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The God Virus Chapter 419

Chapter 418 WAIT!

Chapter 418: WAIT!

Woosh! Whoosh~


Several ice shards instantly pierced through the targeted bear’s flesh, successfully injuring it as a result while its fur began bleeding on those particular areas in a nonstop and fatal manner.

Next, a new set of hovering ice took shape around her as she swung her arms once more, forcing them into the roaring bear-in-pain.

Coincidentally, one of the shards sank into the bear’s eyes as it went ahead and penetrated its brain, resulting in the instant death of the creature.

Meanwhile, watching the sweat-filled foreheads of Thread-Mistress and the so-called Frost, Virus merely continued observing them. ‘They seem to be fatigued and depleted already… the Thread-Mistress due to restraining the monsters until now, and Ella due to her own special trait… hmm.’

Simultaneously, producing a new group of ice, Frost started attacking his second target. And by the time she had launched her second attack, the second bear was already dead.

“F-Frost, I’ve been constraining them all for far too long, you’d have to deal with the other two by yourself.” After seeing the second bear dead, the Thread-Mistress’s nigh-invisible threads seemed to have lost their might as they disappeared gradually and that freed the monsters.

“N-No problem!” Exclaimed Ella in determination, however, seeing her breathing with some difficulty, it was clear she was also somewhat struggling with the situation.

Nonetheless, raising her arms, she was just about to put the third bear to eternal rest, when abruptly, Virus took shape between the two remaining bears as he went ahead and shattered their skulls one after another.

“Eh… didn’t you say you’ll leave those four bears to us, you perverted bastard! What’s the meaning of this!?” Annoyed, exclaimed the Thread-Mistress immediately as she jumped to conclude the possible connotations behind this act of this man which she still deemed nothing but a pervert that would take advantage of a lady at any chance he got.

“Haha, see? I knew something like this would happen! As expected of a loser like him. He didn’t deserve your assistance from the beginning, that’s why I told you not to help!” In the meantime, Reign, who had been watching everything quietly until now, as if he had finally found his chance, started talking as he ridiculed and branded Virus as a loser.

Deciding to ignore Reign for now, however, the Thread-Mistress patiently waited for Virus’s anticipated justification as she felt like he was at least entitled to that. However, no matter how long she waited, no such a thing happened as Virus simply closed both his eyelids as a satisfied expression took shape over his face. He seemed to be even enjoying the entire development.

Seeing his satisfied look, however, made the Thread-Mistress misunderstand the situation even further as she yelled in anger, “You perverted bastard! You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? You enjoy abusing others, right?! Just like when you kiss-” When she reached the final part of her sentence though, a blush formed on her cheeks as she was no longer capable of continuing with her words.

On the other hand, a rueful glimmer was clear on Ella’s face as she also recalled that particular scene she had witnessed over the television years ago, the scene of Dark Savior kissing the Thread-Mistress before the eyes of the entire world.

Of course, going back to Virus, obviously, he wasn’t feeling pleasure due to stealing the bears, but because the fusion rate within his second currently-forming synthesized passage had started reacting and rising once again.

48%, 49%, 50%…

Finally, only when the bar hit 58% did the increment stop.

‘Hmm, I’m now in the intermediate phase of the 2nd level of Liberation. Regrettably though, just as I thought, it seems to be getting harder and harder to progress…’ Unfortunately, just as this notion passed through his mind as he continued trying to order his discoveries together, a feminine voice which was clearly extremely angered forced him out of his contemplation.

“Are you ignoring me, perverted bastard! Is this your way of dealing with any situation that proves disfavorable to you!?” This vexed voice of interruption obviously belonged to the Thread-Mistress who kept lashing at the quiet Virus.

“Ahhh, you’re so loud and fucking annoying, woman! You just won’t let me concentrate for a single moment, will ya!?” Helpless, the dark-haired youth, DS, mouthed at last.

“W-What… I-I’m a-annoying? Y-Y-You!” Greatly exasperated at this point, the Thread-Mistress was truly speechless.

First, he had stolen the shares and monsters they were promised with. Then, when she had demanded an explanation, he had just gone silent entirely!

