of description is that?”

“Fernando’s style is edgy, which will not suit the event. Go ahead and have them take measurements. You can see your new gown tomorrow,” he assured her. Helplessness flashed on Lily’s face. She wanted to argue that it would only waste her time as she already had something to wear, but she already knew her husband’s tendency to smooth his way out of everything.

“Plus, I need your measurements for the wedding gown that I…” Lily’s mind instantly blanked out when she heard the word ‘wedding gown’.

“I’m sorry? What did you say?”

“I said your wedding gown would be made in Italy. Is there something wrong? Would you prefer it if Fernando designed it for you?”

“I… uh…” Lily was speechless. They were talking about the event, how could this man suddenly talk about wedding gowns?

“Or is it that you don’t want to walk down the aisle with me?”

“Of course I want to!” Lily’s quick answer surprised her. She immediately looked at everyone and signaled for them to leave her. “I mean…”

“I heard it. No need to explain. I lied, they are not there for the wedding gown but glad to know that you like the idea. I will let you see the designs later on. I want a cerulean motif, maybe even tangerine. What is your favorite color? I remember you like yellow? Do you still…”

“Jingren, stop!” Lily interrupted him. He was talking too fast; Lily did not hear the rest of his words.

“Sorry. I got excited. Alright, I will see you later at lunch. Go ahead and have them take your measurements.” He instantly cut the call without waiting for Lily to say a word. In response, Lily stared at her phone with an unfathomable look on her face. She did not know if she wanted to laugh or cry. It was apparent that Zhuo Jingren was nervous.

However, she was quick to commend the latter’s effort to scheme against her. Her husband seemed to have become bolder as the days passed. Unknowingly, a small smile escaped her lips as she thought about her own words earlier. Zhuo Jingren really could make her blurt out her feelings. And to be honest, she quite liked it.

“Let them come in.” She pressed the office phone that was connected to Yang Mi’s table outside of her office. Lily was sure that the only reason Zhuo Jingren asked his team to have her measurements taken was to open up the topic about a wedding dress and of course, a wedding ceremony. However, she was stupefied that he hadn’t asked her this question face to face.

Is it because he was afraid that he would faint if Lily agreed to his plans? ‘How comical.’ Lily let out a low chuckle while placing her phone down. She then rose from her seat and asked Zhuo Jingren’s people to start taking her measurements.

Lily’s conjecture was right. Zhuo Jingren was too nervous to ask her for a wedding ceremony and chose this way to open up the topic.

After dropping the call, Zhuo Jingren immediately drank the bottled water placed on his table. A drop of sweat could be seen on his forehead. He was tense, alright?

He was so nervous he could feel his hands shake when Lily blurted out that she wanted to have a wedding ceremony as well.

“Secretary Go, give another batch of red envelopes to everyone,” he said, pressing the office phone. 

Zhuo Jingren always dreamed of giving Qin Jinghua a beautiful wedding. However, what happened right now is a little bit different than what he previously had in his mind. Not that he is complaining. He already accomplished the most important part of his dream – making Lily his wife.

He then rose from his seat and walked out of his office. He immediately saw his secretary giving orders to the people under him.

“President, it’s done.” Secretary Go approached him after passing down Zhuo Jingren’s orders.

“Alright,” he nodded. “Let’s go to the orphanage,” he said curtly before walking towards the elevator. He needed someone to help him plan all this. Zhuo Jingren knew he couldn’t mess this up, ah.


On the outskirts of Hong Kong City, a white Mercedes was parked next to a dilapidated building.

“Are you sure that no one will know about this?” A man in a tux asked the bald, middle-aged man across him.

“Of course, Mister. I assure you. My men are all professionals. We do not make mistakes. All of our targets were high profile individuals, and though some of them survived, they were too damaged to even open their eyes.” A smug smile escaped his lips.

“I will trust you on this. Here is the plate number of the car as well as all of the information about the matter. Make it clean.” The man in the tux offered a thick envelope.

In response, the bald man immediately smiled as he counted the cash inside the envelope. “This is two times the amount that we agreed on?”

