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Number One Dungeon Supplier Chapter 297

Chapter 297 Dantian Poison Corruption

Once the battle subsided, the Priest Savant was tending to the wounds of the military vendors, while Milk was fully focused on trying to help Yuan Ba. Subsequently the System let in Panda Nurses from the recovery instance that were individually attending to the injured.

“Why don’t you just let them die? Isn’t it more efficient that way?” Yang Ling wondered out loud as Ke Loong coincidentally walked towards Jin and Milk.

“I agree with her. This should simply make him unconscious and while it would take quite a fair bit of time to recover, it should be far more efficient. So why can’t you just make us exit the dungeon instance? Won’t these wounds not take effect when we do that?” Ke Loong chimed in with his expertise.

“These aren’t ordinary wounds…” Yuan Ba coughed as he spoke with his eyes closed in pain. Milk calmed him down even further with another spell as she tried to stabilise him a little more after she got some help from the Head Nurse Panda.

“You might be infected with the dantian corruption poison. Have you already noticed, that your wounds are not really healing?” Jin questioned Yuan Ba, who opened his eyes to reveal his shock. “You seem to know a bit about this, even though it’s a well guarded secret. Who exactly are you?”

Jin did not say a single word nor pretend to deny the fact that he knew, but he continued to lock down the dungeon, only providing access to the recovery instance as the nurse pandas aided the casualties. After some of the vendors stabilised enough he would move them over.

“How bad is Yuan Ba’s situation?” Jin asked Milk as she wiped her sweat off. “It’s no good. Whatever else was in that poison, it was designed specifically to target cultivators with high cultivation grade. The higher the cultivation, the more potent the poison becomes. That poison is integrated with the dantian corruption poison too, so it is tough for me to keep him alive.” Milk shook her head in dismay. “What about the rest?” Jin was getting concerned if the others were being corrupted by the same concoction of poison.

“The rest only suffered from slight corruption poison, and most of the Panda Nurses managed to isolate the toxin since it was of little quantity. But like I said, it only had been separated, not dispelled from the body. They are currently being held on bay in the chi points near the lymph nodes in the thighs.”

“So tell me honestly, How much longer do I have?” Yuan Ba somehow resigned to his fate, but Milk was not giving him up at all. “You better struggle. It has been a very long time since I had to sweat so much to heal anyone other than my Master. Don’t you dare waste my effort!” Milk retorted with anger.

“What is this dantian corruption poison? Someone, please answer me.” Yang Ling could not take it that she has been ignored once again.

“My mother passed away from this before.” Jin clarified, which caused Yuan Ba to look at Jin closely. “You are the grandson of General Ming?” Yuan Ba could not believe the coincidence in life as Jin nodded his head. “To think I’d owe Ming and now his grandson my life. Now I understand a bit.” He gave a sigh, which irritated Milk as she demanded him to stop moving.

“Then can this be cured?” Yang Ling asked hopefully. Even though she could not forgive her Dad previously, she was now holding his hands tightly.

“There is no cure for this. The Royal Zodiacs had been researching this strain of poison for the longest time, but we have no con-*cough**cough* conclusive evidence for an antidote. The strain is too unique and the poison we had gathered from that incident, was too small of an amount for in depth data collection- *cough* *cough* ” Yuan Ba continued coughing once again before Milk cast a silence spell on him.

“I said. Do. NOT. Talk. Anymore. You are wasting my effort each time you talk. Use telepathic messaging instead.” Milk ordered Yuan Ba do so and he obediently obliged.

“Where can I find the research data for this dantian corruption poison? Shouldn’t there be at least an antidote for this cultivation killer poison? Everything you can show us, will increase your chances and it should make it easier on you, Milk… right?.” Jin addressed all three of them at the same time as the System had already begun analysing the poison that was isolated in other victims.

“Unfortunately no, the poisons are deeply integrated with each other. I believe if you bring in only the antidote for the cultivation killer, it would be meaningless, or in the worst case it might even aggravate the situation.” Milk replied in harsh tone after having scolded Yuan Ba.

“Well, unless you can truly isolate it in the human body.” Peppers who was at the scene suddenly had an idea while pointing to her chest.

