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The Glory After Rebirth Chapter 306

Chapter 306 - What's Your Plan?


It had been quite a few days since Ling Zhang had returned to the capital city. News about the political turbulence happening in the capital city had been reaching the Ling family’s ears one piece after another. All members of the family were worried about Ling Zhang and Yuwen Tong both of whom were in the capital city. Even the joy brought by Mr. Mu’s confirming Fu Caiwei’s pregnancy two days before didn’t last long.

“Don’t concern yourself. Nothing’s going to happen to Zhang’er. Your first priority is to make sure you and our unborn baby stay healthy. Zhang’er will definitely be very happy when he receives the letter in the capital city.”

At night, after returning to his bedroom, Ling Zhaowen consoled his wife.

Fu Caiwei said, “I know. It’s just that disturbing messages have been coming from the capital city one after another, and they really scare me.”

“The poison in Yuwen Tong has already been detoxified. With him by Zhang’er’s side, everything will be fine,” remarked Ling Zhaowen.

Ever since Fu Caiwei had married into the Ling family, she had been dutifully managing household affairs all these years. It had been her who took care of Ling Zhang when he was young and watched him grow up. Ling Zhang was almost like a son to her. As she grew older, she sometimes treated Ling Zhang as her biological son. Right now, since Ling Zhang was in a faraway, troubled city, she naturally was in deep apprehension.

“Alas, speaking of the Yuwen family, there have been so many twists and turns. I really don’t know if we did the right thing by insisting that Zhang’er marry Yuwen Tong,” said Fu Caiwei.

Ling Zhaowen also recalled what Ling Zhang had said to him in the bamboo grove on that day, but his calm face remained unchanged. “Relax. These troubles are transient. Yuwen Tong is a reliable man. I’m sure he’ll be able to rid himself of the predicament and get out of the jaws of danger.”

“I hope you’re right,” said Fu Caiwei. “Tomorrow, our big brother is going to depart for the capital city with Mr. Ji and the others. You and your father will have more to worry about. Having been your wife for so many years, I know you well. Right now you’re actually in deeper concern than I am.”

Ling Zhaowen smiled, “I can keep no secret from you.”

The two of them held each other’s hands, giving each other strength to ease their minds.

In Ling Zhang’s courtyard house.

After being cured of his illness, Ling Zhaowu had been living in this place all along. Maybe because he wanted to make up for the lost time with his son, during his stay in this house, he had trodden every inch of the ground, read the books in the study that Ling Zhang had read, including the remarks made by him, seen his drawings and calligraphy, and also asked the servants responsible for maintaining this house about a lot of trivial details, all of which he then had lodged in his mind.

According to the original plan, he should have left for the capital city by now, because Mr. Mu had told him that he would be in a fit state to travel half a month after his recovery. It had been owing to a letter from the capital city that he delayed the departure. Ling Zhaowen had covertly left the residential compound and returned with a secret letter, which he’d given to Ling Zhaowu, telling him to bring it to the capital city and deliver it to Yuwen Tong. Though having some speculations, Ling Zhaowu had taken it and put it in a safe place without asking any questions.

“You still haven’t gone to sleep, Big Brother?” Ling Zhaowen walked into the room.

Ling Zhaowu looked at him. “Why did you come here at such a late hour instead of sleeping?”

“I knew you were probably still awake, so I came here to check on you,” replied Ling Zhaowen.

The two brothers walked up to the teapoy and sat down. Ling Zhaowu said, “I’ve just recovered and should stay at home taking care of our father, but instead I’m leaving again, and you’ll have to continue shouldering all the family responsibilities. I’m being so unfair to you.”

Ling Zhaowen said, “Don’t say that, Big Brother. There’s no need for us to be so clear about these things. We’re brothers, remember? Besides, it’s for Zhang’er’s sake that you’re leaving for the capital city. Right now, our whole family are worried about the situation in the capital city. If it weren’t for the fact that our father is old and I’m otherwise engaged, both of us would go with you. You and Mr. Ji being in the capital city would more or less spare us some worry. At least I’d know that if there’s some kind of trouble, you would surely bring Zhang’er out of the capital city safely.”

Ling Zhaowu reached out his hand to pat Ling Zhaowen’s shoulder. “I overthought it. You’ve been taking care of Zhang’er since he was a boy. In terms of worries about his safety, you have no less than I do.”

