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The Charm of Soul Pets Chapter 1545

Chapter 1415: Darkness Sect, Heaven Slaughter

As they flew towards Light Valley, many Light Sparrows could be seen circling in the cloud layer in the sky. These Light Sparrows hadn’t sensed the abnormality of the space, and were still going about their daily lives.

Chu Mu knew that he would not be treated favorably by light type creatures. Even if he said that the space would collapse, they wouldn’t necessarily believe him. He glanced at the phoenix nest of clouds, and could only sigh as he went right past it.

“Jinrou, where we are currently is an enormous light formation. These rocks, ravines, fissures, and mountain peaks are the formation eye, the nodes, and the symbols of the formation.” Chu Mu said to Princess Jinrou.

Princess Jinrou carefully observed her surroundings. She had a base of knowledge about formations. Although she wasn’t like Yu Suo who could instantly create a formation, she was able to determine a few things from these markings.

“My range of vision is too narrow. I’ll only be able to figure it out when I get higher up in the air,” said Princess Jinrou.

They continued to ascend the tall mountain. Each time they got higher, Princess Jinrou would turn around to look at the formation valley.

She used her mental strength to make a mental image, and was able to draw out the formation shape.

The formation valley was like an enormous drawing splayed on the ground. From a high altitude, even several hundred meter tall mountains were but mere small needle points.

“That’s strange, it seems like some part of the formation has been destroyed.” Princess JInrou creased her brows. She points at a part of the drawing and continued: “When you went to Wupan Continent, my father and I took a trip to Lightning Valley. The formation structure in Lightning Valley is similar to this formation. However, it’s more complete than this light formation. The seventh star formation eye has been destroyed and half of the half moon diagram has been erased. Additionally, a crucial energy link diagram, the long dragon diagram, has been destroyed…”

Chu Mu didn’t really understand what Princess Jinrou was saying. He could only blankly watch her and wait for her to continue explaining.

“If for instance, this was a sealing formation, the strength of the seal would only be one-tenth of its origin. If this was an energy formation, its power would not even be one-fifth of its origin. Thus, this light formation must be a deficient formation.” said Princess Jinrou.

They continued walking up the mountain. At the peak of the mountain, Chu Mu began walking towards the Light King’s cave.

Unfortunately, the Seven Sins Fox Light King was not on the peak. This made Chu Mu a bit worried.

Imprint Valley was vast, and if the Light King had run to a very far away location, Chu Mu would be unable to bring it out within this short period of time.

Jinrou, can you sense again to see if it’s here,” said Chu Mu.

Princess Jinrou’s enormous sensing range expended a large amount of mental strength. Therefore, Chu Mu didn’t want her to use it previously to sense the Light King.

“Ok.” Princess Jinrou nodded her head. She slowly placed her two white hands in front of her breasts and closed her eyes.

Chu Mu silently waited. The adjacent Martial Cloud Dragon rubbed its head, not understanding what these two humans were doing.

“I can’t sense it.” Princess Jinrou opened her eyes.

Chu Mu’s expression faintly sank. If she was unable to sense it, it was ostensibly impossible to find the Light King in Imprint Valley.

“My sensing method can cover the majority of Imprint Valley. The fact I can’t sense it means that it’s located in a place where there’s a spatial restriction.” Princess Jinrou pointed continuous and unending formation as she continued, “It’s probably inside the formation.”

“Ok, Martial Cloud Dragon, bring us over,” said Chu Mu.

The Martial Cloud Dragon nodded its head. It spread its wings and waited for Chu Mu and Princess Jinrou to find a steady seat before it took off from the tall mountain peak and glided down.

The Martial Cloud Dragon didn’t beat its wings at a fast rate. However, its wings were extremely powerful. The flying speed of this wing type overlord was displayed thoroughly as it quickly left the mountain peak in the horizon.



On a hundred meter tall mountain, a man with a dragon marking engraved into his face coldly stood there.

Behind him were four men. Their foreheads also had a dragon marking engraved. They stood there unmoving like four statues.

In front of them kneeled eight people. The leader of these eight people happened to be Enforcer She who had a snake marking engraved on her face. The remaining seven were kneeling with both knees. Their faces were pressed against the ground.

“Very good, very good. In order to obtain a single Martial Cloud Dragon child, you lost five Immortal Snake Dragons. You guys really made a profit!” the corners of the dragon marking man’s mouth quivered.

