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The Cursed Prince Chapter 581

Chapter 581 - Maxim - Mars - Gewen

Myrcella only kept the thought to herself. Her opinion on Loriel's and Elise's betrothal was not important. It was Elise's.

Maybe… she could talk to Elise once they found her and got her back. Would she marry a man who loved another woman? 

Ahh.. that foolish girl, Myrcella sighed.  Knowing Elise, and how much she liked her fiance, Myrcella just knew that she would accept this man. 

"When do you plan to leave?" King Alexander asked Maxim.. "We can prepare everything today. Anytime you are ready, the coachman and the servant will go with you."

"I'd prefer to go as soon as possible," Maxim said firmly. "I have left my country for six weeks. The journey by road would take a long time. So, I cannot delay."

"Very well…" King Alexander got up from his chair and walked outside of the tea lounge, into the garden. He motioned Maxim to come with him. "Before you go, I have something to talk to you about. Will you come with me?"

"Certainly," Maxim replied respectfully.

He got up and nodded at Myrcella, before he walked to the older king's side. The queen dowager only watched the two men talked seriously under a jacaranda tree.

She didn't know what Alexander wanted to discuss with Loriel without her presence. However, she trusted her son.  Alexander was a wise man and he doted on Elise.

Whatever it was that he wanted to say to Loriel must be for Elise's sake.

Finally, Myrcella decided to go to the Blue Tower and checked on Emmelyn's condition. She already asked Soren to come too. They needed to make sure that Emmelyn could travel in her condition.

They understood why Loriel wanted to bring Emmelyn home. He already said that he would try to get her treated and possibly reunite her with her daughter. Myrcella hoped Emmelyn could recover and then find her own happiness, far away from Elise.


"Soon, we will reach your mother's homeland," Mars said to little Harlow who looked outside the window with her big round eyes, looking fascinated by the falling snow. "You will see Wintermere flowers in winter. Your mother always said they are her favorite flowers."

Harlow was bundled up in a thick fur coat and layers of clothes. So, she was as warm as she could possibly be. From afar, people would think the king was sitting with a bundle of fur on his lap.

They had traveled for more than one month, taking things easy, and now, Wintermere was only one week away. Mars couldn't wait to reach Emmelyn's hometown.

Last year, he had promised to take her back to Wintermere someday.  He wanted to see her home and understood how she grew up and lived her life before they met.

Who would have thought that now he would come to Wintermere without her?

Emmelyn was now far, far away from here and Mars was on his way to get her back. He felt happy, though, that he took this journey with their daughter. Harlow could visit the place where her mother was born and raised.

Also, since they would pass by Wintermere on the way to Summeria, Mars decided to pay Duke Bellevar a visit. He thought that was the right thing to do.

Not only because he was Emmelyn's relative, but Mars also wanted to apologize to the old duke, on behalf of his family. When he saw the duke the last time, Mars was on a mission to kill Thessalis and he didn't have time for pleasantries.

After Thessalis was killed, Mars was shocked by the news of his mother's passing. He immediately left Wintermere and went back to Draec, and didn't talk to Duke Bellevar again.

He did hear that Ethos, his cousin, who was now ruling Wintermere as the governor, sent his people to come and get the duke from the witch's mansion. They took him to live in a house near the governor's palace and had some servants taking care of him.

Once Emmelyn returned, Mars planned to bring Duke Bellevar to go back to the capital so he could visit his daughter's grave.

Now that he was a father himself, Mars could understand the pain that the old duke was feeling when his only daughter decided to take her own life, and for almost three decades he couldn't even visit her final resting place.

Harlow batted her eyes and chuckled adorably when she heard Mars's words.

They were sitting leisurely in the carriage with the window slightly opened, so she could see snowflakes falling from the sky. It looked so magical.


Gewen nodded his head toward the innkeeper who smiled broadly at him. He just came down from his room on the fifth floor and decided to find something to eat before he explored the city.

"The restaurant where you got my food from last night, is it nearby?" he asked the innkeeper. "I want to get something to eat."

"Oh… do you want me to buy food for you, milord? I can bring it to your chamber," said the innkeeper with a smile.

Gewen shook his head. "Nah. I want to go out and sightsee. Just tell me where it is. I will go there myself."

"Oh, it's very near. You can go right and walk the road until you find a restaurant called Berns. They have a signboard with a picture of a boar on it. You can't miss it."

"Thank you," said Gewen. "See you later."

He was in a good mood after getting proper rest and good food from the night before. So, now, Gewen walked with light steps to see his surroundings. He planned to eat something for breakfast and then look for Edgar's men in Moon Lover.

As he was walking toward the restaurant, Gewen looked around him to the left and right and studied the location he was in now. This city was very interesting, he thought.



He didn't see a girl bumped into him so suddenly while he was focusing his attention on a particularly interesting building called Moon Lover.

Both fell down to the ground.

"Geez!! Don't you have eyes???" Gewen grumbled.

His new pants were soiled already when his butt fell on a puddle. When he touched his behind and realized his pants were now dirty, the man was immediately enraged.

The Cursed Prince

The Cursed Prince

Status: Ongoing Author:

This book is about baby-making.

The crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. What's worse, no woman could touch him without dying. Thus, finding a wife to produce an heir became the royal family's greatest challenge since the prince is the only son.

Until one day.. a servant girl who tried to kill him didn't end up dying after they touched. Emmelyn was a princess from one of their colonies who vowed to avenge her family's death by killing the crown prince. And that's how she ended up in his castle.

Seeing that she was the only woman he could have a sexual relationship with, without killing her, the prince made an agreement to let her go and free her kingdom from his oppression if she produced for him three heirs.

Emmelyn said yes, but every day that they were together, she made plans to kill him and get her revenge.

Can Emmelyn get what she wanted, or would she be entangled deeper with the enemy who was deemed as the devil incarnate himself by his enemies?

"You will be the mother of my children," said the man in a commanding tone. His shameless words rendered Emmelyn speechless and shocked, more so, than the kiss he landed on her lips earlier. "I need three children from you."

"Eh ... wait.. what? Hold on a minute," Emmelyn, who was moved from her shock, hurriedly rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to remove the devil's marks from them. "I don't want to be your wife! I don't want to marry you, you devil!!"

The man frowned and squinted his eyes menacingly. "Who said anything about marriage?"

"Let's go," said the prince.
"Let's go where?" Emmelyn asked, not understanding.
"Let's go make babies."


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not work with dark mode