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The Villain’s Wife Chapter 12

Chapter 11 Her Biggest Mistake

“I want to know that woman’s identity as soon as possible!” Qin Fei demanded, she was about to explode with rage. She pouted and crossed her arms in front of her. That woman actually dared to decline the offer. In rejecting Yan Guang’s proposal, she was either stupid or very stupid!

“Fei Fei… calm down. This will affect the baby,” Xuan Hui said with gentleness. He put aside the irritation he felt from the incident earlier and tried to pacify his wife. He was very familiar with his wife’s temper. Although Qin Fei might look kind and gentle on the outside, Xuan Hui knew that the real her was nothing like the persona she portrayed to the outside world and especially to her fans.

Qin Fei was vicious and scheming. She was also insecure and jealous. Yet, Xuan Hui loved everything about this woman. Especially now that she was pregnant with their first child.

Xuan Hui stroked his wife’s back slowly and gently. “Don’t worry too much about it. I will put that woman in her place and show her why I am feared in the industry.”

“You better!” Qin Fei scoffed. “Hmp! She is nothing but a small business owner! Yet, how dare she bare her fangs at me? Me, of all people?”

Xuan Hui patiently listened to his wife’s rants, and waited for her to calm down. Sometimes he couldn’t help but wonder and ask himself exactly which part of Qin Fei he loved. She was not virtuous nor kind, so how did Xuan Hui ended up liking her over his mild and docile ex-fiancée before?

Right, Qin Fei was the exact opposite of the submissive Qin Jinghua. Qin Fei was feisty, her cunningness and sharp tongue was what attracted Xuan Hui. Her arrogance and domineering attitude was the reason why Xuan Hui paid more attention to her.

Memories flooded Xuan Hui’s mind as he thought about Qin Jinghua’s unfortunate fate. Qin Jinghua crossed Qin Fei and her step-mother and because of that, it was fated that she had to fall from grace, way before that incident, seven years ago. It didn’t happen earlier because her grandmother, the Matriarch of the Qin family, was always there to back her up. That was why Qin Fei and her mother, Tang Lingyun, devised a plan to render the Matriarch of the Qin family useless.

Xuan Hui could only sigh at Qin Jinghua’s sad ending. Seven years ago, they drugged Qin Jinghua with a drug that would lower her inhibition. The intent was for Qin Jinghua to create some ruckus in front of the media and tarnish her reputation as a prim and proper eldest miss of the Qin family. Then, Xuan Hui would use this as an excuse to break off the engagement with her.

Who would have thought that she would end up in a bar, seduce some random man and even got photographed passionately kissing the man? This was something that even the scheming Tang Lingyun never expected.

When the ruthless Tang Lingyun got a hold of this information, she immediately tried to use this opportunity to get Qin Jinghua’s ten percent share in the Qin family’s business. Tang Lingyun and Qin Fei had meticulously planned out everything to ruin the eldest miss of the Qin Family. And they succeeded.

But Xuan Hui would never blame his wife and mother-in-law for wronging Qin Jinghua. After all, in the world of the rich and influential, backstabbing for the sake of money and power was a common phenomenon. It was normal for people with less influence to be thrown away like a rug once they had outlived their usefulness. Qin Jinghua was born weak. And that was her biggest mistake.

For everyone involved in that scheme, the only regret they had was that they were not able to obtain Qin Jinghua’s signature for the transfer of the shares. This was because, she disappeared right after she was admitted to the mental facility. Everyone failed to find her.

“Speaking of which, clear your schedule this monday. The lawyer will be reading late Grandmother’s last will.” Qin Fei’s beautiful face slowly turned into a scowl. “I am so irritated at this arrangement. It is obvious that I will get everything. I don’t even think there is a need to disturb my filming to attend this reading,” Qin Fei said. “My schedule is already full yet that damn lawyer had told my father that it was absolutely necessary for me to attend. He also said that Qin Jinghua is coming!”

“Qin Jinghua?” Xuan Hui blurted as a flash of surprise glinted in his eyes. “The lawyer found her?”

“Not the lawyer. It was late Grandmother. Apparently, she had found Qin Jinghua years ago but did not tell anyone about it. That old woman was truly stupid. If she was that adamant on protecting Qin Jinghua, then why have the lawyer call Qin Jinghua out upon her death?” Qin Fei sneered. “Did she think her soul could protect her favorite granddaughter?”

“Maybe she wanted to leave some assets for Qin Jinghua.”