The kneeling people were all afraid and uneasy. Their master was a devil who didn’t blink when killing people. Who in the entire Demon Beast Palace didn’t know of the name Zeng Long?

Snake Dragon Faction’s Eminence and Demon Beast Palace’s Enforcer Zongxi. People of these ranks had the power to crush the lives of tens of billions of people wherever they went. Even immortal rank experts had to lower their prideful heads in front of them.

“Eminence, we were initially almost about to catch it, but someone suddenly appeared and threw our formation into disarray.” Enforcer She thought of an excuse.

Zeng Long narrowed his eyes. Suddenly, a golden poisonous snake shot out, instantly wrapping around Enforcer She’s neck. She wasn’t able to say a single word.

Enforcer She’s face instantly turned red and veins began to bulge.

Her eyes were full of fear and imploring. She was imploring the Eminence to let her go.

“Hmph, I don’t want to hear your excuses. If it wasn’t because we lack people in Imprint Valley’s fight, I would have already fed you people and your soul pets to my Golden Snake!” angrily said Zeng Long.

“Yes, yes. We will not let other issues keep arising.” after Enforcer Shen caught her breath, she hastily replied.

“Once we finish what we must do, we will immediately leave. If anyone wishes to die with this world, I’ll gladly help!” coldly said Zeng Long.

“Eminence, Divine Sect’s people are already present.” a dragon marking man behind Zeng Long said.

“Ok, let’s convene with them first.”


The Martial Cloud Dragon landed heavily in the Light Valley formation. In this complex formation valley, it would be no easy task to find the Light King, especially since Princess Jinrou’s perception was restricted by the formation.

The reason why Chu Mu wanted the Martial Cloud Dragon to land here was because he saw a group of people. This group of people was dressed strangely. Their faces were all covered, and it was unknown what faction they belonged to.

These people seemed to have just entered Imprint Valley. From the direction they were walking, they probably hadn’t entered from Divine Sect’s back mountain.

Chu Mu wasn’t too nervous. He chanted an incantation, and a faint holy blue light appeared on his body.

“What is that? It’s so fragrant.” asked Princess Jinrou.

“It’s the Evil Good Beauty’s aura,” responded Chu Mu.

The fragrance wafted along with the wind towards the group of masked people who were moving very cautiously. Chu Mu quietly waited where he was for a while before a figure suddenly rapidly flew towards him.

When the Martial Cloud Dragon discovered a stranger approach, its eyes instantly turned savage and imposing. It wanted to slash the person coming with a claw.

The figure jumped with fright and hastily tried to dodge.

“Martial Cloud Dragon, don’t attack. It’s one of our own.” Chu Mu quickly called out to the Martial Cloud Dragon.

Although the Martial Cloud Dragon didn’t understand the human language, it roughly understood what Chu Mu was trying to convey. It slowly retracted its claw.

The stranger’s body was covered in sweat. How would it know that this master would have such a powerful dragon next to him. If he was a bit slower, he would have been instakilled here.

“Master.” the masked person fearfully walked up to Chu Mu and respectfully bowed.

“Your identity,” asked Chu Mu.

“This subordinate is Wan Chong’s direct subordinate – Leng Lou. I am in charge of Zhengming Main City’s assassination operations. I also gather information on the large factions. The information about the large factions entering Imprint Valley was something this subordinate learned of.” said the man called Leng Lou.

Leng Lou was a Darkness Sect member who served Wan Chong.

Wan Chong was the Darkness Sect Helm Lord in Cloud Realm City in the past. He was someone who had probably come from the same place as Yu Suo. After falling into darkness, he had met Yu Suo again and continued to serve her enormous Invisible Kingdom.

Wan Chong’s position in the darkness had risen and he was no longer a mere Helm Lord.

“The person leading you into Imprint Valley is Wan Chong?” asked Chu Mu.

“Reporting to master, Senior Wan Chong is in the Southern Extreme territory. The person leading us nine people from Darkness Sect is Senior Heaven Slaughter.” responded Leng Lou.

“Who is Heaven Slaughter?” Chu Mu continued to ask.

“Do you know of Northern Territory’s incident?”

Chu Mu nodded his head.

“He was the cause of the incident there,” said Leng Luo. Chu Mu was shocked.

The slaughtering devil had appeared in Imprint Valley!

The atrocity of the Northern Territory had spread throughout the entire Zhengming Continent.

“For what purpose is Heaven Slaughter bringing you here?” asked Chu Mu.

