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The Cursed Prince Chapter 676

Chapter 676 - Sex Education From Mr. Vitas

Emmelyn vomited her breakfast and lunch as soon as they arrived in their chamber. This made Mars really anxious and worried. He shouted orders to John to immediately call Mr. Vitas.

He wanted the physician to check on his wife's condition. He was worried because Emmelyn got really sick after seeing Ellena. She was fine the past few days after they reached the capital and had been resting after the long journey. 

Since it only happened after the visit to the prison, Mars thought it might be psychological or something of that sort, and to him, it was scarier than physical ailments.

"Oh gosh… let it all out, to make you feel better," he whispered as he rubbed Emmelyn's nape lovingly. "Mr. Vitas will be here very soon."

"B-but… this room is now di-dirty…." Emmelyn pressed her mouth, trying to hold back from puking more her stomach content to their beautiful marble floor. She felt really awful.

Mars knew it must not be from the food because he ate the same food as Emmelyn today from breakfast to lunch. Gosh… If there were any signs of food poisoning, he would have the cooks' head this instant. Fortunately, it was not their fault.

This was all Ellena's fault. Everything that she did to Emmelyn must have left such a deep scar in her heart, that just seeing her in prison brought back all the unpleasant memory and made her fall sick like this.

Mars clenched his left fist angrily, while his right hand continued massaging his wife's back. Time seemed to move so slowly and it felt like forever until the old physician came knocking on their chamber's door.

"Your Majesty," Mr. Vitas greeted them between his panting breath. It was obvious that the man ran as fast as his old body could take him here. So, Mars sympathized with Mr. Vitas and didn't say anything. He only nodded worriedly.

"Please check my wife…" 

"Very well…"

Mars helped Emmelyn sit on one of the fluffy sofas in their chamber, so Mr. Vitas could check her condition with ease. Two maidservants quickly cleaned up the floor and another two came with warm tea and warm water to wash up.

Emmelyn felt disgusted because some of her vomit got on her dress. She was surprised to see her husband didn't flinch at the sight. Then, she realized the man was a hands-on father and probably had seen worse when he cleaned up their baby poop.

This made her feel warm inside. She looked up and smiled at him. Seeing Emmelyn smile, Mars felt so much relief wash over him. Maybe she was just feeling under the weather. It was late autumn now and the temperature was much colder than in Summeria.

He dipped the small towel in the warm water and cleaned up her arm and her dress from the vomit dotingly, while Mr. Vitas checked Emmelyn's pulse and her blood pressure.


The old man's gasp made Mars' heart drop to the floor. What happened? Did something bad happen to Emmelyn? He was wondering.

Mr. Vitas was a very experienced and skilled physician. He wouldn't have this reaction if there was nothing shocking about his patient.

So… what was it?

Mr. Vitas looked at the worried king and let out nervous laughter. He didn't mean to gasp to make the king worried. He was just genuinely surprised. Pleasantly surprised, actually.

"Her Majesty is okay." He cleared his throat. Then, he took a step back. "She is expecting a baby."


Both Mars and Emmelyn were dumbfounded. They couldn't believe their own ears. 

Surely… this old physician didn't joke with them, right?

"H-how… many weeks in?" Mars finally found his voice and asked Mr. Vitas.

For the past five months, he made sure to cum outside when they had sex, so Emmelyn wouldn't get pregnant. He only started releasing his seeds inside after they reached the capital.

So, he was expecting Emmelyn to become pregnant after many weeks later. But… this soon?

"I think it's around 10 weeks," Mr. Vitas said. 

Emmelyn and Mars exchanged glances. That means.. when they were still in Atlantea… the fetus was conceived. It showed that the method of birth control that they chose was not effective. Luckily she found out about her pregnancy after they arrived at home.

Imagine if she had to endure pregnancy with all its discomforts and crazy pregnancy hormones when they were still on the road. She would blame her husband.

"Uhm… I hope this is not bad news for you…" Mr. Vitas said in a low voice. He had seen the king's and queen's expressions and realized they were genuinely shocked by his announcement. He hoped it wasn't because they didn't want the baby.

But… that's impossible. With only one daughter, the monarchs must want to have more offspring and they would rejoice for any news of pregnancy. So, they should be happy when the physician told them that the queen was expecting a child.

"No.. no… ahaha…" Mars quickly waved and laughed when he saw the physician's confusion. Mr. Vitas might think he and Emmelyn had marital problems that they didn't immediately jump up and down in joy when they heard they would be having a second baby. "We are thrilled… that we are at a loss for words…"

He cleared his throat. "We are just surprised because… we thought of delaying to conceive before we reached the capital. So, we used the pull-out method to avoid pregnancy while we were traveling."

Emmelyn's face flushed red like a boiled crab. She could never get used to talking about sex around their very, very old foss- ahem… physician. However, she understood why Mars decided to ask Mr. Vitas about this matter so they could have a better understanding of their reproduction, going forward.