“What do you mean?” Jin had no patience entertaining Peppers, but he tried to calm himself down. Getting angry at someone wanting to help would help no one.

“Remember how in the first movie of Iron Woman she had shrapnel in her body and she used the electromagnetic reactor to stop the shrapnel from going into her heart? Same concept.” Peppers explained.

“So you want to build a sort of prison core to keep the poison from staining the dantian and keeping it isolated in one area?” Jin questioned to confirm her hypothesis.

“Something like that and we could take the time to slowly research for the cure when the poison had been properly isolated. Think it’s possible?” Peppers looked towards Milk which was now showing a worried face.

“Urgh I hate to admit it but this brat might be onto something. But where can we find the expertise of creating such a prison core? You need knowledge in engineering and chi circuits anatomy well enough to create a customised item like this. Not to mention you would have to make it efficient in size…” Milk said with a bit of obvious hinting to Jin.

“I will do it. I have sufficient knowledge in chi circuitry and the gearbox technology development had a component similar to that isolation core. I could modify that component’s blueprint from the USB that I lent Jin. ” Yang Ling raised her hand as if she was in some classroom to volunteer herself.

“Well, I did predict she would make a good addition to the store.” Kraft suddenly injected his thoughts to Jin putting him in a bad dilemma. He initially only planned to have Qiu Yue and Lynn be exposed to the System. Definitely not Yang Ling with her ties to the Royal Zodiac Tiger. After all rising to the top, should inevitable make him have to take them down at one point in the future.

“You must have some sort of contact that deals with design machinery and manufacturing , right? If not, how were you able to create something this fast within the span of one night?” Yang Ling, who was grateful, previously did not bother to ask Jin how he attained the prototype Gearbox V3 within a night because it was his own secret. But right now, she was not just curious, but desperately needed someone with such high talent able to quickly construct some machinery with to save her father.

“I honestly do not think it’s a good idea.” Jin accidentally said it out loud, which annoyed Yang Ling. “It can be considered my fault that caused my father to be in his current situation. But you not letting me do something that can potentially save my father’s life is inexcusable. If you desire money, I can throw fucking millions at you right now with a click of a finger. Just tell me who you contacted, I promise I won’t bother you in the future nor your contact.” Yang Ling pleaded with her tears at the brink of dropping.

“I…am sorry. I could not let yo- Oof!” Jin got hit at his sacred treasures with a knee kick from the Gearbox V3 exosuit.

“I am not asking, I am demanding.” Yang Ling shouted furiously, but before she could make another kick, suddenly not one, not two, but each and every single one of the nurse pandas that were in the room had appeared near her. All of them were holding blades pointing towards her with Zeru’s wooden sword at the edge of her throat. Not just them but even Milk who was caring for her father stopped as she pointed her hands like a knife towards his injured throat.

“If you dare to make another move against Jin, we will kill you regardless of your status in society.” Zeru’s tone was not a single bit courteous while Jin slowly stood up from the attack.

“I…” Yang Ling stopped, what she was doing and realised that she was just a little tiger cub in a park full of monsters.

“Stop. Release her.” Jin ordered as he beckoned Yang Ling to follow him to the Dungeon Maker. “Do not make me regret this.” Jin mumbled.

Number One Dungeon Supplier

Number One Dungeon Supplier

Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
In a modern world where cultivators need a place to cultivate or vent their boredom, there are private businesses that set up instance dungeons with the aid of technology and cultivation magic to enable cultivators to train and commoners to experience the life of cultivation. They are called dungeon suppliers. Xie Jin's one and only dream was to be a dungeon supplier and when his only relative passed away, the relative's inheritance gave him a plot of land and surprisingly, a 'System' Module which the relative had previously used. With the help of the system, Xie Jin decided to pursue his dream of becoming the number one dungeon supplier. ----------- (13/8/2020) Author's opinion: At this point, this book had hundreds of chapters worth of content which I had planned for a long time. If you wish to undertake the book and appreciate the story, please read it up till chapter 300s to understand the sudden twist in chapter 100s. i will admit that during that time, I am still a young budding author and could have expressed the story better in the early hundred chapters. But I assure you the story development is worth it.


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not work with dark mode