Ling Zhaowen said, “We’ll be able to live together as a family after all this is over, Big Brother, and some day we’ll all go to the capital city to attend Zhang’er’s wedding. Although our father is old, he would definitely be there as well, so you and Zhang’er must stay safe and take good care of yourselves in the capital city.”

“I know. We will,” said Ling Zhaowu.

The next morning, in the side hall of the Ling family, all members were present. Ling Zhaowu, Ji Yin, Mr. Mu, Ji Donglin and Ji Chaofang were going to set off for the capital city after breakfast.

The family quietly finished breakfast and had a few moments’ rest, and then it was time for Ling Zhaowu, Ji Yin and the others to depart.

“In-law, I know you’re a wonder and have amazing powers. Please keep Zhang’er safe in the capital city,” Ling Xingzhong said to Ji Yin.

“Don’t worry, In-law. I’ll make sure Zhang’er comes to no harm,” replied Ji Yin.

Ling Xingzhong gave a nod, personally saw them to the front gates with other members of the family and watched as they rode off.

After quite a while, the horses and the riders were all out of sight.

“Let’s go back, Father,” said Ling Zhaowen.

Ling Xingzhong softly let out a sigh, pivoted around and walked back into the compound.

In the local yamen.

“Have Ling Zhaowu and the others left?”

“Yes, they just departed. After exiting the city, they started riding hell-for-leather. At that speed, they’ll get to the capital city in less than seven days.”

Tao Feng thought for a while and said, “Has the letter to my son been sent?”

“Yes. The messenger set out early this morning.”

Tao Feng heaved a sigh. “I hope he’ll listen to reason. Nobody could have foreseen that the situation in the capital city would take so many drastic turns in such a short time. Things are different now, and if he doesn’t stay away from Ling Zhang, I’m afraid sooner or later he’ll get himself in trouble.”

“Master, there haven’t been any messages from the capital city for quite a few days. Nobody knows how things are going there. Should we be worried about Young Master’s safety?”

Tao Feng had an apprehensive face. “With the old lord’s protection, his life wouldn’t be in danger as long as he’s not stupid enough to get involved in any perilous things.”

But Tao Feng was still worried about Tao Yi. After all, the situation in the capital city struck him as rather strange. Given that it’d been quite a long time since the last time he’d received a message from the capital city, there was no doubt that something serious had happened.

In the capital city.

Ling Zhang was still unaware that his father had set off for the capital city. So far, there hadn’t been any other unexpected occurrences in the imperial court. The General Zhongwu (AKA the General of Loyalty and Valor) had received the imperial edict this morning and left the capital city in the afternoon, heading for Cangzhou.

Yuwen Tong had told him that the situation in the imperial court was under his control, but Ling Zhang was still concerned.

After all, the emperor was still breathing, along with his two sons. This matter would remain full of uncertainty unless the imperial household of the Great Yue were exterminated.

However, Yuwen Tong said, “There’s no need to wipe them out. It won’t do me any good if they’re all dead. Even if we are to exterminate them, it’d be inadvisable to do it in these circumstances.”

Ling Zhang looked at him. “Is it because you have some other plans?”

Yuwen Tong replied, “Yeah. Barring accidents, this matter will be settled in a simpler way.”

Before Ling Zhang could ask him how this matter could be settled in a simpler way, Yuwen Tong was informed that his presence was requested in the imperial court and immediately left.

Watching Yuwen Tong leaving in haste, Ling Zhang tensed again, somewhat worried that something unforeseen had happened.

In a side hall of the imperial palace, courtiers had gathered to consult with each other.

“Marshal, there’s been another aggravation of His Majesty’s condition. I’m afraid he only has two days left,” said the Right Prime Minister.

A moment ago, a court physician had come in great haste and given the courtiers a report. Having been expecting this for some time, the courtiers were not really panic-stricken, but once the emperor died, the rule of the imperial household of the Great Yue would come to an end, and currently, all troops in the capital city were from the Northern City Garrison Battalion and, worryingly, were under Yuwen Tong’s sole command, which meant that the life of everybody in this city was at the mercy of Yuwen Tong, so they all wanted to know whether or not Yuwen Tong had the intention of taking the throne.