“This is because we want the target alive. A little bruise would be perfect. Just make sure that the target won’t leave the hospital for a day or two.”

“Is that all?” the bald man raised an eyebrow.

“Yes. You can go now.” The bald man immediately grinned at him before stepping out of the car. Seeing the other skip away happily made Li Tian Ya’s sneer. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

“Madam, it’s done,” he said, his tone respectful.

“Got it,” a cold voice responded before the call ended. A small smile escaped Li Tian Ya’s face as he ordered the driver to leave the place. The madam was such a ruthless woman, but she always preferred him to handle things discreetly. She always hated to dirty her hands with the blood of her enemies.

A small smile escaped his lips as he thought about his rewards once this mission was complete. Would the madam grant another one of his requests? Anticipation instantly shone through his eyes as he eyed the duffel bag next to him. Should he buy a new cuff? Or a new bondage kit?

The Villain’s Wife

The Villain’s Wife

Status: Completed Author:

There is no RAPE or MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDINGS. WARNING: FL is scheming and evil.

Like almost every dramatic romance novel, Lily Qin’s story began with an evil stepmother, a scheming stepsister, and a dumb ex-fiance. At twenty, she fell prey to their grand scheme and became the laughingstock of the country. In despair, she left.

Seven years later, Lily Qin rose from the ashes.

She was labeled as an empress, an iron lady, a genius, and a prodigy. She was Miss Tycoon.

Now, at twenty-seven, Lily Qin was an established businesswoman who was single-handedly controlling her multinational company abroad. She was beautiful, smart, and successful. Women envied her while men couldn’t help but worship her ethereal beauty.

With her devastating past, everyone had assumed that Lily would exact revenge on the people who had wronged her. Who would have guessed that behind that beaming smile of hers was a numb heart that aimed only to make more profit?

"You got it wrong." Lily elegantly propped her chin on the back of her hand. "I am seeing you today because we have something in common. We're both villains in somebody else's eyes. And I think it's time for us villains to get our own happy ending. Don't you think so?"


Zhuo Jingren’s love for Lily Qin was something that only he knew. Ever since they were children, he had his eyes on her. Yet, every time he had tried to confess, he would end up fainting from nervousness.

So when Lily Qin promised to marry him if he became richer than her, Zhou Jingren did not hesitate to leave the orphanage and work his way up just to become her man.

Who would have thought that years later, when he was successful and feared by many, he would come back to an engaged Lily Qin?

Then she mistook him for an escort after eating his tofu? Preposterous!

The worst thing was, she seemed to have forgotten everything about him. Hadn’t she promised to marry him the moment he became more prominent than her family? Now, after taking advantage of him, she dared to run away?

This woman was a liar!

He gritted his teeth as he watched her approach him. He was about to say something mean when she suddenly spoke. “Are you my new bodyguard?” She did not even wait for him to answer before tossing her car keys at him. “Drive. Let’s go wreak some havoc.”

Thus, the mafia’s big boss became Lily Qin’s bodyguard.


"So? What do you want as a compensation?" Zhuo Jingren asked her once again before laying down next to her. His elbow was resting on the ground and his palm was supporting his head as he looked at her intently.

The first thing that Lily noticed about Zhuo Jingren when he laid next to her was his exposed tanned chest. This made him look more casual… and hot. She didn't even realize she was staring at the latter.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He smirked at her. "Do you want me to compensate you with my body?"

Lily immediately rolled her eyes at the latter. "Who wants your body? Hmp! I want money!"

"Your mind is always thinking of money but your body actually betrays you. Am I right to say that I have a shameless wife?"

"Hah! I am a strong and independent woman of the 21st century. I know what I want. But if you insist on giving your body, I will take it too!" Lily shamelessly said, taking off her stilettos. However, just when Lily was about to lie down beside Zhuo Jingren, he suddenly pulled her on top of him. With her body on top of his, their faces were really close and they could even feel each other's breath.

"What a shameless woman," he noted, the smile on his face only deepened.


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not work with dark mode