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Lust Knight Chapter 357

Chapter 354 How to be powerful

It is not so simple to explain the difference in power between realms, but someone usual from the Sky Realm is dozens of times stronger, faster, and more resistant than someone from Earth Realm, let alone someone from Mortal Realm.

Melitta could see Lucien's movements in slow motion and was sure that no attack, even done with a high-level weapon, by him could hurt her.

But when he attacked her, she was furious because she was really excited about the things they could do together. Then she spanked him until he was in a deplorable state as punishment.

There was no way for him to react. His heart even stopped beating for a second; then, another sneaky attack caught her off guard.

With unbelievable speed for someone from the Mortal Realm, incredible strength, and especially with the advantage of having two soul weapons, Lucien attacks again towards Melitta's waist.

Also, from his eyes comes a white light as pure and powerful as that of the Light God, or even more impressive, which blind Melitta.

"DAMN!!" She cries out as both Lucien's red katana, and golden naginata pierce her waist.

"HAAAA!!!" Lucien pushes his blades with all his strength while the energy mix that also has Pride's energy is instantly consumed.

He feels like he is piercing solid metal with his blades and only manages to move them a few centimeters inside Melitta's body before she holds both his arms, still blind.

"AAAAAAHHH!!!" Melitta screams in pain as she feels her body freeze on one side and burns on the other. Lucien's soul blades do a lot of damage inside her, but she still has a lot of strength and keen senses, which allows her to stop his movements.

At that moment, Lust materializes her body behind Melitta and begins to strangle her with her whip. But the whole body of a Sky Realm person is very resistant, and Lust cannot really change the situation.

Lucien continues to use all the demonic energy he can to boost his body, but Melitta's hands griping his arms feels like immobile mountains. Also, his energy mix runs out, and only a little bit of Envy's energy is left in addition to his original energy in his body.

"YOUUU!!!" Melitta is even more furious with the pain, and especially Lucien's betrayal.

Both continue in that stalemate for a few seconds while Lucien's soul weapons continue to injure the inside of Melitta's body, but his energies come closer and closer to ending completely.

Also, Melitta begins to regain her sight, so Lucien tries his last hope.

"I need you!!!" He shouts.

Those three words activate the limited personality still left inside the Ghost Lady, causing the silver blade to comes from the lake bottom and fly towards them.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Melitta screams again as she starts to push Lucien's arms back and finally regains her sight.

But she is shocked to see the Ghost Lady in front of her. Melitta quickly uses one hand to hold the cursed blade, which leaves Lucien's right arm free.

While the Ghost Lady continues to try to pierce Melitta's chest, Lucien pushes his red katana against her body.

But Melitta's body is still incredibly hard, so Lucien searches inside his body for all the energies he has.

His demonic energy runs through all of his body, bringing together everything he can use now. The first energy in greater quantity after his life mana is his body is his wind mana, which he creat with Cassidy, Mia, and Madelyn.

Lucien uses his wind slash skill, making strong winds propel his red katana even further inside Melitta's body.

So his demonic energy also encounters some fire mana, which Lucien produced with Maggie but was never able to use effectively.

In that most difficult moment, he manages to focus that fire mana in his red katana, causing the blade to catch fire and start to burn Melitta's body.

His katana literally catches on fire, which is different from the golden naginata burning Melitta's soul.

Lucien's demonic energy also finds a lot of water mana inside his body, but he ignores it now and focuses on the little dark energy he generated with Olivia.

Mixing that dark energy with fire mana, Lucien causes the flames of his red katana to turn black with a purple glow and begins to destroy all of Melitta's internal defenses.

"W-WHAT ISSS THATTAAAHHHH !!?!?!?!" Melitta screams even louder while feeling a rush of wild energies making a mess inside her body.

She feels cold, burning, while her organs are pierced and crushed at the same time that she feels an invisible pain that comes from her soul.

Melitta really has a great mental and physical strength to withstand such torments. But her strength begins to fade quickly as the Ghost Lady moves closer and closer to her chest.

She instinctively released Lucien's other arm to hold the cursed sword, so he pushes his golden naginata further into Melitta's body.

"AAAAAARRRGH!!!" She screams in pain as blood gushes from both sides of her waist and mouth.

Lust feels that she is starting to manage to hurt Melitta's neck and tilts her head slightly to the side.

At that moment, Lucien smiles. "Naive."

Before Melitta could understand what he was going to do, Lucien used his tail to attack her neck and pierced it using the super hard and sharp spade of his tail.

He focuses the rest of his mix of demonic energy that has the energy of Envy in the spade of his tail and manages to successfully pierce Melitta's neck in the area where Lust is exposing.

"A-AR-G-H-Hhhh…" Melitta feels an icy pain in her neck while Envy's energy feels like poison, boosted by Lucien's energy.

She feels a lot of pain throughout her body, but she still keeps holding the Ghost Lady. Lucien is impressed by Melitta's willpower and determination to keep her life.

"It could have ended up differently if you didn't endanger my lovers…" Lucien tells Melitta as she chokes with her blood.

"I-I-I W-WILL…" Melitta is shocked both by the pain in her body, her soul and by failing to believe that a Mortal Realm demon is going to kill her.

While her life drains out her body, she regrets not being able to complete her mission, being able to protect her house, not killing a demon when she should, being seduced by him, underestimating his strength, and especially not experimenting everything she could do with him.

Then Lucien released his soul weapons when they reach critical points inside Melitta's body and holds the Ghost Lady's grip with both hands.

"Stupid angel!! I will burn your race to ashes!" Lucien laughs devilishly and pushes the Ghost Lady in Melitta's chest with all his strength.