“How’s the Ministry of Rites doing with the preparatory work?” Yuwen Tong looked at Yuwen Feng the Assistant Minister of Rites.

The Minister of Rites was fully occupied, and Yuwen Feng had been called in as a matter of urgency.

“We’ve been working day and night trying to get it done. Two days is rather short notice, but I think we’ll be able to manage it. The problem is that there are some parts requiring a lot of money. We prodded he Ministry of Revenue twice but they didn’t allocate any money to us,” said Yuwen Feng, looking back at Yuwen Tong. Though having shadows under his eyes owing to the hectic, sleepless nights, he still appeared composed.

Yuwen Tong shifted his gaze to officials of the Ministry of Revenue, all of whom gave a start. Previously they had never felt it this way, but now they suddenly discovered that Yuwen Tong’s seemingly bland gaze was actually even scarier than the emperor’s piercing eyes…

“Marshal, it’s not that we’re keeping the money back. The tru–truth is, the Ministry of Revenue doesn’t have much money left. Currently, the army is still trying to suppress the rebellion in Cangzhou. In addition, the reinforcements have departed, so extra provisions have to be delivered there immediately. Given that there might be an emergency, we don’t dare use what’s left of the exchequer.”

Countenance remaining unchanged, Yuwen Tong asked Yuwen Feng how much money the Ministry of Rites needed. Yuwen Feng gave a number.

Then Yuwen Tong asked the Ministry of Revenue how much money they had left. The latter also gave a number.

Yuwen Tong instructed, “The Ministry of Revenue is to ditch all the non-essential needs and then give me another number. The Ministry of Revenue is to allocate as much money as possible to the funeral plan. This has to be settled by dusk. We don’t need any dead weight at this point.”

Yuwen Feng was the first to promise he’d finish the job on time. The Minister of Revenue stole an upward glance at Yuwen Tong and then also hurriedly undertook that he’d do his part.

After these two people hastily took their leave to start working on their respective tasks, there weren’t many people left in the side hall.

The Right Prime Minister said to Yuwen Tong, “Marshal, I’m afraid there will be social unrest in our country after His Majesty leaves us. May I ask if you have made any preparations?”

This question of the Right Prime Minister’s was quite delicate. Several courtiers glanced at him, and one of them opened his mouth and was about to say something but eventually held back the words on the tip of his tongue.

The Right Prime Minister was presently the head of civil officials. As the imperial clan was now almost non-existent except in name, and the two princes were still young, and all powerful families and forces in the capital city had been uprooted, the Right Prime Minister was the pillar of the imperial court, and what he should do was gather all courtiers to figure out a countermeasure, but surprisingly, instead of doing that, he directly asked Yuwen Tong whether he’d made any preparations. The undertone in it was only too obvious.

Yuwen Tong’s eyes slowly raked the faces of the people present and then he said, “As things stand, there are indeed several matters worth extra attention. Maybe Your Lordships should consult with each other.”

The Right Prime Minister was slightly surprised. And then, as though having come to understand something, he twisted his head around and said to the others, “So, may I ask what you have in mind, Your Lordships?”

All the others kept silent.

Them consulting with each other? They would like to do that, but the problem was that their lives and family possessions were now in Yuwen Tong’s hands. How were they supposed to consult with each other in these circumstances?

Zhao Zheng the Minister of War, however, began, “The Wan Kingdom and the Luohai Kingdom both border the Great Yue. There’s no telling what action they might take after the unrest in our country comes to their knowledge, so our army in the north-west has to get ready for all possibilities. Aside from that, in the south…”

The Glory After Rebirth

The Glory After Rebirth

Rebirth of Glory, 重生之尊荣
Score 8.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Native Language: Chinese
A letter to break off the engagement leads Ling Family in Tangyang to endless doom. And he, Ling Zhang, is tortured to death after his legs are cruelly broken. This time after rebirth, he swears to restore glory to his family and to seek revenge. The very first he should do is to break the engagement himself! Yuewen Family? Far in the capital enjoying high privilege and glory? I simply don’t care. You think yourself some delicious cake that everyone crazes to grab a bite? Bah! Too hard that it hurts my teeth! Yet never has Ling Zhang expected that this ‘hard cake’ would promise him a life of glory after rebirth.


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