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Nightmare’s Call Chapter 316

Chapter 317 - The Current Era: Part 3

The Heaven’s Spire.

Inside the cloud-piercing white spire complex, a group of figures, wearing a white robe, dashed into a formation. Tall white figures with eyes lit up in silver strode forward.

Several stealthy white spacecraft emerged in the sky. Some of them were as long as several dozen meters. Some were larger at hundred meters long.

On both sides of a spire, green light from the portals lit up. Groups of Darksiders came out of the transmission platforms and headed towards the center of the spire complex.

Snow was falling from the sky, but just as it dropped toward the central district, the snow disappeared without a trace.

A pure white falcon flew across the sky, straight through a snow-covered staircase and climbed straight up. It glided past the ancient temples, over the icy squares where the soldiers gathered. And then it entered a vast and immaculate white hall in the center of the spire complex group.

There were seven ice thrones in the hall, divided into two rows. The falcon swooped down and landed on the throne at the highest point in the middle. It was resting on the shoulder of a tall old man with white hair and cold piercing eyes.

“Fall in,” the old man whispered.

As a green light glowed on the falcon’s chest, a diamond-shaped green crystal emerged from within.

A bell rang from afar before the sound dissipated into the distance. Starting from the throne on the left from high to low, a tall and burly red-haired woman emerged.

“Angel Encarmine, Narodu, reporting for duty.”

The woman wore a thick white bear shawl on her shoulders, her long legs crossed, and translucent white light spots hovering around her like ice crystals.

On the second throne, a figure draped in black armor, holding an epee, sat down.

“Night Angel, Kansha, reporting for duty.”

The figure flickered as if it were not a real entity.

On the third throne, a person of unknown gender with long hair, wearing a gray robe, sat down with a smile.

“Phantom Angel, Vessaile Karelina, reporting for duty.”

On the right, the fourth throne, a man wearing a black suit, square glasses with a black pistol hanging from his waist, sat down.

“Spell Angel reporting for duty.”

On the fifth throne, a blurry virtual figure, wearing a silver-white suit, holding a wine glass in his hand, emerged.

“Lunar Angel, Dawnlight. Hi, everyone, long time no see!”

On the sixth throne, a shadow of a green monitor lizard flashed across the air, and the green dark energy materialized into a blue-haired red-eyed young boy.

“Throne Angel, Yinan, reporting for duty.”

Amid a long rumble sound, the frosted doors of the hall shut slowly. The over-ten-meter-tall stone doors shut so seamlessly that it left no gap behind. A blue light ripple radiated along the hall, shone on the strong ones on the thrones, then disappeared at once.

“Since the visible and invisible angels are all here, let’s start the meeting,” declared the old man on the host throne.Read more chapter at vipnovel

“With the use occult spell and the presence of the invisible angels, don’t you tell me that this is just a regular meeting,” Dawn, the Moon Angel, wearing a silver suit was heard saying. “Yinan, I heard that you’ve hit a wall in Xylond and have been injured.” He gloated over the misfortune of Yinan, the Throne Angel sitting on the last throne.

The muscles on Yinan’s face twitched. He was furious by the remark yet suppressing his urge to look at the Moon Angel.

“It’s no big deal. Thank you for your concern, Dawn!”

“Oh, yeah? Just no big deal?” The Moon Angel stretched his neck, and it got longer and longer like a snake until the Moon Angel’s face, pulsating in a strange red glow, came before Yinan.

“Do you need me to make you a potion? I will surely give you the best discount, Throne Angel.”

Yinan was unruffled, closing his eyes. The thought of the fella called the Night Lord would send anger burning through his gut.

“Now, let us discuss the specific response to the present actions of the Sevenlocks Towers,” the old man on the host throne said with a solemn voice.

Near Baine University, Miga.

Somewhere in the dense forest, a scarlet halo expanded from Lin Sheng’s hand. But quickly, the light dissipated and everything returned to normal. He held a dark-energy bead that had just been purified and tucked it into his pocket, his face calm.

“This is not enough. I need at least ten more dark spirits to improve the strength of my bloodline by one-tenth.” He already had a refined mastery of his bloodline. He knew how much more soul power he needed to transform into dragon blood.

Looking down at the residue of the ceremonial plastic sheet on the ground, Lin Sheng opened his mouth. A spark came out of it and fell on the plastic sheet, igniting it instantly. The dark-red dragon’s breath consumed the plastic sheet of over two-meter in diameter in less than two seconds, leaving behind only a little black residue at the scene. With everything done, Lin Sheng was about to head back to the mansion when he heard voices in the far distance.

“There was fire there. I just saw it. Hurry!”

Hurried footsteps approached. Soon, several figures holding flashlights came close. They were young people, thirty at most, wearing black, knife-resistant night suit. If not for the flashlight in their hands, most people would not have noticed them.

Walking in front was a man, bald with his head covered with horrible scars. Among the few people following, one of them was Lin Sheng’s acquaintance.

“It’s you?” The blond captain of the Royal Academy pointed back at Lin Sheng with a horrified look on his face as he stepped back. Apparently, the presence of Lin Sheng there shocked him.

“It’s dangerous to wander in the forest at this hour at night.” Lin Sheng looked at them and broke into a gentle smile.

The men looked at Lin Sheng and then the bloodstains on the ground. That was the trail left by the corpses of the ceremony. The plastic sheet of the ritual circle had been destroyed but not the bloodstains.

“Go home. Pretend that we have never met here.” Lin Sheng smiled.

The young blond man looked at Lin Sheng, a chill running up his spine. He could not help taking a step back.

“What are you afraid of? Are we not here with the jammer to get some extra dime? As long as we get the information on the Paragon of Destiny, we can change it for a piece of black feather gold!” One stepped forward and said.

The young blond man turned a deaf ear to him, his mind full of the images of Lin Sheng’s use of dark energy during the day. He kept stepping back. “You guys go ahead… I-I have to leave now.”

“What? Are you flinching at his moment, Bolin?” A fat woman at the rear stood in his way.

“Students like you all are a bummer. It’s just a little child. Let’s just kill him and we keep going.”

Kill-Kill him?

Suddenly, there was silence.

Bolin’s heart skipped a beat as he knew things were not right. He looked up at Lin Sheng. In the moonlight, Lin Sheng’s face was in the shadows. He could make out the smile on his face, but it differed from the one before.

“With so many people missing every day, it makes no difference if we kill one more.” One sneered, drawing a short knife and waving it in the dark. A green light of dark energy appeared next to him as he strode toward Lin Sheng.

Nightmare’s Call

Nightmare’s Call

Summoner of Nightmares, 召唤梦魇
Score 8.4
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: , , Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
This is a story of an ordinary boy gaining unusual powers from his nightmares… It all started when Lin Sheng experienced something strange on what he thought was just another normal day. He begins to have recurring dreams that lead him on an incredible journey of discovery as he encounters spine-chilling monsters and elusive secrets.


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not work with dark mode