His remaining strength plus the strength of the cursed blade is enough to take down Melitta's remaining defenses, and he pierces her chest and heart.

Melitta loses all strength as the brightness of life begins to fade from her eyes.

Lucien flaps his wings, flying a few meters upwards before landing on top of Melitta and thrusting the Ghost Lady further inside her body.

He gets up, taking the silver blade from Melitta's body, and looks at it. "Thanks…"

Then with a quick strike, he cuts Melitta's head off her body, splashing blood everywhere and painting the silver blade red.

Lust quickly hugs Lucien while tears are running down her face. "Damn!! That was so scary… please, let's not take any more risks like that again. Promise me that, please!!"

He strokes her hair with one hand while holding the Ghost Lady in the other hand. Lucien knows that he was fortunate that Melitta was a woman and he had help from the cursed blade, but the fact that he killed an enemy of the seventh layer of Sky Realm while still in Mortal Realm is an incredible feat that deserves applause.

"Okay, okay; we're fine, aren't we?" Lucien speaks lovingly as he kisses Lust's head. The hardest part of the fight was dealing with her feelings.

Lust checks every part of Lucien's body as he kisses him. She has never been so scared in her life before, but they are fine, and that is what matters now.

"Damn angels!! I hate them and those stinky Gods so much!!!" Lust exclaims while she still can't get calm.

"We will get revenge on them, don't worry. But now we need to get to the girls." Lucien speaks and quickly flaps his wings before picking Melitta's head and flying towards his wives with it in one of his hands and the Ghost Lady in the other.

After Melitta's body completely stops working, a gray light begins to shine on her chest. A ball of gray energy leaves her body and begins to fly towards the sky.

But from the sky, a ray of black energy comes and destroys that ball of gray energy.

A few miles from the ground, flying between dark clouds, a hooded figure with large black wings looks at Melitta's body.

[Is this a coincidence that you discovered the sword at the same time as him, or is that also part of that woman's manipulations?] The figure thinks to herself.

The mysterious figure sighs. [I'm glad that he managed to solve this alone… If I had to intervene now, I would be ending the show at the beginning.]

[He's really astonishing…] Her eyes shine with expectation as she flyes to the north.

A few minutes ago.

While Lucien met Melitta, the four colonels who landed in the clearing prepares to attack his wives.

Any angel that encounters a demon must attack them immediately, or they will be punished by the Gods. And Lord Antonius is someone who respects and fears the Gods so much.

He wanted to let Lucien's other wives leave in peace, but even that would be seen badly by the Gods, so there is only one option left.

"Let's do it fast!!" Lord Antonius speaks to his mates while his hands glow with white energy. Most angels have Light affinity, in different degrees, of course.

"Right!!" The other two male angels also begin to prepare light attacks together with Lord Antonius.

Envy realizes that they want to make a powerful attack together, which is quite common in their race. Then she quickly warns the girls. "We need to attack now!!"

Lucien's wives do not think twice before starting to fire several attacks towards the angels. Maggie cast fireballs while Rose, stone spikes.

Angela, Marie, and Lena start raining ice spikes on top of the angels while Ghilanna, Ghalenna, and Neola start shooting arrows boosted by Madelyn's wind magic.

Amelia and the other girls who fight closed combat prepare to run towards the angels, but the female angel makes a powerful protective barrier around them using a magical artifact.

The ranged attacks from the girls completely fail to penetrate the angels' barrier, and their joint attack gets ready quickly due to their power level.

"We need to block this attack!!" Envy again leads the group as she understands more about their enemies.

While some girls continue to attack, the mage girls totally focus on making a great magic wall with several protection layers.

"Now!!!" Lord Antonius shout as he fires an incredibly bright and powerful ray of white energy towards the girls.

The other two male angels also fire rays of light energy while the female angel removes the protective barrier around them.

The three rays of energy come together, creating a massive ray that quickly hits the girls' magic wall and begins to smash Its layers brutally.

"SHIT!!" The mage girls are shocked by the power of that ray, which easily destroys their barriers.

The other girls are also worried while even the earth trembles under the power of that light ray, which will soon reach them.

At that moment, the mysterious energy within Jeanne becomes even more aroused, and her body begins to glow with a golden aura.

Concerned about the safety of her sisters, Jeanne acts on instinct and runs ahead of the group while extending her hands towards the magic wall.


The ray of light energy breaks all the layers of the girls' magic wall until the last one.


A loud explosion sound occurs when the last barrier is broken. Then a blast of white light starts to blind like girls but is quickly repelled by the golden light coming from Jeanne's hands.

As soon as the white light begins to fade, the angels and Lucien's wives are shocked to see that all the girls are totally fine behind a translucent golden aura of about ten meters generated around a large golden shield in Jeanne's hands.

"DAMN!! Another soul weapon?!!?" The female angel complains while her eyes shine with jealousy of Lucien's wives.

"A beautiful shield…" Lord Antonius comments and Lucien's wives agree while smiling at Jeanne.

Jeanne feels incredibly good while holding the beautiful golden shield. A familiar purple glow runs across the surface of the shield, and she can't help thinking about Lucien.


Lust Knight

Lust Knight

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese
Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of Lust. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him. --------------------- This story contains sexual content. Though it's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system). ------------------- I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. This story is written with the help of my friend, Malcolm_Massey, who edits my chapters to avoid grammatical and misspellings mistakes. -------------------- More chapters, better release rate, and exclusive content on my p!atreon: pa treon.com/lamenthief Join our discord group: https://discord.gg/5d4PxH8


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not work with dark mode