“Impossible. If that happens, it would only attract Mother’s ire. If that old woman truly cares about Qin Jinghua, then she would leave her with nothing but some charity of a hundred thousand dollars in a bank account,” Qin Fei said before stifling a yawn. “Either way, I am still eager to see how that woman looks now. She ran away seven years ago without anything. No money, no clothing. I wonder how she could have survived until now.”

Qin Fei then leaned towards her husband and closed her eyes. Qin Jinghua was nothing in her eyes. She was insignificant like the dust on the ground to her. To Qin Fei, Qin Jinghua and her waitress mother were not even fit to clean her shoes.

Meanwhile, Xuan Hui fell into a deep thought at Qin Fei’s words. Qin Jinghua was back? And according to his wife, she was still alive and well. That was something that Xuan Hui did not expect.

When Qin Jinghua disappeared seven years ago, everyone assumed that she ran away in shame. Qin Fei and her mother even asked people to check the morgue in the country every now and then to see if Qin Jinghua’s body would suddenly turn up.

Everyone expected that Qin Jinghua would die or suffer a misfortune sooner or later. Yet, time passed, and nothing of that sort happened. Eventually, everyone got tired of waiting and slowly forgot about her.

Not that he cared about all this.

Xuan Hui never liked Qin Jinghua. He respected her before, but that vanished when she hid the fact that she had slept with another man and even tried to move forward the wedding. Xuan Hui understood that Qin Jinghua was only using him to move out of the Qin family.

To Xuan Hui, she was a despicable woman who wanted to use him to change her status.

The Villain’s Wife

The Villain’s Wife

Status: Completed Author:

There is no RAPE or MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDINGS. WARNING: FL is scheming and evil.

Like almost every dramatic romance novel, Lily Qin’s story began with an evil stepmother, a scheming stepsister, and a dumb ex-fiance. At twenty, she fell prey to their grand scheme and became the laughingstock of the country. In despair, she left.

Seven years later, Lily Qin rose from the ashes.

She was labeled as an empress, an iron lady, a genius, and a prodigy. She was Miss Tycoon.

Now, at twenty-seven, Lily Qin was an established businesswoman who was single-handedly controlling her multinational company abroad. She was beautiful, smart, and successful. Women envied her while men couldn’t help but worship her ethereal beauty.

With her devastating past, everyone had assumed that Lily would exact revenge on the people who had wronged her. Who would have guessed that behind that beaming smile of hers was a numb heart that aimed only to make more profit?

"You got it wrong." Lily elegantly propped her chin on the back of her hand. "I am seeing you today because we have something in common. We're both villains in somebody else's eyes. And I think it's time for us villains to get our own happy ending. Don't you think so?"


Zhuo Jingren’s love for Lily Qin was something that only he knew. Ever since they were children, he had his eyes on her. Yet, every time he had tried to confess, he would end up fainting from nervousness.

So when Lily Qin promised to marry him if he became richer than her, Zhou Jingren did not hesitate to leave the orphanage and work his way up just to become her man.

Who would have thought that years later, when he was successful and feared by many, he would come back to an engaged Lily Qin?

Then she mistook him for an escort after eating his tofu? Preposterous!

The worst thing was, she seemed to have forgotten everything about him. Hadn’t she promised to marry him the moment he became more prominent than her family? Now, after taking advantage of him, she dared to run away?

This woman was a liar!

He gritted his teeth as he watched her approach him. He was about to say something mean when she suddenly spoke. “Are you my new bodyguard?” She did not even wait for him to answer before tossing her car keys at him. “Drive. Let’s go wreak some havoc.”

Thus, the mafia’s big boss became Lily Qin’s bodyguard.


"So? What do you want as a compensation?" Zhuo Jingren asked her once again before laying down next to her. His elbow was resting on the ground and his palm was supporting his head as he looked at her intently.

The first thing that Lily noticed about Zhuo Jingren when he laid next to her was his exposed tanned chest. This made him look more casual… and hot. She didn't even realize she was staring at the latter.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He smirked at her. "Do you want me to compensate you with my body?"

Lily immediately rolled her eyes at the latter. "Who wants your body? Hmp! I want money!"

"Your mind is always thinking of money but your body actually betrays you. Am I right to say that I have a shameless wife?"

"Hah! I am a strong and independent woman of the 21st century. I know what I want. But if you insist on giving your body, I will take it too!" Lily shamelessly said, taking off her stilettos. However, just when Lily was about to lie down beside Zhuo Jingren, he suddenly pulled her on top of him. With her body on top of his, their faces were really close and they could even feel each other's breath.

"What a shameless woman," he noted, the smile on his face only deepened.


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not work with dark mode