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The Cursed Prince Chapter 384

Chapter 384 - Gewen And Harlow X


This chapter will happen in the future. You are welcome to read this chapter or skip it. I have mentioned over and over again that this story has a happy ending, but I think it will help if we can take a peek into the future and see what's in store for us, Emmelyn, Mars, and their family.





"Your Majesty," John cleared his throat before he called Mars. The butler's face was beaming with happiness. He had walked here as soon as possible and was excited to tell the king this good news.

Mars looked up from his documents. Harlow who was sitting on his lap also looked up. They looked so alike and had very similar gestures that John felt like he was seeing a mirror image of each other.

"Yes, John?" Mars wanted to ask his butler what happened, but suddenly, he just knew. This old butler of his was a very serious man and wouldn't have this expression on his face, unless….

"Wait! Is it time?" The king got up instantly, not forgetting to lift Harlow and carried her in his arms.

His eyes glint in excitement. Well, there was a flash of panic in there too, and worry, but overall he was excited to hear the news that John was bringing.

"Yes, yes, Your Majesty… it's time," John replied, smiling ear to ear.

"Thank you!" Mars dashed out of his study and went to Wintermere Palace, to see his wife. He ran so fast that people thought he was leaving a house on fire.

John only watched his master run toward his personal residence with a smiling face. Two drops of tears fell to his cheeks as he remembered how much the king and queen had suffered in the past to get where they were now.

Now, they were happy and thriving. Ah… John was glad to be part of their story and witness their love for each other prevail.

And now… they were about to welcome their new child.

How exciting!

The king had canceled all trips or royal affairs that involve him traveling ever since he found out his wife was expecting. No way he would leave her side this time. Not a chance!

He became one of those annoying husbands who would worry about every single little thing. Paranoid, if you asked John. 

He didn't know that the king's decision to never leave the capital for the past six months was because his wife threatened to divorce him if he was not by her side when she was giving birth to their child. So, Mars wouldn't risk it.

He was already grateful that she was finally willing to bear another child for him after her first labor experience which was very traumatic, to say the least. So, he wouldn't push his luck.

If she wanted him to stay by her side every step of the way, he would gladly do it. Even if she asked for the moon, he would try to make it happen.

She had done so, so much for him.  It was only fair if he dedicated his life to make her happy.

"Father? Why are you so rushing?" Harlow asked Mars with a giggle. She loved being carried like this and the wind that blew past them felt so refreshing on her cute face.

"Mother will give birth to your sibling," said Mars, not slowing down even one bit. "I cannot miss it."

"Ohh…" Harlow nodded and exclaimed. "We cannot miss it!!!"

When Mars arrived at Wintermere Palace, Lily had waited for him by the door.

"It's going to be bloody and messy. Harlow cannot enter," she said firmly. Her hand was raised to give a sign that Mars should leave Harlow outside. "Your Majesty, it's already starting."

"Ah, all right."

Mars saw specks of blood on Lily's clothes and his heart skipped a beat. Gosh… was Emmelyn hurt? She must be in a lot of pain. His mind became a mess. He wanted to go in and left Harlow with Lily, but it looked like Lily was needed inside.

Should he give Harlow to one of the servants?

No, she was too smart. She would trick them again like the last time and…

No, no… He must find someone Harlow liked and smarter than his servants.

As he looked around to see his options, he saw  Gewen walking nonchalantly in their direction. The king quickly waved at him and said impatiently. "Gewen! Please take Harlow with you."

He looked so anxious that Gewen became anxious too. He quickened his pace and arrived in front of the king in no time.

"What happened?" he asked Mars.

"It is time," Mars replied. He quickly shoved his daughter to Gewen and went inside without another explanation. The handsome lord accepted Harlow with glee.

"Mommy is going to give birth," said Harlow, giggling. 

"She is?" Gewen suddenly felt so jealous of his friend, the king.

Look at him. Mars already had this really otherworldly beautiful and awesomely cute daughter like Harlow.. and now he would get another one??? 

And it might not be just one, but possibly two!

Bruinen had said Emmelyn's protruding tummy looked too big for just one baby. Unless she would give birth to a really fat baby, then it was likely that she was carrying twins.

Gewen hoped it was a fat baby.

His mind wandered to that woman. He, too, could have cute children if only she was willing to accept him and marry him. Alas! She was not interested in marriage or kids.

She laughed so hard when Gewen, after gathering his courage, asked her to marry him. Gewen had never felt so embarrassed in his life.

Gah! He should stop thinking about her. It had been a year, she must be somewhere in Atlantea now, like she said she would.

"Let's go to the garden," said Gewen to Harlow. He kissed her fragrant hair and put her down to the ground. "I will teach you archery."




From the author:

Since some of you have expressed the desire to read something sweet, to distract you from the gloominess of Mars' and Emmelyn's situation, I decided to write this chapter.

I will write more of such spoiler chapters from time to time if you requested it. All spoiler chapters will be marked with 'x' so you can avoid it if you don't wish to read it.

If you have read all my previous books, you would already know that all my stories have happy endings. If you haven't, I am assuring you that I meant what I said. I don't do slow burns, I write about doting husbands, and my books have happy endings.

Some stories, however, have to go through such a roller coaster of emotions, that I have to give the readers some spoiler chapters to let them see/take a peek at what the light is like at the end of the tunnel.

I can assure you that The Cursed Prince's conflict is not worse than my other books. I will not spoil them, but I think you can prepare a tissue box or two when you read them.

When the characters finally get their happy ending, it will be oh so satisfying that you might even shed tears of happiness.

Remember, without darkness, we cannot appreciate the light, and without pain, we cannot appreciate joy.

Even a baby is delivered with blood and tears and we accept it as part of nature since they bring us so much joy.

The Cursed Prince

The Cursed Prince

Status: Ongoing Author:

This book is about baby-making.

The crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. What's worse, no woman could touch him without dying. Thus, finding a wife to produce an heir became the royal family's greatest challenge since the prince is the only son.

Until one day.. a servant girl who tried to kill him didn't end up dying after they touched. Emmelyn was a princess from one of their colonies who vowed to avenge her family's death by killing the crown prince. And that's how she ended up in his castle.

Seeing that she was the only woman he could have a sexual relationship with, without killing her, the prince made an agreement to let her go and free her kingdom from his oppression if she produced for him three heirs.

Emmelyn said yes, but every day that they were together, she made plans to kill him and get her revenge.

Can Emmelyn get what she wanted, or would she be entangled deeper with the enemy who was deemed as the devil incarnate himself by his enemies?

"You will be the mother of my children," said the man in a commanding tone. His shameless words rendered Emmelyn speechless and shocked, more so, than the kiss he landed on her lips earlier. "I need three children from you."

"Eh ... wait.. what? Hold on a minute," Emmelyn, who was moved from her shock, hurriedly rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to remove the devil's marks from them. "I don't want to be your wife! I don't want to marry you, you devil!!"

The man frowned and squinted his eyes menacingly. "Who said anything about marriage?"

"Let's go," said the prince.
"Let's go where?" Emmelyn asked, not understanding.
"Let's go make babies."


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