“We’re doing as Senior Heaven Slaughter wishes. The moment we encounter anyone from another faction, we are to kill him or her without exception. This matter could have something to do with Monument Tear Individuals, because there was news leaked that numerous Monument Tear Individuals used other methods to enter Imprint Valley; following this, Fake Monument Tear Individuals came…” said Leng Lou.

It indeed was related to Monument Tear Individuals. Perhaps the Monument Tears had used some method to warn nearby Monument Tear Individuals and had them enter Imprint Valley to save the Light King.

Clearly, it wasn’t only him who was worried about the Light king. The other Monument Tear Individuals had moved.

Moreover, the Fake Monument Tear Individuals that wanted to obtain Monument Tears had also learned of this information. Thus, they poured into Imprint Valley for the purpose of killing Monument Tear Individuals and obtaining Monument Tears from them…

“This place has become a contending ground!” Chu Mu let out a sigh.

Monument Tear perception was also restricted in Imprint Valley. Nobody knew who was a Monument Tear Individual or a Fake Monument Tear Individual. Thus, the situation would be even more chaotic.

“This subordinate must go back. If Senior Heaven Slaughter notices, this small one’s life will be in danger,” said Leng Lou.

“Ok, go back.” Chu Mu nodded his head.

Leng Lou looked a bit apprehensively at the Martial Cloud Dragon before transforming into a black shadow that quickly disappeared from in front of Chu Mu.

The moment Leng Lou left, the adjacent Princess Jinrou used her beautiful eyes to look confusedly at Chu Mu.

She didn’t understand why Chu Mu had relations with Darkness Sect people. Moreover, that man named Leng Lou had also called Chu Mu, “master”.

“He’s Yu Suo’s subordinate’s subordinate. Currently, the faction we have in the open in Zhengming Continent is New Moon Land’s faction; in the darkness, we have the kingdom Yu Suo controls. They mutually help each other and their rate of development will greatly increase.” explained Chu Mu.

“You are the king of New Moon Land, and you are also the master of Invisible Kingdom. Then doesn’t that mean you’re the hidden big shot behind the scenes in Zhengming Continent?”

Chu Mu shook his head and said: “Compared to those large factions, New Moon Land and Invisible Kingdom are still too weak. Look at Demon Beast Palace; a single faction of theirs controls that many immortal rank experts.”

The Charm of Soul Pets

The Charm of Soul Pets

Allure of the Pets, Chong Mei, Sủng Mị, 宠魅; 寵魅
Status: Completed Author: ,

Author Synopsis: Cloud birds that soar through the blue sky; Terrorblood wolves that roam the wastelands ruthlessly. Dream beasts that dart through the moonlight forests; Ghost kings that dwell on foggy cliffs. Ocean spirit beasts that haunt the depths of the boundless oceans; thousand-eyed treants that stand unyielding on precipitous peaks.

Sword Beetles, Sunset Eagles, Ancient Wood Demons, Chaotic Thunder Sprites, Cursed Demon Fox: Ice… Plants, Beasts, Elementals, Undead, this is the eccentric, variegated, beautiful, and stunning world of soul pets!

Our protagonist, a soul pet trainer, had at first a young, mutated soul pet – a Moonlight Fox. In unending fights, it mutated into the stronger Evil Flamed Six-tailed Demon fox and the even higher leveled Queen Flamed Nine-tailed Firefox!

Under the companionship of this soul pet, he walked on the path to become a king, catching precious and rare soul pets, and never ceasing his endeavor to becoming the very best!

TL Synposis: Many islands dotted the vast oceans of this world. However, some of the islands were a lot more sinister than the rest. Those islands, known as Nightmare Islands, were true nightmares to all but the strongest and most fortunate. Children were kidnapped and thrown on these isolated islands by the Nightmare Palace, forced to sign soul pacts with evil soul pets: Nightmares. These devils slowly devoured the souls of their trainers to grow stronger. If the children did not cultivate fast enough, their souls will be devoured whole, leaving only an empty husk behind.

Chu Mu, the protagonist, was an heir to the Chu Clan, but due to a plotted murder, he was thrown on the island, sentencing him to almost certain death. Dancing on the edge of life and death, he struggled to survive with a small Moonlight Fox he captured. When he finally escaped the devilish foremen on his island, he couldn’t help but let a breath out. But little does he know, the experience was only a beginning to a fated journey with his little Moonlight Fox…


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