Mr. Vitas finally understood why the couple was shocked to find out about the pregnancy. He felt so relieved.

"Well… there is no birth control method that is 100% effective. Even if a man doesn't penetrate the woman and only rub the penis on the labia, the cum produced from the tip of the penis could travel inside the vagina and cause pregnancy," the old man explained as a matter of factly.

Emmelyn coughed violently. She looked away to hide her red face. She didn't want to hear this but she knew this was an important subject. So, she bore with it.

"I understand now," Mars's face heated and he tried so hard to keep his expression flat. "We are very happy, just surprised, that was all. We want this baby so badly and knowing we will have them very soon stunned us."

"That's right…" Emmelyn confirmed his words. She looked down at her belly and rubbed it lovingly. "I am so happy with this pregnancy… that I was dumbfounded for a moment. This is good news."

Tears started rolling down her cheeks and Mars quickly wiped them with his thumbs. But while he was wiping her tears, he didn't realize his own tears were streaming down hard.

He was so moved and overjoyed. They would be having a baby faster than expected. He couldn't have asked for anything more.

Yes, it was shocking that, apparently, even though he took precautions to avoid pregnancy, their baby was so stubborn and got conceived early. 

"Ohh… that's good," the relieved physician wiped his forehead. "I remember the queen's previous pregnancy was very difficult and Princess Harlow was born prematurely. So, I hope this time, we can avoid all stress and let Her Majesty have a relaxing pregnancy."

Mars definitely agreed with him. He would die before he let Emmelyn experience anything bad during her second pregnancy. He had learned a lot from their first time.

"I will protect my wife with my life, Mr. Vitas. You can count on me on making sure Emmelyn has the most relaxing and easy pregnancy," Mars said with a big smile on his face.

He pulled Emmelyn to his embrace and hugged her tightly, but he avoided hugging her stomach because he was worried the pressure would hurt her.

"Very well. I will prescribe some vitamins and create some potions that Her Majesty could take daily to ensure a healthy pregnancy," Mr. Vitas got up and looked at the couple with a happy smile as if he was a proud father seeing his children achieve some success.

"Thank you, Mr. Vitas," Mars turned to him and smiled back. "You have helped my family with our health and children for generations. I am glad you get to help my wife with our next child before you retire."

"That is an honor for me, Your Majesty," Mr. Vitas said. He bowed down gracefully and got ready to leave the chamber. "I will go now and get the vitamins and other potions ready."

"Thank you."

After Mr. Vitas left their chamber, Mars and Emmelyn exchanged glances again. Emmelyn bit her lip and furrowed her brows.

"Your method didn't work," she said with a pout. "I am still pregnant!"

"But you are not pregnant on the road…" Mars defended himself. "So, it's okay."

"Yeah.. we got lucky, okay?" Emmelyn raised a brow. "However, now that I am pregnant, I don't want you to ever leave me to do whatever you need to do, killing a witch, invading another kingdom, or checking out your colonies. If you did that, I will divorce you. I want you to be HERE with me."




From Missrealitybites:

I can't even… hahahahhaha. The way Mr. Vitas explained to the couple how they could get pregnant even though they used the pull-out method is just… funny.

Anyway, we'll continue with Ellena's punishment in the next chapter. I hope you like this chapter with Mars and Emmelyn finding out they would have another baby/babies.

PS: Thank you so much, Maude Fluckiger, for gifting a dragon to "The Cursed Prince".. You are so kind. Muahhhh!!

The Cursed Prince

The Cursed Prince

Status: Ongoing Author:

This book is about baby-making.

The crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. What's worse, no woman could touch him without dying. Thus, finding a wife to produce an heir became the royal family's greatest challenge since the prince is the only son.

Until one day.. a servant girl who tried to kill him didn't end up dying after they touched. Emmelyn was a princess from one of their colonies who vowed to avenge her family's death by killing the crown prince. And that's how she ended up in his castle.

Seeing that she was the only woman he could have a sexual relationship with, without killing her, the prince made an agreement to let her go and free her kingdom from his oppression if she produced for him three heirs.

Emmelyn said yes, but every day that they were together, she made plans to kill him and get her revenge.

Can Emmelyn get what she wanted, or would she be entangled deeper with the enemy who was deemed as the devil incarnate himself by his enemies?

"You will be the mother of my children," said the man in a commanding tone. His shameless words rendered Emmelyn speechless and shocked, more so, than the kiss he landed on her lips earlier. "I need three children from you."

"Eh ... wait.. what? Hold on a minute," Emmelyn, who was moved from her shock, hurriedly rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to remove the devil's marks from them. "I don't want to be your wife! I don't want to marry you, you devil!!"

The man frowned and squinted his eyes menacingly. "Who said anything about marriage?"

"Let's go," said the prince.
"Let's go where?" Emmelyn asked, not understanding.
"Let's go make babies."


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