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The Village Girl Who Jinxes Her Husband Is Filthy Rich Chapter 432

Chapter 431 - Jiang Zhennan's Opportunity

“No, I don’t know.” Gu Sanniang shouted, “get lost. I’m going out to work.”

Lin Yuelan ‘obediently’ stepped aside and made way for Gu Sanniang.

Gu Sanniang was stunned for a moment. Then, she picked up the hoe and planned to leave in a hurry.

“Auntie Gu, be careful out there.” Lin Yuelan said softly from behind her.

Gu Sanniang panicked. She turned around abruptly and asked loudly, “what do you mean by this?”

Lin Yuelan shrugged her shoulders and chuckled, “I just care about you. If you fall and break an arm or leg, it’ll be a big deal.”

As she spoke, she had already left Gu Sanniang’s side, leaving the other villagers to be shocked.

Next, she went to Lin Chong’s house.

Lin Chong and his wife had gone to work, leaving Er Gouzi and Lin Chong’s mother to tidy up the vegetables in the yard.

Hearing someone knocking on the door, Er Gouzi’s grandmother told Er Gouzi, who was catching bugs, “Er Gouzi, go and open the door.”

Er Gouzi threw the vegetable bugs he had caught into the henhouse and went to open the door.

However, when he opened the door and saw the person knocking on the door, he immediately turned pale with fright.” Ghost! Go away. I didn’t mean to kill you. Don’t come looking for me. Go look for Yan Mao ‘Er, go look for Ying Zi… Grandma, I’m so scared!”

When Lin Chong’s mother heard her second grandson’s scream, she immediately panicked and ran out. When she saw Lin Yuelan standing in front of her house, her face turned ugly, and she shouted, “what are you doing here? Haven’t you harmed our family enough?”

Lin Yuelan rolled her eyes and was speechless. ‘These people have the same lines.’

However, at this moment, Lin Yuelan’s expression was cold and stern. She said sarcastically, “Grandma Lin, you really know how to distort the truth. It was Er Gouzi who killed me. I haven’t even settled the score with you, but you’re already blaming me.”

Lin Chong’s mother said resentfully, “if you hadn’t scared my Er Guozi, would he have become like this?”

After Lin Yuelan came back from the ‘dead’, Er Gouzi stumbled back home. Because of the shock, he had a high fever that night and became a little silly. He couldn’t remember anything and could only smile when he saw people. Chong Lin’s family was angry, distressed, and helpless. The doctor said that no matter how much money they spent, it was impossible to cure him. Besides, their family didn’t have that much money to treat Er Gouzi.

Their family was worried and afraid of losing face, so they had to ask Lin Chong’s mother to keep an eye on Er Gouzi every day. As for what happened to Er Gouzi, only a few people in the village knew.

However, this time, Lin Yuelan had suddenly come to visit, and Er Gouzi’s condition was revealed to all. And Er Gouzi seemed to have become worse. That was why Lin Chong’s mother held such great resentment toward Lin Yuelan.

However, Lin Yuelan sneered and said, “why is it that only your Er Gouzi is allowed to kill people, and I’m not allowed to scare him? Did you hear what he shouted just now? He said he didn’t mean to kill me on purpose. Grandma Lin, these words should be clear to everyone present. ”

At this moment, Lin Yuelan moved aside so that Lin Chong’s mother could see the group of people standing outside.

When Lin Chong’s mother saw the crowd outside, her face turned pale with fright. Just as she was about to say something …

“Why don’t we go to the court and find out whether Er Gouzi’s crime is more serious or whether mine is more serious?” Lin Yuelan continued.

Lin Chong’s mother’s face immediately turned pale with anger when she heard Lin Yuelan. She asked loudly, “then what are you doing here?”

Lin Yuelan smiled and said, “I have a clear purpose for coming here. Tell Uncle Lin Chong that I wish to buy your family’s land.”

“Why should we sell our land to you?” Lin Chong’s mother was unconvinced and said, “it’s our land, so what if we don’t want to sell it? What can you do?”

Lin Yuelan glanced at Er Gouzi, who was curled up in a corner, holding his head and trembling all over. She said, “If you want Er Gouzi to continue to be like this, then carry on.”

The Village Girl Who Jinxes Her Husband Is Filthy Rich

The Village Girl Who Jinxes Her Husband Is Filthy Rich

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
Lin Xinlan, who possessed both spatial and wood manipulation abilities, was betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend. They had drugged her and sent her to a laboratory to become a test specimen all for the sake of a month’s worth of food supply. Having suffered both physical and mental torture, she chose to self-destruct, taking the lab researchers down with her! When she woke up again, she found herself in another era as a twelve-year-old girl named Lin Yuelan.When Lin Yuelan was nine years old, a Taoist who had been begging for water asserted that she would grow up to jinx her husband! Rumors spread and the assertion of her jinxing her husband turned into jinxing her parents, to her relatives, then her friends, and eventually she was said to be a jinx of the world. Her grandparents, uncles, and awful relatives were terrified of being jinxed to death, so they resolutely severed ties with nine-year-old Lin Yuelan. They removed her from the family register and made her live on her own. Her foolish father had obeyed the clan’s wishes, her mother was a crying mess, and her siblings couldn’t do anything to help. Being separated from the family at nine years old, she was given a shabby and shaky little hut, one paddy field, and two dry fields as severance compensation. From then on, the Lin family had nothing to do with Lin Yuelan, and Lin Yuelan became a girl with no background. She warily reached the age of twelve, but accidentally offended the village’s bully. The bully’s comrade eventually beat her to death, and that allowed Lin Xinlan to transmigrate onto her.“I have spatial abilities, and the world will be mine! Watch as I, Lin Xinlan, command authority wherever I go, and become a supreme being!”


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