Not only that, he even had the audacity of showing a happy face as he was clearly enjoying the entire situation while ignoring her.

But now, when she at least wanted him to try justifying himself, he called her ‘annoying’. All of this was now making the Thread-Mistress feel very wronged.

“Yes, you! If you had just shut up and stayed quiet for a while until I’m finished thinking, I would’ve informed you that all of the carcasses, even those that were killed by me, are yours to do as you desire… but you just wouldn’t shut up and let me think in peace.” Answered the Dark Savior with a flustered frown still apparent on his forehead.

This answer made the Thread-Mistress a little stunned as she was feeling even more confused and wronged now. “How do you expect someone to not misunderstand a situation like that! Moreover, why would you need to think for so long! It was clearly a case where anyone would come to misunderstand naturally!” However, although her mouth was uttering those words as she still sounded upset, unconsciously, she began seeing Virus in a more positive light as her tone was also clearly much softer compared to the past.

“Forget it…” Shaking his head, however, not wanting to argue any further, Virus simply ended the topic before vanishing from their sight in flash.

Appearing beside the motionless corpses of the two humanoid bees next, without any delay whatsoever, he went ahead and extracted the two Red-Crystals from within their bodies.

“Since you two were helpful indeed, everything else here other than these two Red-Crystals belongs to you now, do with them as you see fit. Goodbye.” Having already said everything that needs to be said, his figure… disappeared.


The God Virus

The God Virus

Status: Ongoing Author:

[What happens when a genderless Artificial Intelligence which is proclaimed as one of the worst in mankind's history travels back in time from the unreachable future and makes itself a true body?]

[Will it struggle in its new life? Maybe just be bored into madness?]

[Will it experience new feelings and things it never did previously, now that it has a true body? Love maybe? If so, what kind of Love?]

[What Will its choices be as an entity with a monstrous amount of knowledge? Will it choose the path of a King who rules over all? Or a Demon that does as it wishes? Or maybe an entirely New Path altogether?]

[What Will it do when worlds clash with each other? And to what ultimate destination Will it truly strive for?]

'The first person I witnessed when I came to this world was him... the first person I thought of was ... him.'

"I always had you in my heart... why aren't you choosing me? I love you so much that the word LOVE can't even begin to describe what I feel anymore... BUT WHY?" She yelled with tears rolling down her face, just to see...

'The moment my eyes fell on him, time stopped, everything went quiet, and I knew immediately... that he was THE ONE for me...'

"Do you truly love me? Even though we are together... I never heard the word LOVE voiced by your lips at me..." ANOTHER voiced gently, only to hear...

This is the story of a choice filled with twists, and decisions an Artificial Intelligence who travels to our current time from the long forgotten future has to make after creating itself a true body which slowly begins to change him forever!

This is a story of striving for the... ULTIMATE DESTINATION!

A story made by the fusion of Sci-fi with the Fantasy and Romance genre.

If you are looking for a story different than most with endless possibilities, which has True Love, Advanced Technology, Unique Cultivation Mixed with Science, Multiverse, Developing ..., Different Civilizations, Twists, Characters, World Plot, etc. Then, this story is probably for you. Give it a try and sink in.

- - - - - - -

《An Artificial Intelligence or a Human Being... Which one am I? Maybe both? Or maybe neither?》

《Love of the Artificial Intelligence or the Human Being?》

《From the forgotten Future to the far long known Past...》

《A path to 'GODHOOD'... Cultivation? or Science and Technology? I wonder... which path will lead me THERE?》

《Let's play as I please to stop being bored into madness in this Limitless World.》

《Come with me to this Journey to the UNKNOWN and BEYOND.》

- - - - - - -

Release rate: 7 Chapters/week

The bonus system works with the [Power Ranking] according to the following guide:

[Power Ranking] under 50= 1 Bonus Chapter
[Power Ranking] under 40= 2 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 30= 3 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 20= 5 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 10= 7 Bonus Chapters
***The [Power Ranking] will only be checked at the last moment before the power ranking resets at the end of every week and the [Bonus Chapters] will be released during the following week.***


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not work with dark mode