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Soul of Negary Chapter 433

Chapter 433 - Vol6 Ch21: Difficult position and fantasy technology

It was much more difficult for the entirety of the Desolate race to ally themselves.

While the Desolate spirit was capable of influencing all Desolates through their collective subconsciousness, the Desolates still had various shortcomings and faults.

For example, due to the lack of a breeding method, they didn’t have much sympathy towards their own race, instead sympathizing more with the tribes they lived with.

In the eyes of the majority of Desolates, the Desolates from other tribes were also prey to be hunted. Under such circumstances, it was truly difficult to unite the tribes.

It might still be possible with a few tribes, but when the entire Desolate race that consisted of hundreds of tribes wanted to unify, the number of issues alone would be enough to cause anyone’s head to explode. The Desolate spirit was the only one capable of achieving this, as no single Desolate would be able to mediate the ensuing conflicts.

Even if they managed to loosely band together, there was also the issue of how to exert the combined fighting prowess of all the tribes. Thanks to the original hierarchy of strength, there were very few who were prestigious enough to command other Desolates, which resulted in a natural invisible barrier between the tribes. People like Meng Luo who could decide to betray their tribe in a heartbeat were exceptionally rare.

Education was also a great issue. With ample resources pooled towards them, the most recent group of Vitality Root Fetuses were exceptionally high quality, there wasn’t a single Demon fetus among them, and the majority of them were superior Desolates with great talents.

In the past, the Desolate had never truly cared about education. For them, the little ones were nothing but new life hatched by the Vitality Root Fetuses, even familial love was rare in a Desolate tribe, so education and such were never a priority.

Because of this, basic education for every tribe consisted only of common sense, hunting skills, and basic geographical knowledge. Once a newborn Desolate was no longer in its infantile state, the ‘schools’ would stop caring about them. If they want to live, they would have to apply the knowledge they had learnt, and if they want to learn more, they would have to find someone willing to teach.

The very next opportunity for a Desolate to be educated would be during the process of becoming a Warrior. The tribe would teach them the most basic knowledge of Totems, how to use Cede, curses, and make an offering to their Totems, that was basically it.

Not even the Desolate spirit could forcefully change these faults of the Desolate as he pleased since these little details contained Principles and Ideals within them as well. Similar to how the Kent tribe in the Flame world were born as natural bandits because the Principles and Ideals of robbing had taken up root within their blood, turning such acts into their natural instincts.

The Desolate spirit could only first comprehend these Principles and Ideals, then find appropriate Principles and Ideals to replace them in order to change this nature. This would be a huge undertaking that required the cooperation of living conditions to already contain such rules and laws in order to succeed.

This factor was also why the Celestials had the shortcomings they did when it came to their growth potential. Negary had been in too much of a hurry at the time that he directly injected his information into the cycle of reincarnation instead of using this method to gradually and unknowingly modify a race, such resulted in the issues that came after.

All in all, the Desolate spirit could not remedy most of these issues and had to partially compromise and force this alliance into existence, even he could not rapidly change the foundations of an entire race.

In the end, the Desolate spirit was still built upon the collective subconsciousness of the Desolate race, he had thousands of years of the Desolate’s hidden wisdom, his grasp of Hunting, Offering, and Totems were definitely superior to Negary, but when it came to knowledge unknown to the Desolates, his starting point wasn’t particularly high and could only proceed step by step.

The Desolate race and the Desolate spirit were mutually influential. The Desolate spirit was the active side of the relationship, capable of pushing for change, but he was also being passively influenced by the Desolates.

Fortunately, the Desolate spirit had a trump card in the [Protagonist] Meng Luo, whose [Protagonist Aura] was gradually being activated, causing his ‘natural charm’ to grow increasingly stronger, saving the Shaman of a tribe here, befriending the strongest Warrior of a different tribe there.

Meng Luo’s abrupt increase in strength gained him quite a bit of support as well, so by the time he defeated the strongest Warrior of the Meng tribe, he officially became renowned among the Desolates through his mettle.

As time slowly went by, 5 years had passed, and the entire Desolate Sacrifice world was growing increasingly uneasy as a triangle situation had formed.

The Celestials’ living environments were harsh, but following their developments in science and technology, these harsh environments were also being gradually improved, allowing the Celestial race as a whole to grow stronger.

