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The Cursed Prince Chapter 266

Chapter 266 - We Need To Prepare The Funeral

"Your mother is really kind," she whispered. "I really like her. She is like the mother figure that I have longed for my whole life."

"She will be happy to know that you think that way about her," said Mars. He was happy that they finally arrived on this day, where they could be open with each other and discuss the past with smiles on their faces.

"You think so?" Emmelyn asked him. "I should tell her how much I appreciate her. She is so kind to me."

"You can talk a lot about it when you come to live with her in the palace. What do you think? Would you like that?" Mars rubbed her hands and looked at her deeply. Emmelyn could see how much he wanted her to say yes.

So, finally, she nodded. "Okay. If you think that would be for the best…"

The sadness and worry that she was feeling after knowing Mars would leave for months to Wintermere, now slowly dissipated.

The idea of staying close to the queen and spend a lot of time with her sounded like a breath of fresh air and a badly needed distraction.

Emmelyn didn't have a female companion in this castle with whom she could have a friendly relationship. Lady Athibaud once said she would send her daughters to visit, but it never happened.

So, Emmelyn became more and more lonely.

Maybe it would be good for her to spend time with the queen who obviously liked her and adored her. They already had a good connection and they bonded over their love for Mars.

This was actually a really nice idea.

"I haven't told my mother about it, but I know she would love having you in the palace," Mars said. He poured new tea into Emmelyn's cup and gave it to her. "Drink this, and let's finish our lunch.

Emmelyn accepted the cup and sipped her tea.  Her day now didn't feel so bad anymore. 

She finished her tea and took her plate again and slowly munched on the food. Now, her appetite returned, she would force herself to eat so she could stay healthy for their baby.

Emmelyn tried to block the thoughts about Mars leaving next week, so she wouldn't ruin the atmosphere like before.

Let tomorrow's worry for tomorrow. If she kept thinking and worrying about it, it would only rob her of the present.

Mars was relieved to see the improvement in her countenance. Emmelyn was having a hard time and she also struggled with pregnancy hormones that made her cry easily, but she was such an admirable and strong woman. 

She could pull herself together and show understanding to support her husband. Mars knew it was not easy, but she was doing her best.

The prince promised he would never leave her again after this mission to kill the witch. After their mortal enemy was gone, he would definitely focus on building his life together with Emmelyn.

He would opt for peace and avoid doing anything that would make his family become the target of hatred by anyone. He would even stop all the invasion plans after he ascended the throne.

He believed it was enough for Draec to be the biggest kingdom in their continent after they ruled over 80% of Terra.

He and his family would live in peace.  That was his dream.

So, this mission would likely be the last time he would be away from Emmelyn. He couldn't wait for it to be over.

"I am full," Emmelyn said after she finished everything on her plate. Her cheeks now looked slightly chubby and made her look so adorable when she talked.

Emmelyn had eaten so much today. After entering the fifth month, she felt significant changes happened rapidly in her physical appearance, her appetite, her mood, and her health.

It really felt like a roller coaster* ride sometimes.

"That's good. You ate well,"  Mars complimented her. He also had finished his lunch and was now ready to relax and spend quality time with her.

He motioned the servants to enter and they quickly came to clean up the dining table, while Mars rose from his chair and pulled Emmelyn with him.

"We should arrange for your brother's funeral," he said gently. "Are you okay with that?"

Emmelyn nodded. She realized, it was time to say goodbye forever to her brother. She had spent all day yesterday to mourn him and now Killian must be laid to rest in his forever home.

"Can I choose a place to bury him?" Emmelyn asked Mars with a pleading look. "I want him to stay close to us."

"What do you have in mind?" Mars asked back.

He was okay with her request, to let her choose the place for Killian's grave. That was the least he could do. Even if she asked his whole kingdom, he would gladly give it to her.

"I want him to be buried in that small woods next to the castle," Emmelyn replied. "Remember the place where we took a walk and I caught a rabbit for us?"

Of course, he remembered. It was one of his favorite days ever.  He nodded and said, "I do. Is that the place you want?"

"Yes. The area near the pond looks beautiful and serene. I want to visit him often and maybe spend some time in the woods to help release my stress."

"That sounds good," Mars replied. He saw Roshan stand outside the door and motion the butler to come. "I will tell Roshan to prepare everything."

"Thank you," said Emmelyn, finally with a smile.

Roshan came and bowed down to them with respect. "Good afternoon, Your Highness. What can I help you?"

Mars explained to the butler what Emmelyn wanted and ordered him to get everything prepared.

"I will do it right away, Your Highness," Roshan said. He bowed down again and took his leave.

Emmelyn turned to her husband and smiled, then kissed his lips, before she whispered, "I love you."

The Cursed Prince

The Cursed Prince

Status: Ongoing Author:

This book is about baby-making.

The crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. What's worse, no woman could touch him without dying. Thus, finding a wife to produce an heir became the royal family's greatest challenge since the prince is the only son.

Until one day.. a servant girl who tried to kill him didn't end up dying after they touched. Emmelyn was a princess from one of their colonies who vowed to avenge her family's death by killing the crown prince. And that's how she ended up in his castle.

Seeing that she was the only woman he could have a sexual relationship with, without killing her, the prince made an agreement to let her go and free her kingdom from his oppression if she produced for him three heirs.

Emmelyn said yes, but every day that they were together, she made plans to kill him and get her revenge.

Can Emmelyn get what she wanted, or would she be entangled deeper with the enemy who was deemed as the devil incarnate himself by his enemies?

"You will be the mother of my children," said the man in a commanding tone. His shameless words rendered Emmelyn speechless and shocked, more so, than the kiss he landed on her lips earlier. "I need three children from you."

"Eh ... wait.. what? Hold on a minute," Emmelyn, who was moved from her shock, hurriedly rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to remove the devil's marks from them. "I don't want to be your wife! I don't want to marry you, you devil!!"

The man frowned and squinted his eyes menacingly. "Who said anything about marriage?"

"Let's go," said the prince.
"Let's go where?" Emmelyn asked, not understanding.
"Let's go make babies."


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not work with dark mode