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The God Virus Chapter 365

364 A Silly Girl

Nevertheless, shaking her head, she rejected his offer gratefully, “No. You’ve helped me a great deal by giving me the Red-Crystal already. And… I can’t depend on you forever. So… I’ll handle my issues myself from now on.”

Hearing this, while staring into her determined eyes, Virus remained silent for an entire minute with his thoughts unknown to everyone but himself.

“W-what? Why are you looking at me that way?” Noticing his somewhat heated stare, Hu Yuexin could only feel awkward about the entire situation.

And it was exactly at this point, when, standing up from his seat and bringing his face right above hers, he simply whispered, “You realize losing the Red-Crystal does not nullify our private contract, right? The deal is still in effect.”

A shade of red covering her cheeks from the closeness of their faces, the Chinese beauty was about to look away feeling shy. But before she could do that, grabbing her chin forcefully, Virus declared “seriously though, you’re mine. Don’t forget that.” before engulfing her wounded cherry lips on his own.

“Mmnh-” totally caught off-guard by his unexpected act of kissing like always, Hu Yuexin struggled trying to catch her breath. She was short of breath since her mouth was sealed entirely.

This situation continued for some time when, at last, successfully pushing him away, she desperately inhaled oxygen while muttering, “Hee…haaa… I-I know. I’m… not that shameless. I’m a woman of my word.”

Tilting his head forward, Virus expressed his satisfaction, “Good girl.”

Recalling something else, he went on, “Oh, that makes me remember… I saw that your son has leukemia cancer, moreover, it was written down that the disease likely passed on from his mother to him while giving birth. Is that true? You have leukemia?”

“How do you know?! Who told you that?” Thunderstruck at the mention of him knowing about his son and his detailed condition, she could only question out loud.

‘Well, since this hospital isn’t where your son’s been originally hospitalized in and since they were asking what’s wrong with your son, I had to hack into that other hospital’s database and read through some of his basic information.’ This notion flickered through his head, but of course, he didn’t admit that out loud. Instead, he manipulated the truth slightly and uttered, “I have my connections.”

And indeed, he had his connections. Direct connections to the entire planet.

“I see…” Leaning inwardly, Hu Yuexin wasn’t surprised by his response. Rich people had their own special methods of getting their hands on the information they needed.

Anyway, being reminded of her son’s disease forced a painful expression to show up on Hu Yuexin’s face.

Meanwhile, noticing her downcast and disheartened behavior, knitting his furrow, he asked, “What is it? Are you dying too?”

Displaying a bitter smile at this point, shaking her head, she started clarifying, “It’s not like that. I’ve never told this to anyone else… but since you helped me a lot. I’ll tell you.”

Taking a deep breath at this point, she revealed, “Actually… I’m not my child’s birth mother.”

“Huh? What do you mean? He looks so much like you, there’s no way he’s not-” Before he could finish, however, Hu Yuexin interrupted, “The reason there are so many similarities between our features is that… he’s actually my sister’s child who died a few years ago. I’m his aunt.”

Not pausing at all, she went on, “After giving birth, the doctors realized my sister had leukemia… even worse, she didn’t have much time to live.”

“Hmm, that’s so unfortunate. But why are you acting like his mother then? Are you not gonna tell him about his birth mother?” Befuddled by everything, Virus questioned.

Letting out a helpless sigh to that, she replied while shaking her head, “I can’t. Because… my sister’s last wish, her only request for me, was to raise him as his real mother. She didn’t want him to grow up without both of his parents. She wanted him to at least have his mother.” By now, her eyes had long gone red due to heartache.

“Oh… so that’s what’s going on.” To be truthful, this revelation had blown Virus’ mind away. This was totally unexpected for Virus.

Unable to control herself at last, the Chinese beauty started shedding tears while confessing further, “B-but, sob, a few months after her death, I discovered her disease had passed on to my baby too. The doctors s-said… the disease is most likely to have passed on at the time of his b-birth… Boohoo…”

While patting her head gently, he comforted, “I understand. You’ve had it really tough, haven’t you? Good job. Good job. You’ve been great at this.”

Finally being told these few simple words which she was dying to hear from anyone for a long time, no longer able to remain strong, throwing herself into his arms, she began wailing, “Ahhhh…”

After she was done crying her eyes out, Virus decided to sit there for some time. Around an hour later, after a simple peck on her forehead, he left the hospital.

Before leaving, he didn’t forget to notify her that the hospital will be transferring both of them to her son’s original hospital. Of course, while on his way outside, he casually paid every expense to the hospital.

He, to some degree, had also hesitated on whether to deal with Fan Tong right there and then. However, recalling that resolve shimmering within Hu Yuexin’s eyes when she rejected his assistance, he in the end couldn’t bring himself to deal with that trash personally. On the contrary, he was now looking forward to what was going to happen later on with burning enthusiasm.

In all fairness, after getting to know her and her complicated situation better, Virus was feeling slightly complex inside.

Before, without any background checking, he assumed her to be a single mother who had probably screwed around with someone, leading her to be pregnant with a child. But now, after getting a rough picture of her unfortunate circumstances, he realized it was anything but that.

“What a silly woman… no, what a silly girl.” He muttered while driving back to the hotel.

The God Virus

The God Virus

Status: Ongoing Author:

[What happens when a genderless Artificial Intelligence which is proclaimed as one of the worst in mankind's history travels back in time from the unreachable future and makes itself a true body?]

[Will it struggle in its new life? Maybe just be bored into madness?]

[Will it experience new feelings and things it never did previously, now that it has a true body? Love maybe? If so, what kind of Love?]

[What Will its choices be as an entity with a monstrous amount of knowledge? Will it choose the path of a King who rules over all? Or a Demon that does as it wishes? Or maybe an entirely New Path altogether?]

[What Will it do when worlds clash with each other? And to what ultimate destination Will it truly strive for?]

'The first person I witnessed when I came to this world was him... the first person I thought of was ... him.'

"I always had you in my heart... why aren't you choosing me? I love you so much that the word LOVE can't even begin to describe what I feel anymore... BUT WHY?" She yelled with tears rolling down her face, just to see...

'The moment my eyes fell on him, time stopped, everything went quiet, and I knew immediately... that he was THE ONE for me...'

"Do you truly love me? Even though we are together... I never heard the word LOVE voiced by your lips at me..." ANOTHER voiced gently, only to hear...

This is the story of a choice filled with twists, and decisions an Artificial Intelligence who travels to our current time from the long forgotten future has to make after creating itself a true body which slowly begins to change him forever!

This is a story of striving for the... ULTIMATE DESTINATION!

A story made by the fusion of Sci-fi with the Fantasy and Romance genre.

If you are looking for a story different than most with endless possibilities, which has True Love, Advanced Technology, Unique Cultivation Mixed with Science, Multiverse, Developing ..., Different Civilizations, Twists, Characters, World Plot, etc. Then, this story is probably for you. Give it a try and sink in.

- - - - - - -

《An Artificial Intelligence or a Human Being... Which one am I? Maybe both? Or maybe neither?》

《Love of the Artificial Intelligence or the Human Being?》

《From the forgotten Future to the far long known Past...》

《A path to 'GODHOOD'... Cultivation? or Science and Technology? I wonder... which path will lead me THERE?》

《Let's play as I please to stop being bored into madness in this Limitless World.》

《Come with me to this Journey to the UNKNOWN and BEYOND.》

- - - - - - -

Release rate: 7 Chapters/week

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[Power Ranking] under 50= 1 Bonus Chapter
[Power Ranking] under 40= 2 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 30= 3 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 20= 5 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 10= 7 Bonus Chapters
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not work with dark mode