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Inevitable Road To Divinity Chapter 320

Chapter 319: One winged divinity

The Vampire King!

He is the motherfucker who has killed Endrun! How could this vampire just simply sacrifice himself? Xue Ren licked his lips as his black-red spear shone brightly. The sharp spear qi exploded with dazzling light as it directly aimed at the flying bloodsucker.

“Nothing can stop our new era!”

Achrone screamed with utmost certainty! His blood quickly condensed into blood art as it clad his whole body in beautiful, red armor. The king himself had majestic aura as the living being who had led the vampires for long time indeed.

This majestic blood art shone brightly as Achrone released his whole aura. The vampires, before getting this beautiful art, could enhance their bodies with aura! But now, not only they got ‘new body’ but their hardness also became stronger, reaching new heights.

Unleashing this from the very beginning, it looked like Achrone was set on becoming fortress to protect the formation.

“I knew you are shitty king! But as a fucking parent, you don’t feel anything for your children dying to become mere energy?!”

Xue Ren shouted while his spear was close to this red fortress. Right now, he was using pure sin and spear qi energies. He was aiming for revenge with his ‘new self’. He has killed a lot of nobles with Endrun’s clone, so it was enough.

The spear trembled and as he struck the red armor of Achrone, the whole sky trembled along with it!


The spear shattered a few layers of red armor as it lodged itself in this fortress. Then, as blood of vampire king spilled onto his black armor, Xue Ren could feel huge blood boiling simply from the taste of revenge.

He, who felt coldness upon death, was now feeling immense warmth while performing the revenge. Under the black skin, Xue Ren’s lips curled into wicked smile as the black armor coiled around his spear.

While the weapon was changing, the king spoke.

“I feel pride and they also should feel it! No, I am sure they feel pride upon becoming needed resource for our new era!”

“Fucking psycho!”

“We have lived the life of pleasure, reached the new heights! Painted the worlds with our blood! This feeling is simply too fetching for our weak race! Living all this time knowing that one day we might get eradicated because of those divinities above… You think I would just live my life and fight those meaningless battles with humans?! I want more, more and more!”

The moment he became king, the truth of the world became known to Achrone. He learnt about alliance and the ‘net’ of universe. Every world has its rulers above and they themselves have their own rules.

He, who dreamed of conquering one world, hoped to reach greater heights after learning this truth. So that his race wouldn’t live in the shadow of insecurity.

And more importantly, he didn’t want his race to go extinct in his reign.

“Meeting the demoness and our savior was the best thing in my life! The turning point which will lead us above!”

If Leynib become the divinity, the higher divinites will definitely reach out to him and give him the resources to rise. Along with it, the higher world will be also given to him and from this point, everything would be just easy!

He would follow the Luxuria’s desire, breed like madman and the new era would begin.


Xue Ren couldn’t stop himself from laughing as he heard this. While it might be truth that the divinites above would give him the resources, he still would be puppet. He was kinda sure of it after seeing the Cloud God.

However, this stupid vampire didn’t know one fact. Sin’s can not have divinities. So Luxuria’s contract definitely had hole. There was also possibility of her ending this upon reaching the divinity or even Leynib himself would end it.

Still, there were a lot of holes which Xue Ren simply didn’t give a fuck about.


The living spear grinding the armor of the vampire king till it reached the flesh! After his body got exposed, the vampire king quickly utilized his aura to repair the blood art, but Xue Ren who was quick due to his movement techniques and golden lightning simply was too fast for weak race.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

“All because of me! Because of me, you could rise in strength!”

His spear kept grinding the body of vampire king as Xue Ren kept taking it out and in! He could just lodge his spear inside vampire’s king body, but that wouldn’t satisfy his feelings. Shouting and thrusting, Xue Ren was slowly bringing Achrone to his death’s bed.

“If you loved your children, then you definitely would have risen!”

Boom! The spear that kept exploding with huge qi already formed a huge hole inside Achrone’s body. One easily could see the other side through him! Xue Ren who had drenched body in his blood slightly narrowed his eyes.

