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The Bloodline System Chapter 1735

891 See All Ability

An immense pressure radiated across the environment as he flapped his massive wings, flying after Gustav and catching up with ease.

Gustav could not understand why Stark gave off so much pressure with his draconic transformation when he was just a first step Echo ranked Mixedblood.

With the way his draconic transformation looked with two heads, six eyes and golden glowing scales Gustav felt, just like him, Stark would most likely be able to battle mixed-bloods at higher-ranked bloodlines and still win.

No one still understood how he achieved Echo rank at age 18 and was also a two-headed since seven years ago.

Stark was happy as he followed by Gustav’s side flying alongside him. He had always wanted to do something like this and now he had the chance.

He wondered how Gustav was able to fly without wings but he didn’t know Gustav would run out of time soon and have to use transformation to take the form of a winged mixedbreed.

“How were you able to keep following me despite being out of my range of perception?” Gustav asked.

“Oh that, it’s the same way I found out you were not in your room,” Stark responded with a deep voice that had been affected by his transformation.

“I believe there were no cameras or spying devices in my room… I checked,” Gustav furrowed his eyes brows as he voiced out.

“No no there are none,” Stark quickly responded before Gustav could misunderstand.

“I have a see-all ability… Even right now, one of my eyes is fixed on a part of the island far behind us, and another of my eyes sees over fifty miles ahead of us… I am only making use of two to scan around us as we fly,” Stark explained.

“A see-all ability?” Gustav mumbled.

‘Like God Eyes… Only that this one seems to work in a different way and might be better,’ Gustav thought. He also recalled Elevora had a similar eye ability to God Eyes but God Eyes seemed to be better, unlike this particular see-all ability Stark uses.

Seeing from that far away and even seeing behind him, definitely made it better than God Eyes but God Eyes still had other perks besides just seeing.

p-n0ve1、com “Don’t worry I’ll never use it in the household to invade your privacy unless I feel something out of place. I only used it this night because i was worried, ” Stark assured Gustav after he saw his contemplative.

“Fine…” Gustav responded as bat-like wings sprouted out of his back.

Stark was taken aback for an instant as Gustav’s flight speed suddenly increased exponentially.


With a flap of his wings, he gave himself and Stark a distance of several thousand meters.

“Ouuu a race? Be ready to eat the clouds behind me,” Stark chuckled as he also flapped his wings and blasted forward with immense speed, despite the size of his figure.

He almost instantly caught up with Gustav as they flew towards the northeast of the island.

About fifteen minutes later Gustav stood on a purple branched tree that was over one thousand four hundred meters tall. This was the tallest tree on the island and they called it the Ethriah.

It was a strange type of tree that not only gave off energy across the island that benefited bloodline channelling for mixedbloods but it also generated a strange type of electrical current.

This made it unapproachable for a lot of people but even with that it was a treasure on the island and people were not allowed to approach it recklessly.

“There’s are a few guards in this area,” Stark muttered.please visit p(anda-n0ve1.co)m

“You’ll handle it right?” Gustav voiced out.

“Sure I will,” Stark responded.

Gustav brought out the sniper-like weapon which he had just used several minutes ago.

Before arriving here they had visited a different location and Gustav had successfully hit the fifth target. Now he was targeting the sixth and last family branch head of them all.

This was not a safe spot since the area was well guarded but this was the best place to take a shot from because of the next family branch head location.

Gustav activated God Eyes once more zooming in across several ten miles. An exalted platform above a region with a lot of fog could be seen.

Gustav aimed properly at this area where different houses could be seen. His eyes focused on the second to the last house on the fifth row of structures aligned.

His sight moved downwards, going below the house and he spotted a figure underground laying on what seemed to be a mat.

It was like Gustav already expected this so he was well prepared despite the fact that the shot would have to travel underground.


A yellowish-coloured looking item thrice the size of the projectiles he had been shooting since appeared in his hand and Gustav proceeded to put it into the weapon.

His hands glowed with a blue light as he transferred energy into the weapon and aimed it at the figure once more.

‘Here goes…’ He proceeded to pull the trigger.

Boom! Thwaackk~

The yellowish streak tore through the air instantly as well as every single obstacle on the way as it arrived at the target.


It instantly phased through the structure and pierced into the target’s neck.

“Hmm?” The branch leader instantly opened his eyes the moment contact was made but he was too slow.

He touched his neck and felt the liquid, brought his hand to the front of his face and could see part of the yellowish melted projectile on his hand.

“What the…” His eyes turned dizzy and he passed out in the next instant.

This branch head was significantly weaker than the rest being only at kilo rank so Gustav found it easier to target him.

“They’re coming this way,” Stark alerted Gustav of the guards.

Gustav backed himself into the tree and covered himself with the branches while activating Cognitive Concealment.

He also turned into the same color as the tree. Despite the fact that the tree was sending out electric currents, he remained unaffected and hid in it.

The Bloodline System

The Bloodline System

Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
In a future timeline, the earth was visited by a species known as the Slarkovs. Having lost their home planet and in search of a new one, earth was the next habitable planet for them. Humans and Slarkovs made a deal with each other in return for the Slarkovs living on earth. The Slarkovs traded their technology and knowledge for a new home. They were similar to humans except for some of them who had slight differences so fitting into the society wasn't a problem. Over the years Slarkovs and humans began to mate with one another and reproduce offsprings. This in turn created a new species known as the mixed-blood. Centuries later mixedbloods could tap into their bloodline and perform unimaginable feats. Gustav born into an age where bloodline determines everything, struggles to fit with a useless bloodline. His bloodline only grants him the ability to change his hair color, destroying his hopes and dreams for a great future. His fate is turned around when an unexpected situation leads to him finding a system that grants him the power to unlock and upgrade bloodlines by completing quests but he's baffled by two quests with a five-year deadline. Success will grant him unimaginable rewards... But only one thing awaits him if he fails... Death! Follow Gustav on his interesting journey filled with unprecedented adventures, danger and death, maybe? PS: If you cannot wait for character developments don't bother reading. The MC's character growth happens more than once in this story.


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not work with dark mode