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Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart Chapter 146

Chapter 146 - Dance With Me



All the men standing with him began raising their brows at him in a playful, oohh… look. Judging from their reaction, he could very well guess who it was or who it shouldn't be. A girl no doubt but was it one he wanted to see or one he didn't?

As if on cue, he slowly turned around to see who had the guts to touch him. He had already inhaled her scent and in no doubt already knew who it was.

It was definitely not someone he wanted to see.

"Hello, Ye Cheng." A sweet smile plastered on her face as she looked at him with gorgeous seductive eyes."


"Is that any way to greet an old lover?" The beautiful lady said, pouting her lips as she spoke.

"Old flames do die and I think yours has already burned out, don't you think?" His face held no form of emotion nor pleasure from seeing her and that had only made her angry.

"Bai Qing Mei! Ah, there you are." Another voice called from behind them.

Instinctively, Ye Cheng lifted his eyes and looked past Bai Qing Mei to see the next familiar annoying soul.

As soon as their eyes met, Hao Huizhong stiffened for a second then quickly adjusted himself and walked over.

"Ye Cheng."

"You shouldn't even think of pronouncing that name." Ye Cheng said. His spite was very evident in his words and the tone.

Without exchanging any more words with them, he turned around and excused himself then left them alone along with his business associates.

He decided to look for Li Jing has Tang Zixin has had her attention for too long now. 'Where could she be?'

He did not have to search for long as his eyes caught sight of her by the long dining table sitting down there and laughing heartily at whatever joke it was that Tang Zixin was having.

'I am gone for some minutes and you are having fun without me. Li Jing this was supposed to be your appeasement gift. How come you are enjoying it more than I am? Well, it is my turn.'

With his thoughts in place, he walked over to the laughing couple. Li Jing had been so engrossed with the discussions she was having with Tang Zixin that she failed to notice Ye Cheng walk over until a certain shadow and domineering aura stood over them.

That was when she looked up, straining her neck just to see the person in front of her. He was wearing a similar colour to the suit with her gown and a blue tie in place.

The only difference in their outfit was the golden design at the edges of the suit and designing the pocket, hers was matched with her own silver jewelries and purse.

"Ye Cheng."

Ignoring Li Jing, he peeled his gaze off her stunning looks and shifted them to Tang Zixin. "I think it is time to have her back?"

"Yes, sure. My bad." Tang Zixin said standing up and helping Li Jing up as well. "It was nice dining with you. I had a splendid dinner," Tang Zixin remarked.

Li Jing let out her charming smile and replied to him. "Likewise, I loved it."

She extended her hand to shake him and he took it but he bent her hand so that her palm was facing front and planted a chaste kiss on it while looking at her through his lashes before pulling away and nodding at Ye Cheng then he left.

Ye Cheng who was left ignored like he was not standing there felt his blood boil at what Tang Zixin did but he did not show it and instead arch a brow at her.

"Are you going to stand there reminiscing about his kiss?"

Li Jing blinked first before returning her gaze to meet him and frowned at his words.

"When you were with him, you weren't frowning. So why are you frowning at me now?"

"Exactly. I am glad that you know why I am frowning." Li Jing pursed her lips and was about folding her arms in front of her chest when Ye Cheng extended his hands to her.

She paused, her gaze flickering over hos tall frame and waiting for him to say the word or what he meant but he didn't.

Feeling that he meant she should come, she took his hand, but she still had her pout on, making her look cuter.

With their locked hands, she moved away from the table and Ye Cheng refused to let go till they walked to the end of the table and she walked around it to stand by his side.

Luckily for her, not many people were seated at the table and her seat was not too far from the edge. If not it would have been too embarrassing for her.

Now that they were standing close to each other once more, Ye Cheng used the opportunity too lean close to her ear and whisper the words he wanted to tell her.

"Can I have this dance?"


He pulled back and stood in her front and asked again. This time more precisely and more demanding than before. "Dance with me, Li Jing."

The way and manner in which he spoke left her breathless and a small flush appeared on her cheeks. He wasn't asking, he was taking it as he owned it.

She wanted to refuse as she felt like she would attract too much-unwanted attention but Ye Cheng would have none of it.

At first, he was not willing to dance but after meeting Bai Qing Mei, he got angry at seeing her and Hao Huizhong. That was why he went to look for Li Jing.

He just needed to see someone who he could trust and remarkably she happened to be the best person and was extremely gorgeous as well.

"It is time to show off my dashingly, beautiful date."

Her mind took her back instantly to the day he asked her to accompany him to the birthday party. He had asked her to be his date and that had only made her heart leap for joy.

Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author:
When we lose our hearts to the wrong person, setting a betrayal in place, how well do we come out from such hurt? Li Jing was the meek and loving, unwanted, adopted daughter of the Li family. For as long as she could remember, she had always been maltreated by her foster mum and sister because she was her adoptive father’s big secret. As though she hadn’t suffered enough, she had her heart torn in shreds by the betrayal of her fiancé and her sister. Ye Cheng was the cold and aloof, indifferent, charming CEO of the Dream Star Corporation, who had always lived his life in a simple way and cherished what life brought to him. One year later after returning to the country, to take over his family’s business, he had the one he loved kidnapped. In a bid to save her life, he lost her and was badly injured. What happens when these two people who life has played its tricks on finally cross paths? They both had a lot of secrets behind their past that they were oblivious to. When secrets finally became exposed, revenge became their only goal. What happens when a simple game to escape forced marriages blooms into something enchanting? Would she be able to melt his indifferent and cold heart and would he be able to accept the love she gave or will revenge be the only relationship between them? Find out how these two people would weave their fates with the thread of life, in a world filled with secrets, lies, betrayal, mystery, vendetta and love.


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