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Power and Wealth Chapter 282

Chapter 282 – Problems at work!


Dong Xuebing left Beijing at 5 am for work at Yan Tai County Public Security Bureau.

This is Dong Xuebing’s first day of work after solving the Provincial Museum break-in case, and he has lots of work lined up for him. After arriving at the Bureau, he went to report to the leaders. He met up with some close colleagues, before starting work in his office. Hui Tian Village Station had sent lots of documents to his office. Most of the documents are officers’ requests for rewards for solving cases and files for filing. It is almost year-end, and Dong Xuebing has to prepare year-end reports for the higher-ups.

At around noon, Dong Xuebing’s office phone rang.

“Chief Dong, come over to my office.” It’s Liang Chengpeng.

Dong Xuebing immediately replied. “Yes, Sir.” He quickly drops whatever he was doing and left his office.

Liang Chengpeng smiles as he asked Dong Xuebing to sit. “How are your injuries?”

“Thank you for your concern. I am fine now.”

“Good.” Liang Chengpeng nodded slightly. “Recently, there is an increase in crimes, like theft and burglary in the County. You should know that a Japanese company will be visiting our County for a site inspection for their investment. Although the investment is not confirmed, the deal is almost completed, and the County is very concerned about this. Party Secretary Xiang will be receiving the Japanese team himself, and he ordered us to leave a good impression with them. We must maintain law and order at the site, and everything must be in order.

Dong Xuebing knew Chief Liang is going to assign this job to him.

Liang Chengpeng continued. “I think you are the best person for this job. Remember, nothing must go wrong.”

Dong Xuebing replied. “Rest assured. I will complete this task.”

“Ok. You can get the details from Chief Meng of the Investment Promotion Agency.

“Yes, Sir.”

Yan Tai County’s geographical location is not good, and getting investments from overseas investors had also been a headache. That’s why this Japanese company’s site visit is very important to the County, and County’s Party Secretary Xiang Daofa is very concern about this. Liang Chengpeng had assigned Dong Xuebing to take charge of the Japanese team’s safety. Still, the real reason is he needed Dong Xuebing to solve all the problems that arise suddenly. They want to show the Japanese the ‘good side’ of the County and cover up all the flaws. They must make sure the Japanese will invest in the County.

Back in his office, Dong Xuebing smoked a cigarette and thought about this task.

This is not a good task. If he performs well, he will not get any credit, and if he messes up, he will have to bear responsibility.

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and called the Investment Promotion Agency Chief Meng.

“Hello? Who is this?” The background on the other line is very noisy.

Dong Xuebing replied. “Is this Chief Meng? I am Public Security’s Dong Xuebing.”

“Oh, Chief Dong.”

“Has the Japanese team for site visit arrive? The Bureau asked me to ensure their safety.”

“They are supposed to be arriving today, but I had just received a call from them saying that there will be a delay for about a day. They should be arriving tomorrow.”

Chief Meng is the person-in-charge of receiving foreign investors, and his full name is Meng Xianglin and is below 50 years old. He is also the County’s Investment Promotion Agency Chief. Dong Xuebing had met the County’s Investment Promotion Agency’s Deputy Chief Lui Dafa but have not met Meng Xianglin in person yet. However, after working in the County for so long, he knew Meng Xianglin is Xiang Daofa’s trusted aide and got this position because of Xiang Daofa.

Late afternoon, Dong Xuebing finished his work and left the Bureau.

Dong Xuebing called Xie Huilan in front of the Public Security’s Family Quarters, but her phone is switched off. She should still be in meetings.

Xie Huilan is very busy, and they seldom have time to meet. Since Dong Xuebing went to Lui An City for undercover investigation, he had only spoken to her over the phone and had not met her. He thought for a while and drove to the County Party Committee’s quarters. He parked his car at another street and bought some food, before making his way to the quarters.

Sister Xie’s apartment.

Dong Xuebing used his keys to open the door and went straight to the kitchen.

After Dong Xuebing was discharged from the hospital, he discovered a bunch of keys in his bag. It was the bunch of keys he returned to Sister Xie before, and he knew it must be Sister Xie who place it in his bag. This means that she is willing to forgive him. Of course, she might also be doing this to prevent his condition from getting worse. Until now, Dong Xuebing still cannot tell what Xie Huilan is thinking.

Washing, cutting, etc. Dong Xuebing started preparing dinner.

After a while, the doorbell rang.

Dong Xuebing jumped and tiptoed to the door. Through the door’s peephole, he saw a middle-aged man who looks like a leader. He does not recognize this man but felt he looks familiar and should have seen him around the County’s government. He did not open the door and quickly return to the kitchen.

Ten minutes later.

Click… it was the sound of someone opening the main door.

Dong Xuebing heard it and quickly ran into the bathroom to hide.

