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The God Virus Chapter 204

Volume 4 - Chapter 202: Processing

Picking up the Cold Dark Fungi which grew at the bottom of the gigantic frozen ices of the south pole, a very cold sensation transmitted into his palm, ‘So cold… if the current Earth discovers these simple-looking Fungi, it would be enough for at least two groundbreaking discoveries…’

By this point, some traces of frozen ice was showing up on his palm, so no longer waiting, he threw it inside the ‘MDA’ as he then closed its lid and then released his strange sense of awareness, which could cover a certain distance around him, inside the ‘MDA’.

Although he could clearly see the inside environment of the ‘MDA’ through its see-through glass, he still extended his awareness to cover all over it.

‘Hmm, good, like this, I can catch every little change occurring inside the ‘MDA’ without missing almost anything.’ As this notion went through his mind, strange-codes from an unknown language began to show up on the hovering 3D screen in front of him. These were the necessary codes for the adjustment of the ‘MDA’ for the manual control and a few other functions that didn’t need to be controlled manually in the procedure of this specific material.

‘Done.’ As this thought went through his head, in the space around the Fungi, a red flame began to lit and burn slowly as its intensity grew by every second. However, a mist-like gas was also released inside the closed-environment of the ‘MDA’ which gradually mixed with the red flame.

This flame was an ordinary red fire which was considered one of the weakest flames even to the current Earth.

At first, the flame was hardly visible, ‘526 °C… barely visible… I need more intensity.’ As this line appeared inside Virus’ head, the flame started to intensify as it turned dull red, ‘714 °C… need more’.

After that, the intensity grew even further as more of that mist-like gas also fused with the fire.

Finally, when the flame started to turn into a cherry-dull red in color, the Fungi began to show reaction as it began to steadily melt into a muddy-dark green liquid form.

Anyone watching this scene from the modern Earth would’ve been greatly surprised seeing this strange phenomenon in front of them. Because instead of burning the fungi, a simple flame was gently changing it into a form of liquid!

This strange occurrence was as a result of that mist-like gas mixing with fire, which took away the red flame’s capability of burning the fungi and instead made it extremely gentle without lowering or affecting its heat in the least. With this gentleness, if the degree of the flame required to utilize on each material was realized, anyone would be able to liquefy whatever plant they wanted in order to grasp their essence.

Moreover, what was shocking about this method of gathering the essence was that it could transform those ingredients in startling ways as even their qualities increased further.

‘All of it was successfully liquified… good! I had to change the degree of red fire in each and every single layer. Though even the most intense heat I needed was the cherry-clear red flame which is about 1000 °C… and so, even the most basic orange fire wasn’t required in the liquefying process…’ Analyzing inside his mind, he continued, ‘Now, I need to burn away the impurities remaining inside the liquid fungi and get closer to their true essence… this is even harder since I have to pay close attention to every minor detail in order to not burn away the essential pure liquid with the impurities too. At its hardest, the border between burning away the purity together with the impurities is only a single degree Celsius… though luckily it’s only like that for some incredibly difficult to purify ingredients and not this one.’ As he concluded inside himself, the flame actually began to grow more fierce as it changed into deep orange in color.

Then, at some point, the flame stabilized at the deep orange color as smoke began to rise inside the closed environment of the ‘MDA’ before disappearing. These smokes were the impurities being burned away from the green fungi liquid.

Five minutes later, a very bright green liquid which was as clear as water displayed itself in front of Virus. This was the sign that the first required ingredient for what he was about to create was successfully finished as it was already processed to its necessary degree. Even though a certain amount of impurities still existed inside the liquid fungi, Virus didn’t continue burning them away since not all impurities were useless.

‘Done! Now it’s the Golden Dried Sand Vine’s turn.’ Pondering this, he picked the next material which gave him a very crispy and warm feeling.

Afterward, repeating the previous process, Virus began to liquefy and then burn away the impurities in the Golden Dried Sand Vine. The only difference this time was that he had to utilize an even more strong flame throughout the process.

In the first liquefying phase, a deep orange flame around 1126 °C was required while in the purifying stage, the flame transformed into a clear orange color with 1241 °C of heat.

These repetitive steps continued as next the heart of the Sun Bone Fish and the Blue Rock Grass were also thrown into the ‘MDA’.

After that, throwing the Brisk Balance Fruit into the ‘MDA’, Virus continued. The final result of the Brisk Balance Fruit was a colorless essence which was astoundingly giving off a slight bright light from itself.

Next, it was the last ingredients turn to be processed, the Blue Flame Flower.

This was the most difficult ingredient for Virus to process and that’s why he left it for the last one. The difficulty for this flower lay in the fact that it was extremely difficult for it to be liquefied since it could endure even the extreme heat levels of the burning lava.

Ultimately, only by utilizing a white flame was he able to complete the procedure.

‘Phew, the first part is over… that took some energy even from me since I had to keep my awareness fully focused inside the ‘MDA’ on every minute changes throughout the whole operation.’ Thought Virus while cleaning a few beads of sweat which were about to roll down from his forehead.

