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The Cursed Prince Chapter 122

Chapter 122 - My Sleep Was Awful

After trying to calm his mind for half an hour, finally, the prince gave up. He ended his bath and dried his body. Then, he put on his shirt and pants and prepared the sofa to be his makeshift bed.

Before he laid himself on the sofa, he took a good look at the woman in bed. He didn't know if Emmelyn was really asleep or not. Her breathing was not calm and regular, but that could be because she was feeling upset..

Finally, he let out a sigh and laid down on the sofa, and closed his eyes. 

It was not a peaceful sleep like usual. He had a nightmare and woke up really tired the next day.


Emmelyn woke up to find the side of the bed next to her was empty. It took her a few good seconds to remember that last night she asked Mars not to sleep on the same bed with her since they had achieved their goal to conceive.

Ahh.. she patted her forehead as realization dawned on her and she turned to the sofa to see the prince. Apparently, he was gone. As usual, he woke up early. But, didn't he say he was giving his soldiers three days off?

He still had one more day to rest and laze around if he wanted. Where did he go?

Emmelyn removed her blanket and almost immediately felt the chill. The temperature had dropped really low. She could tell that it was almost winter. Thinking of the cold nights ahead of her that would last for months, she actually felt sad.

It would be so much more pleasant to sleep together and shared their warmth.

Ahh.. she scolded herself for even thinking about it. She was not a weak girl. She traveled and saw the world and bear the harsh winter in Cybelia, a country in Atlantea which was famous for its cold temperature.

This winter in Draec should be nothing, she convinced herself.

Emmelyn didn't know that sometimes, warmth came not from outside, but also from the inside. She didn't want to admit that the reason their bed was so warm, not just because of the heat transfer from their skin, but also from the warm feeling she had in her chest every time they were together.

She changed into a dress and came down for breakfast. She found Mars in the dining room, waiting for her to have breakfast together.

"Good morning," the man rose and opened a chair for her next to his. "How was your sleep?"

His voice sounded tired and made Emmelyn feel guilty. The sofa was not a good place to sleep all night.

[My sleep was awful.]

"It was good. How was yours?" Emmelyn lied. She sat down and soon the servants came and served them breakfast.

"It was okay," Mars replied.

My sleep was awful, he muttered inwardly.

They ate in silence again, like dinner the previous night. After they finished their meal, Mars explained that he would have to go to the royal palace and met his parents. Emmelyn nodded.

"I will ask Roshan to start preparing the new chamber for us," Mars informed her. Emmelyn nodded again. Mars got up from his chair and asked her before he left, "Do you need anything?"

Emmelyn furrowed her brows and thought. She didn't feel lacking anything. She could sew, read books, or walked around.

Wait.. winter was coming soon. She might not be able to leave the castle freely afterward. Her pregnancy would show and it would be hard for her to disguise herself as a man and visited Mrs. Adler.

Maybe she should ask permission to go out and went to Bydell Village to visit the witch and talk to her, while Mars was away to see his parents.

"How long will you be away?" Emmelyn asked.

Mars replied, "Probably all day. Why?"

"Can I go out?" The girl looked at the prince with pleading eyes. "I will be bored to be cooped up here during winter. I want to go out while I can."

"Hmm…" Mars narrowed his eyes and stared at Emmelyn with interest. "Where do you want to go? Do you want me to go with you?"

"Ah.. there's no need for you to go with me. You have to see your parents, right? I just want to see an old friend from Wintermere." Emmelyn didn't want Mars to follow her and see Mrs. Adler. She wanted to talk to her privately. "Roshan could take me there."

"Hmm.. okay."

Mars finally went on his way to the royal palace, while Emmelyn got ready in her chamber to see Mrs. Adler. She asked Roshan to prepare the carriage and the guards to keep her company.


At one hour before lunchtime, Emmelyn was on her way to Bydell Village. She asked the cooks to prepare food for her to bring to Mrs. Adler's home. Since Mars was going to be out all day, she would have to eat lunch alone in the castle.

So, she thought it would be better if she ate together with the old witch.


Unlike the first two visits, this time Emmelyn met Mrs. Adler immediately. The old woman was not out picking up herbs like before. She opened the door and welcome the girl into her home.

"It's been only several days," Mrs. Adler commented. "You seem to have so much freedom that you can come so often."

Emmelyn nodded, "I do. He never limits me to stay inside. I just don't like coming here when he is around. I don't want him to come with me."

"I see," the witch nodded in understanding. She went to the kitchen and boiled water to make tea.

"I brought you some food," Emmelyn said. She took out a bag filled with fruits and roast pig and some loaves of bread. "I wanted to invite you to lunch together, but I don't want to do it at the castle."

"That's very nice of you," said Mrs. Adler with a smile. She accepted the bag of food and brought it to the kitchen. Emmelyn followed her and help to arrange the food on plates.

The Cursed Prince

The Cursed Prince

Status: Ongoing Author:

This book is about baby-making.

The crown prince was cursed on the day he was born, that he will never be happy. What's worse, no woman could touch him without dying. Thus, finding a wife to produce an heir became the royal family's greatest challenge since the prince is the only son.

Until one day.. a servant girl who tried to kill him didn't end up dying after they touched. Emmelyn was a princess from one of their colonies who vowed to avenge her family's death by killing the crown prince. And that's how she ended up in his castle.

Seeing that she was the only woman he could have a sexual relationship with, without killing her, the prince made an agreement to let her go and free her kingdom from his oppression if she produced for him three heirs.

Emmelyn said yes, but every day that they were together, she made plans to kill him and get her revenge.

Can Emmelyn get what she wanted, or would she be entangled deeper with the enemy who was deemed as the devil incarnate himself by his enemies?

"You will be the mother of my children," said the man in a commanding tone. His shameless words rendered Emmelyn speechless and shocked, more so, than the kiss he landed on her lips earlier. "I need three children from you."

"Eh ... wait.. what? Hold on a minute," Emmelyn, who was moved from her shock, hurriedly rubbed her lips roughly as if trying to remove the devil's marks from them. "I don't want to be your wife! I don't want to marry you, you devil!!"

The man frowned and squinted his eyes menacingly. "Who said anything about marriage?"

"Let's go," said the prince.
"Let's go where?" Emmelyn asked, not understanding.
"Let's go make babies."


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not work with dark mode