The door opens. “… Mayor Geng, please come in.” Xie Huilan said.

“Can I use this pair of slippers?”

“It’s fine. You don’t need to change your shoes. Haha… have you waited long?”

“Not really. I had just arrived not long ago.”

“I returned to the County’s committee after the meeting and did not know you are coming over.”

Mayor Geng? Dong Xuebing remembered who this man was. Geng Yuchao, Yan Tai County’s Deputy Mayor. He is also the only Deputy Mayor, other than the Executive Deputy Mayor, to be on the County’s Party Committee. Dong Xuebing heard that Geng Yuchao had clashed with Xiang Daofa when the latter was still the Mayor. But from his tone now, he should have joined Xie Huilan’s faction.

“Mayor Xie, I will be leaving in a while, and you don’t need to prepare tea for me.”

“You should have a cup of tea first, right?”

“Ah… Let me pour the tea myself.”

After a while, they started talking about work. Geng Yuchao said. “Mayor Xie, the Investment Promotion Agency, is a department of the County Government, and it should be the County Government job. Party Secretary Xiang had brushed us aside to bring in foreign investors. This is too…”

“Haha… Secretary Xiang is also doing this for our County’s development.”

“You might be right, but they only inform us today about the site visit, and still assign Chief Meng to receive them. Secretary Xiang is not giving the County Government any credits, and you should know about Chief Meng’s relationship with Secretary Xiang. Since he is doing this for the County, why didn’t he let you or the Deputy Mayor who oversees investments take charge of this? This is…”

Dong Xuebing immediately knew Geng Yuchao is talking about the Japanese investor’s site visit and investment. Xiang Daofa had not informed the County Government and tasked his trusted aide to take charge of it. This is too overbearing, and he is not letting Xie Huilan and the County Government get involved. He is telling everyone that he is in charge of the County and disregarded Xie Huilan.

Dong Xuebing frowned. He had saved Sister Xie’s life and helped her several times. Even when he did not say anything, everyone will think he is from her faction. Then the thankless task of taking care of the Japanese team must be given to him by Xiang Daofa. Xie Huilan’s faction will not get any credit, and the tasks where mistakes might occur easily is given to her people. This is like slapping her in the face. Seems like the rift between Sister Xie and Xiang Daofa is growing.

Dong Xuebing cursed in his heart. I had helped Yan Tai County solved such a big case, and Xiang Daofa is assigning a dirty job to me?! What’s wrong with you? Did I offend you? Dong Xuebing had dislike Xiang Daofa, not because of Xie Huilan. A few months ago, Dong Xuebing had found evidence against the former Party Secretary Chang Lei and forced him to step down. Xiang Daofa was the one who benefited from it, but he is not grateful and does not even want to meet Dong Xuebing. Now, he is doing this again!

F**k! You are finding trouble with me now?!

After a while, Geng Yuchao left.

Dong Xuebing waited for a while to make sure he had left, before walking out to the living room.

The living room is empty.

Dong Xuebing looks around and saw the room’s door opened. “Sister Xie?”

Dong Xuebing entered the bedroom and saw Xie Huilan undressing. She was in her bra and bending over to remove her pants. Her back is facing Dong Xuebing, and he could see the outline of her ass through her red long john pants. Xie Huilan heard Dong Xuebing and looked towards the door. “… When did you arrive?”

Dong Xuebing avert her gaze. “Huh… around 5 pm. I had prepared the ingredients.”

Xie Huilan narrowed her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me that you are coming over? Are you trying to scare me? Hahaha…”

“Ahem… no. I saw Mayor Geng entering, and I hid in the bathroom. I tried calling you, but your phone is off.” Dong Xuebing stood at the entrance and secretly peep at her curvy ass. He had not seen Sister Xie for many days and felt her ass is getting rounder.

Xie Huilan smiled and sat on the bed to take off her long john pants. “Shouldn’t you go out when a woman is changing?”

“Oh… I will go out and wait.” Dong Xuebing quickly close the door for Xie Huilan.

A few minutes later, Xie Huilan walks out of her room, gracefully in a sweater.

Dong Xuebing exclaimed. “Sister Xie, you are so pretty today.”

“Really? Haha…” Xie Huilan sat on the sofa and took a sip of tea. “Did you return to Beijing over the weekend? Was it fun?”

Dong Xuebing paused for a second. “I did not do anything except watch TV at home.”

Xie Huilan laughed. “Your face is glowing, and I don’t think it is from watching TV.”

‘Ah? Really?” Dong Xuebing asked. “It must because I get to meet you.”

Xie Huilan laughed and put down her teacup. “You are so sweet.”