The Desolates still enjoyed the majority of the world’s resources and a large number of new geniuses, some of the habits created through their racial instincts had also been forcefully suppressed. At this point, they were at least looking like a unified nation.

Strictly speaking, the Nanwu tribe wasn’t quite an equivalent force compared to the other two. They had no production, so they were gradually looking more and more like an actual disaster that constantly destroyed everything in their path, using one battle to fund the next, rapidly expending their limited resources to increase their forces.

Any disasters would eventually come to an end, and the Nanwu tribe had now reached their limit, the power they could obtain from destroying everything had reached a certain peak, and the only thing left they could destroy were the other two forces. If they couldn’t take down any of the other forces, they would gradually grow weaker and simply die off.

〖 The Lord of Disaster has served his purpose 〗

Negary thought to himself. He never had the intention of letting the Lord of Disaster destroy the Desolate Sacrifice world in the first place; not only did that not benefit him as the to-be consciousness of this world and lose him an entire world, but it also made [Disaster] more likely to escape his control.

The original reason why Negary created the Lord of Disaster was to use him to stir up the Desolate Sacrifice world’s status quo, easing the conflict between the Celestials and Desolates, as well as buy more time for himself to develop. Now that these goals had been reached, it was prime time for the Lord of Disaster to retreat.

And so, not too long after that, the disasters of Nanwu were thoroughly triggered and spread to other locations without minding where they were going to destroy everything they saw. Especially the Warriors who had converted themselves into disasters, as they had devoured their own Totems in order to gain terrifying strength.

Totems were all manifested from the world’s Source Energy and the Desolates were originally only granted the right to use them, but now that this Source Energy was devoured and converted into an inferior form of energy, it was a terrible loss to convert them back.

“I think it should be like this!” Yun Yi said with a serious tone as he pushed a pair of glasses up the bridge of his nose.

The pen in his hand swiftly marked a few things out on the blueprint before infusing the Cede from his hand into a piece of material and putting it into the furnace. After pouring the molten liquid into a casting model and cooling it down, he began to follow the blueprint and pieced together a large cannon with numerous knives attached to it.

After Negary guided the Celestials to developing science 5 years ago, the Celestials had been studying the tech trees of several worlds. After discovering that most of them needed a number of other prerequisite technologies to develop, their motto had become to develop a tech tree with their own native colors.

And so, Offering Science was born. Taking advantage of Cede’s unique absorption characteristic, they began to develop fantasy technology. Whenever there was technology that they couldn’t create in a normal manner, they would use Cede to forcefully put them together in order to skip some of the necessary steps, thus forcefully creating the technological product they wanted.

Of course, these kinds of technological products were very unstable and prone to change, usually for the worse.

For example, what Yun Yi had just created was an armor-piercing laser. He had the technology to create light that could attack, as well as technology to make weapons sharp enough to pierce through armor, but to put them together, he was troubled by various issues regarding material, construction, and overall technique, so he just skipped over these steps and pieced them together using Cede.

Raising the cannon, Yun Yi pulled the trigger. A sharp ray of light emerged from the muzzle and extended until it pierced through the target in front of him.

“That’s a bit different from what I had thought, it turned into a giant blade of light now” Yun Yi scratched his head trying to think of a solution for this.

After that, his lab door was opened as Po Nan entered, carrying with him a new order for Yun Yi: “Newest order, you’ve been sent out to the frontlines, responsible for upgrading our anti-disaster-infected technological products”

“Really? I’ve been waiting so long for this!” Yun Yi pulled the trigger again, causing the sharp blade of light to flicker and shoot forward, destroying both the target and the wall behind it.

Soul of Negary

Soul of Negary

SON, 奈格里之魂
Status: Ongoing Author: ,

Heed my call! O’ Dragon of Eternal Sin, the Progressive Disaster, the Forerunner, the Land of Eternal Peace, the Flames of Soul Burning, He Who Owns The Deep Soul, the Sound of Origin, the First Cause of All Things, the Principle of Circles… o’ great Negary, your servant calls for your return!

Within the darkness, someone was harmoniously chanting, he was smiling, as he knew he would finally become one with his God.

And all of this, came from the remnant soul that was deceived to travelling to a different world and had his Protagonist Aura stolen.


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not work with dark mode