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Inhuman Warlock Chapter 690

Chapter 690 - 690: Dragon Has Fallen

"None. The CCTV cameras were taken out before the attack, and everyone was killed. There's not much information about it," Kellian replied. 

"Jian… Asade. If I remember correctly, he should've been dead as well. So how is this dead man walking and even talking to me? Amusing indeed," Lucifer muttered, observing the blonde man's image on the pic. 

"That's not all. I think there is something that you must see. It looks like we found him…"

"Who?" Lucifer asked, frowning. 

"The person who was responsible," Kellian said, changing the pic on the screen. 

"Kane found this image when he was looking into Jian." He showed the new image to Lucifer. "I think we both recognize this man."

Lucifer looked at the image; however, as soon as he saw the people in the image, his fist clenched abruptly. 

"The former president of Elisium and the puppet who was behind everything…" 

"Exactly." Kellian nodded. "He had contact with Jian as seen from their pic together."

"Moreover, you remember what name that guy had given about his contact in the Warlock Council? No matter how much we tried, we couldn't find that person in the Warlock Council?"

"Guess what's the nickname of Jian Asade…?"

Lucifer didn't reply. He just looked at Jian in the image with the former president of Elisium, who had schemed against his parents, sending them to their deaths. 

"You're right. It seems that we truly found him… I thought it was going to be impossible." 

"Do you want to take a flight to Elisia after you're done here?" Kellian asked. 

"I don't think we'll need to go there. He'll be coming here himself," Lucifer replied. 

"I wonder why he did it. What enmity could he have with your parents?" Kellian asked, sighing. "I think we'll get our answers soon."

"I think I know why he did it," Lucifer muttered, trying to keep his emotions in control. Finally, he had an idea why his parents were killed.

"But it doesn't matter. I don't care what happened to him. I don't care what he went through, but he shouldn't have made a move on my parents. That had no hand in what happened…"

After a long pause, he took a deep breath. He turned around. 

"Kellian, did Kane discover the location of all the Warlock Council heads that weren't in the city?" 

"He has a list, yeah. There aren't many people."

"Tell him to contact our men that are spread throughout the continent because of Xaen. I want all the Warlock Council heads dead. You can decide who to send where depending on their powers. I want everyone dead other than Jian… I'll handle him personally."


Right when Lucifer had commanded Kellian to put the next part of the plan in motion, Jian was going through the same thing. 

He knew that something was wrong after hearing Lucifer. Just that one conversation made him realize that the Warlock Council had fallen. 

Someone who could take out the Warlock Council wasn't an enemy that could be easy to deal with. 

Jian was a strong Warlock, but he was mostly known for his clever brain. Despite knowing that his brother was killed, he didn't let anger cloud his emotions. 

That's where Jian was different from Lucifer. Lucifer sometimes lost himself to his anger even though he knew better. However, when he didn't lose himself in anger, he was pretty clever. 

On the other hand, Jian was calmer even when he had a fire burning inside his heart. Thirty-one years of nightmares had made him calmer and tempered him. 

That was also why he didn't directly send the Warlock Council to attack Zale and Clarisse as soon as he recognized them after seeing them. 

Instead, he created a long plan to take them out in the best way he could imagine that didn't leave them any chance of survival. It was all because Zale Azarel had become very popular after the great war of 2028. 

He came out as the hero, but more importantly, he had shown his strength in the battle. No one could underestimate him from that point, even the Warlock Council. 

Keeping their strength in mind, he decided to deal with them through tricks instead of using brute strength. 

At the moment, he was facing an enemy of a similar caliber. In fact, in his head, the person who picked up the call was even more dangerous than Zale since he could take out the entire Warlock Council with such ease, especially Julien. 

Jian knew how frightening the ability of Julien was. For someone to kill all the heads of the Warlock Council that were at the base, including Julien? He wasn't going to go fight Lucifer without a plan. 

He dialed a number and placed the phone on his ears. "Code seven. The dragon has fallen. Take precautions."

After speaking three lines, he disconnected the call. He glanced at the distant sun, understanding that the most dangerous game of his life was going to begin now. 

"Finally, we stepped foot on Triton! Sigh, why is it that all our outlets in this continent have stopped working." A young man said, landing in the continent of Triton. 

"Is there even a need to ask?" An old man asked, rolling his eyes. "The enemy is clever. He might have known that we would be chasing after him. He destroyed all the outlets on the continent to make it hard for us to come here."

He further continued, "That seems most likely. Unfortunately, he forgot that Atlantis isn't limited to just Triton. We have outlets on all the continents. All he did was delay us for a little. In the long run, it won't matter."

The old man was dressed in all white. Even his hands were covered in white gloves. 

He started flying towards the nation of Zeston. 

Xaen and Cassius came out of the portal in an unknown place. 

"Lucifer is back. Why did you take me with you? He is safe." 

"You don't understand. He has been brainwashed. He is listening to the liar Kellian. If we had stayed there for longer, he might have attacked us. And then I would've been forced to kill him. As you know, I don't want to kill him. So I left," Xaen answered.

"But what about Lucifer? Are we going to leave him there just like that? Send me back; I will talk to him!"

"You don't understand. He won't listen to anyone right now. But don't worry. We won't leave him like that," Xaen said, turning away from Cassius. 

"I have a plan for Lucifer." Cassius couldn't see the smile on the lips of Xaen. "It's not the end.. Just wait."

Inhuman Warlock

Inhuman Warlock

Score 8.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
"The boy has no powers," they claimed. And thus, the Son of strongest Warlock was declared useless and sent to his death. But was it really possible for the son of the greatest heroes of humankind to be useless? Or was it the biggest mistake the humans made that cost them everything and drove a potential Warlock to the dark side? ________________________________ Lucifer Azarel was the son of humanity's strongest Awakened humans, in a world where people awakened various powers. After his parents perished for the sake of humanity, he was sent to the government facility so that they could keep an eye on his powers when they awakened. Unfortunately, even after 5 years, his powers didn't awaken. The government gave up on the boy and allowed the scientists to use him as an experimental subject for their painful tests on the human bodies, but on the first test itself, Lucifer died. He saw the smile on the scientist's face even as he took his last breath. Was it truly the end? But what happens when the boy truly awakens? What if he awakened not one, but more than four powers that were capable of destroying the world itself if used properly? The strongest Warlock who could have been humankind's greatest protector was driven to become it's biggest enemy. What happens when the boy that has awakened several powers at once starts seeking vengeance. Can the protectors of humanity face the wrath of the Strongest Warlock? Can they stop the person who kills without blinking? Or are they destined to be swallowed by the Darkness they created? Join the journey of the Most Powerful Warlock... .............. Discord Link: bit.ly/demonic1


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not work with dark mode