Then, turning around toward the golden beauty, he uttered, “The first part is done Lil Belle, now I can rest before starting the second part. Can you please brew me some tea in the meantime?”

By now, she had already walked before him as she softly cleaned his forehead with a tissue and stated while wearing a crescent smile, “Sure, master. Please wait.”

Sometime later, she came back carrying a tea tray which had a teapot and a teacup on it.

“So master, I’m really curious, what were those different flames? How could they liquefy those ingredients?” While pouring him some tea from the teapot, the golden beauty inquired.

“Those flames? Oh, they were only natural flames… they could only temporarily have the attribute of liquefying the ingredients through a special type of gas.” While staring at the beautiful color of the tea, Virus stated.

“Oh, I see…but those flames actually also had different colors… are they really no different than normal flames? Is the ranking of their heat the same as the general data that’s available over the internet? I mean… from the weakest to the strongest, is it respectfully, red, orange, yellow, and so on?” She asked further.

Hearing this, Virus directed his gaze at the golden beauty as he replied, “Yeah that’s correct, it’s the same as that. More accurately, it’s red, orange, yellow, white, blue, and violet… these are the flames that can be produced most conveniently and they are actually the current limit of the ‘MDA’.”

“Amazing…” Awestruck, the golden beauty murmured.

Seeing how impressed she seemed, shaking his head, Virus continued, “Actually, there is no need to be amazed or anything, since these flames are considered the lowest of the low in the Cultivation Multiverse and their cultivators only see it as nothing more than utter trash, to be honest. All of these flames which can’t burn by themselves are called the Mortal fires and they are mainly used by mortals over there. The flames employed by the cultivators are instead those above the Mortal rank.”

Listening to his elaboration of the flames, the golden beauty seemed to be greatly bewildered hearing that all these flames were simply considered garbage, “Sigh… I see. The world is truly endless and my knowledge seems to be nothing compared to the whole world…”

With a burst of loud laughter, Virus proclaimed, “Haha, of course… even I, with a monstrous amount of knowledge, can’t claim that I know a lot about the whole world… the universe itself is simply limitless and there are almost infinite unknown things in it… and I’m only talking about one single universe here… if we consider multiverses too… then-” By the end of his words, Virus simply went quiet and didn’t continue.

In his past world of the future, mankind was actually never able to fathom the enormity of the entire universe since every time they thought they finally grasped the limits of their universe, they were repeatedly proven otherwise at some point. So in the end, they could only assume it was simply limitless.

However, after searching the universe for countless years, in the end, they still assumed that there would be no further helpful knowledge that would be of much use to them and that’s why they focused on the project of multiverse-traveling.

The God Virus

The God Virus

Status: Ongoing Author:

[What happens when a genderless Artificial Intelligence which is proclaimed as one of the worst in mankind's history travels back in time from the unreachable future and makes itself a true body?]

[Will it struggle in its new life? Maybe just be bored into madness?]

[Will it experience new feelings and things it never did previously, now that it has a true body? Love maybe? If so, what kind of Love?]

[What Will its choices be as an entity with a monstrous amount of knowledge? Will it choose the path of a King who rules over all? Or a Demon that does as it wishes? Or maybe an entirely New Path altogether?]

[What Will it do when worlds clash with each other? And to what ultimate destination Will it truly strive for?]

'The first person I witnessed when I came to this world was him... the first person I thought of was ... him.'

"I always had you in my heart... why aren't you choosing me? I love you so much that the word LOVE can't even begin to describe what I feel anymore... BUT WHY?" She yelled with tears rolling down her face, just to see...

'The moment my eyes fell on him, time stopped, everything went quiet, and I knew immediately... that he was THE ONE for me...'

"Do you truly love me? Even though we are together... I never heard the word LOVE voiced by your lips at me..." ANOTHER voiced gently, only to hear...

This is the story of a choice filled with twists, and decisions an Artificial Intelligence who travels to our current time from the long forgotten future has to make after creating itself a true body which slowly begins to change him forever!

This is a story of striving for the... ULTIMATE DESTINATION!

A story made by the fusion of Sci-fi with the Fantasy and Romance genre.

If you are looking for a story different than most with endless possibilities, which has True Love, Advanced Technology, Unique Cultivation Mixed with Science, Multiverse, Developing ..., Different Civilizations, Twists, Characters, World Plot, etc. Then, this story is probably for you. Give it a try and sink in.

- - - - - - -

《An Artificial Intelligence or a Human Being... Which one am I? Maybe both? Or maybe neither?》

《Love of the Artificial Intelligence or the Human Being?》

《From the forgotten Future to the far long known Past...》

《A path to 'GODHOOD'... Cultivation? or Science and Technology? I wonder... which path will lead me THERE?》

《Let's play as I please to stop being bored into madness in this Limitless World.》

《Come with me to this Journey to the UNKNOWN and BEYOND.》

- - - - - - -

Release rate: 7 Chapters/week

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[Power Ranking] under 50= 1 Bonus Chapter
[Power Ranking] under 40= 2 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 30= 3 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 20= 5 Bonus Chapters
[Power Ranking] under 10= 7 Bonus Chapters
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not work with dark mode