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Lust Knight Chapter 227

Chapter 224 Conference 1/2

Lucien and his wives’ incredible wedding night lasted much longer than they planned. And of course, he paid attention to all of his girls, and tigresses.

The next day, Lucien prepared for the conference with the leaders of the main vassal kingdoms and villages of Portgreen. He, Cassidy, ​​and other girls went to the throne room to begin the meeting.

While the royal guards went to call the people who will participate in the conference, Lucien waited on his throne beside Cassidy’s throne.

Oya is lying on a rug next to his throne. Having the big tigress in public like this is really good to scare people. And of course, Lucien loves to have her always beside him.

Lust, of course, did not miss the chance to sit on his lap, causing the other girls in the room to be jealous.

As the group of leaders headed towards the throne room to meet Lucien, Neola, who is headed to the troops barracks with Kylee and Anne, saw them in the corridor.

The three girls couldn’t help but laugh when they saw the frightened expression on the face of Zora, the Queen of the Nunid Kingdom.

She had discovered that Lucien is the man who killed her son at the wedding ceremony when she saw Lena and Maggie dressed as brides.

Zora thought about running away, but after knowing how Lucien acted towards his enemies, she knew that running away could make things worse, so she chose to face him and accept the consequences of her stupid son.

Next to Zora is Ron and the other people who are attending the conference. A man among the group shocked Neola and brought her sad memories.

Neola and the other girls stopped in the corridor while she sent Lucien a mental message.

Lucien’s smile as he played with Lust on his lap became a serious expression when he heard Neola’s words.

Because of his connection with Lust, she understood that someone was screwed.

Lucien sent a mental message to Neola, asking her and Kylee to call Alden and return to the throne room.

As soon as the group of guests entered the throne room, they bowed to Lucien and Cassidy, while making respectful greetings.

Lucien got up from his throne and set Lust down on it with her legs hanging over one of the armrests. Then he walked towards Ron without looking at the others.

“Good morning, my friend.” Lucien shook Ron’s hand in a friendly way.

Lucien had spent most of the time he was not with his wives during the wedding ceremony drinking wine with Ron.

“I’m not entirely sober yet, but you look more energetic than ever, even after having to take care of so many wives on your wedding night,” Ron commented after greeting Lucien.

Lucien laughed as he spoke playfully. “How do you know that I didn’t neglect them?”

Ron laughed. “Oh, we just look at their flushed and happy faces to know that you never neglect them.”

Lucien’s stories had already circulated throughout Portgreen and other parts of the continent, so everyone knew that he is friendly with Ron, and how they met in Bluewind.

Still, people thought that someone described as a bloody devil couldn’t really act friendly.

Now, seeing Lucien and Ron talking like that, the other people in the throne room have begun to relax a little. Zora no longer knew what to think of Lucien.

But then Lucien started talking to Ron about an issue that shocked everyone in the room and made people think he was not friendly at all.

“Ron, what do you know about the north vassal Kingdom?” Lucien asked in a normal tone that could be heard by everyone in the throne room.

Ron quickly replied. “It is very similar to Bluewind in size. I think they are also having problems with mystic beasts, but I’m sure they have more soldiers to deal with it.”

Lucien made a thoughtful expression. “I see. And what about their leader, what do you know about him?”

Ron pointed to Radyn, the current leader of the north Kingdom. The average-looking man seems to be in his forties and has a worried expression on his face as Lucien asks Ron about him.

“His name is Radyn. Although he doesn’t seem like a bad leader, our relationship is not good. He was a friend of Julius, and I always thought they were very similar.” Ron spoke honestly.

Radyn broke into a cold sweat at Ron’s words. It was clear to everyone that Ron is a friend of Lucien’s, but most of them didn’t have a good relationship with Ron and Angela, which was now a big problem for them due to Lucien’s overprotective personality.

Angela is in the throne room with Marie and Lena. They are part of the group of girls who like to see Lucien’s public sessions because interesting things always happen there.

Like everyone else in the room, they are listening to Lucien and Ron’s conversation. Angela quickly sent Lucien a mental message.

‘Radyn is a selfish bastard. He’s just like Julius, a disgusting pig.’

Lucien smiled at Angela as he answered her mentally. ‘Then you will like what comes next.’

Then he looked at Ron again. “If I said that we need someone else to lead the north Kingdom, do you know anyone that will be a good replacement?”

Ron did not even think to question Lucien as to why Radyn will no longer lead the north Kingdom, and quickly thought of someone to replace him.

He pointed to a man in the corner of the room, at the back of the group of guests. The man also looked to be about forty years old, but he has a very simple appearance of someone from the fields. He is dressed like a peasant and not a noble like most of the others around him.

“He is Pyke, the leader of a small village between the north territory and Bluewind. Although he is a simple person, his farming methods are incredible. He also keeps his village in perfect order with everyone working for the good of their neighbors.” Ron explained.