Dong Xuebing knew Sister Xie is not easily flattered like Aunt Xuan, and he is afraid Sister Xie will bring up about their relationship problems. He quickly changes the subject. “Oh, I overheard Mayor Geng talking about the site visit and investment. Chief Liang had just asked me to take charge of the Japanese team’s safety while they are here. Is this a trap? Could it be Xiang Daofa purposely assign this task to me?”

Xie Huilan nodded. “He does not want you to get promoted.”

Dong Xuebing was stunned. “What do you mean?”

“You had received two First-class merits, and if it’s someone else, he should be promoted. Secretary Xiang does not want you to move up, but you have all the credentials. That’s why he assigns this thankless task to you. This task has no credits, and if anything happens, he can use it as an excuse to stop your promotion.” Xie Huilan explained.

F**k! Dong Xuebing cursed. “This is too despicable!”

Xie Huilan laughed and look at Dong Xuebing. “Are you still thinking of getting promoted to Section Chief?”

“Of course. I was still thinking of getting it before Lunar New Year.” Dong Xuebing was frustrated. “That means I don’t stand any chance now?”

“Haha… not really.”

“Ah… Sister Xie, stop hanging me in midair and give me some pointers.” Dong Xuebing had done many things and risked his life many times in the past year because he wants to get promoted. Now, he knows Xiang Daofa is trying to stop him and who knows how long he has to wait before he can get promoted.

“Do you want to know?”

“Of course.”

Xie Huilan narrowed her eyes with a smile. “I am very tired today, and my shoulders are aching.”

Dong Xuebing quickly got behind her and started massaging her shoulders. “Please tell me what I should do.”

“Hmm…” Xie Huilan closed her eyes. “As long as you don’t make any major mistakes recently, I can help to nominate you if there is a vacancy. I believe Secretary Xiang will not stop you after the nomination is put up. Of course, you will not get positions like Finance Bureau Chief, Public Security Deputy Executive Chief, or other important roles. These are all out of reach for you for the time being.”

“I know… but are there any vacancies?”


“Then I will have to wait like this? Even if I got nominated, Xiang Daofa will also not approve it during the Party Committee meeting.” Sister Xie’s votes in the party committee are lesser than Xiang Daofa, and Xiang Daofa has the final say on the promotions of the staff.

“It’s like this, that’s why I told you not to be anxious. Just build your foundations for a year, and at that time, Secretary Xiang can no longer stop you.” Xie Huilan closes her eyes. “Use more strength and slightly more to the right. It’s aching there. Thank you.”

I got to wait for another year?!

Bullshit. Dong Xuebing will not wait for so long!

Dong Xuebing used more strength on Xie Huilan’s right shoulder. “Sister Xie, let’s not talk about whether if the Party Committee will approve my promotion now. Errr… are there any Section Chiefs that are going to retire or transfer?”

Xie Huilan replied without thinking. “Haha… no.”

Damn! Dong Xuebing’s head starts to hurt.

Section Chief’s positions might seem a lot, but in Yan Tai County, Section Chief rank’s positions are the heads of Bureau and office. Also, among the available positions, like Finance Bureau Chief, Public Security Executive Deputy Chief, Supervision Bureau Chief, are not available to Dong Xuebing. Dong Xuebing does not has the experience for this post and can only qualify for other offices, like Cultural Affairs, Sports Administration, Agriculture, etc. The career prospects in these bureaus are not good, and Dong Xuebing does not want to go there. He would rather wait and get experience in Public Security than go to those bureaus. The remaining bureaus and offices that have career prospects are too few, let alone he still has to wait until the head is retiring or transfer…

It’s too difficult!

It’s too difficult even to get a nomination!

Dong Xuebing laughed at himself in his heart, but he does not want to give up his goal of getting Section Chief. He will still try his best!

Xie Huilan took a glance at Dong Xuebing. “What are you thinking?”

After massaging Xie Huilan’s shoulders, Dong Xuebing starts to massage her neck. “I can only wait now. I don’t believe there will be no changes to Yan Tai County’s Section Chiefs staff in the coming months. Maybe one of them might request for early retirement due to medical reasons, or get promoted to the City Government.”

“Haha… I didn’t know that you are so optimistic.”

Dong Xuebing rolled his eyes. He is not optimistic now. He wishes something bad, like accidents, sudden illnesses, etc. to happen to those Section Chiefs, so they will vacant their positions. He wants the nomination as soon as possible before Xiang Daofa got him into a trap. No one knows what will happen in the future, and accidents might happen.

Power and Wealth

Power and Wealth

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , Native Language: Chinese
An accident let him have a special ability to turn back time up to 1 minute. When he said the wrong things in front of his leader, he was able to return back to 1 minute before to correct what he said. During jade stone gambling and there was no jade inside, he turns back time to pick another stone. When the woman he likes met an accident, he can return back to 1 minute before to save her…… A small fry’s rise through the ranks of the government service starts……


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