Not only was Radyn shocked by Lucien and Ron’s conversation, but everyone around them. The people who know Lucien can already imagine that Radyn did something that Lucien didn’t like, and that was why he is screwed.

But it is expected for most people, mainly someone who did not know what mistake they had made, to question what was wrong with that.

“My King, I apologize if I offended you, but I don’t-” Radyn approached Lucien and Ron with a worried expression as he spoke in a scared tone.


But before Radyn could finish his words, Oya roared, scaring all of the guests, except Ron, of course.

Radyn started to feel sick as he stepped back and remembered the stories about the big white tigress tearing heads off.

Lucien laughed. “Oya doesn’t like people interrupting my conversations. Be respectful and wait until I speak to you.”

Radyn panicked. He couldn’t understand what exactly was going on, but it was obvious that Lucien did not want him to lead his Kingdom anymore.

Although Radyn wanted to defend his noble title and lands, he knew that offending Lucien could result in his head rolling on the floor, or worse, becoming tigress food.

As he took a step back and lowered his head, Lucien signaled to Pyke to approach him and Ron.

Pyke quickly approached Lucien and bowed to him. “My king.”

Lucien could see that Pyke was a simple and honest person. “You heard our conversation, right? What do you think about ruling the north Kingdom?”

Pyke was not afraid of Lucien, perhaps a little concerned by his reputation for being brutal, but Lucien is even more famous for being fair and overprotective. If nobody hurt his family, there is no reason to fear him.

Knowing that Lucien will not harm him without reason, Pyke was quite sincere. “My King, I am honored by this opportunity, but I am only a farmer. I have no qualifications to govern anything larger than my small village.”

Lucien looked at Ron, who nodded to him. Both were sure that Pyke would be a good leader for being so honest and straightforward.

“I trust Ron’s opinion of you being a good fit for this job. But of course, if you don’t want it, I won’t force you.” Lucien said to Pyke.

Pyke is not an ambitious person, but he understood that some people have to be responsible for others. His village is part of the north territory, so if the new leader is someone corrupt and immoral, the people of the north will suffer.

Lucien is offering him his support to do the best for his people, so Pyke is tempted to accept it. But despite not liking Radyn, Pyke wants to know why he would no longer be the leader.

“Because he won’t be leaving this room alive,” Lucien responded in a calm and neutral tone.

While Pyke and the others concluded that Radyn had actually done something unforgivable, the poor man panicked even more without knowing what mistake he had made.

“M-my K-k-king, I-” Radyn started to stutter as he walked backward.

He still didn’t understand what was going on, but he could see that Lucien had already decided his death without something like a trial or anything like that.

Fear blinds people, and because of being in a panicked state, Radyn could only think of running away. He ran to the door that was closest to him.

Before Radyn could reach the door, an arrow pierced his arm, and he rolled on the floor while screaming in pain.

Neola, Kylee, Anne, and Alden entered the throne room. The group of guests were startled by the sudden situation and ran to the corners of the room.

Lucien approached Neola as he spoke for everyone to hear. “I don’t usually kill someone for no reason. Also, I wouldn’t say I like to give satisfaction to people outside of my family. But I will let you understand this man’s crimes.”

He gave Neola a tender kiss while Radyn still moaned on the floor. “Tell them your story, my dear.”

Radyn was still confused, but then he started to understand everything when Neola quickly told parts of her story.

“I was raised in a small village on the east continent. When I was ten, my village was attacked by another tribe, and they took me and the other children as slaves.”

Neola spoke in a neutral tone. She is too happy with Lucien to be sad about her past. Still, she has desires for revenge as anyone would have in her situation.

“After spending a few years working on a farm, I was sold to merchants in a port. So I spent a year in the dirty hold of a ship until I arrived on a strange island, near the east area of the great forest.”

“On that island, I was bought by a rich man who sold me to another man, along with Kylee, Alden, Enzo, and many other slaves.”

When Neola talked about that island, Cassidy, who is sitting on her throne, watching everything, sent a mental message to Lucien.

‘She must be talking about Raco. I always thought Emmanuel is trafficking slaves, but I never had any evidence to do anything against him.’

‘Is Emmanuel Raco’s leader?’ Lucien asked her to be sure.

Cassidy quickly responded. ‘Yes. One of our messengers went there. But as Raco is far away from here, I think it will take Emmanuel a week or two to get here.’

Lucien couldn’t help but smile, imagining Emmanuel’s expression when he finds out that he traveled to Portgreen city just to lose his head.


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Lust Knight

Lust Knight

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese
Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of Lust. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him. --------------------- This story contains sexual content. Though it's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system). ------------------- I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. This story is written with the help of my friend, Malcolm_Massey, who edits my chapters to avoid grammatical and misspellings mistakes. -------------------- More chapters, better release rate, and exclusive content on my p!atreon: pa treon.com/lamenthief Join our discord group: https://discord.gg/5d4PxH8


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not work with dark mode