“You were so strong back then… So intimidating.”

“What… are.. you-”

“But in the end, you, who hoped for power had committed a colossal mistake. And that was killing the reincarnation of true ruler!”

Boom! The vampire king whole body bursted out as Xue Ren unleashed a bit too much of his qi! However, as the body of Achrone exploded, the flesh, bones and everything changed into pure red aura that flew to the formation.

It was inevitable and Xue Ren himself couldn’t stop it. The formation created by Luxuria was quite too much for current sex god.


Following the blood trail, Xue Ren arrived in the middle of the formation. Although strong and advanced, the formation strangely didn’t block him. At least, it didn’t try to. As Xue Ren could see the young prodigy being washed by the blood, the voice of Luxuria rang out in his mind!

This time, she spoke using mind transmission.



The formation didn’t try to stop him, but it was doing everything in its power to not let Xue Ren attack Leynib! It was using both Luxuria and other vampires aura to stop him! In this case, Xue Ren could only wait for this dude to end this process.

So it was fine to talk with her.

She herself was still keen on dodging Superbia. Was it because she is clone? Xue Ren had no way of guessing this.

“Haha~~ Then let me explain you how it works.”

“How nice of you.”

“Mmnn~~ You have something that attracts me, so I am happy just from having you listening to me~~”

As Luxuria laughed for a while, she began explaining how the divinities appear when the race is on the extinction. This alone made Xue Ren to feel the dread in his heart! Furthermore, from her confident voice, Xue Ren could guess that she has done it several times already.

“It’s not your first time, right?”

“Of course~~ That’s how I have raised my strength in a fast way after battle with Superbia~~”

Every sin fell after this battle. Xue Ren heard a bit about this, so he finally found a reason why her clone was this strong. So she has been devouring various races and then, used their born divinities to get even more bountiful energies for herself…

The divine energy converted into sin must be truly delicious!

And as Luxuria spoke more, Xue Ren learnt that the vampire king had used a lot of energy to call out other vampires. It caused him to worry a little, but as he used his awareness around, the familiar aura of Rure didn’t enter his area…

He could only hope that he stayed in the Rokukai World instead of following the orders of vampire king. Otherwise, his little beauty would lose her only good family member that was connected by blood.

“Quite disgusting process. Not only you change the whole race into lustful bastards, but also use their children to gather more aura.”

“Disgusting, but that’s how world words. Is that bothersome for you? If so, then break the contract with Superbia and become mine. You alone are enough for me.”

The voice was no longer teasing. Although still pleasant, Luxuria was quite serious and she seemed to truly be ready to give up her projects for him! The Sex God divinity might help her reach the purpose of her existence! She found this too alluring and she herself became ‘fluffy’ for Xue Ren!

“No thanks. I don’t really care about others.”


The slight disappointment left her mouth, then Luxuria turned her attention to Superbia fully. As the two ladies talked and fought, Xue Ren tried to use few ways to penetrate through the formation which were unique to him, but in the end, he had to wait.

As the most of the vampires died, Leynib finally left the formation.


Standing on the clouds themselves, the vampire let out loud laugh that shook the heavens! Inside his soul room that was quite useless for his whole life, the divine gates emerged in magnificent way. Just this alone caused the young prodigy to laugh like madman!

Xue Ren himself narrowed his eyes. He, for whole life was divinity. Although he only got his magic and became aware of it in his seventeens, he had still a lot to learn and practice. This man just got access to his own divinity, so it’s not like he already became strong… enough…

“How… can this be!”

The Sex God shouted as he saw one wing sprouting out from Leynib’s back! It was clearly divine, golden in color. Shining with pure divine energy that was new to this universe. The golden wing fluttered and along with Leynib’s handsome looks, it was truly like real divinity!

‘Is it because he used the whole race aura?’

While Xue Ren was thinking about the reason for this strength, Leynib turned his eyes to him. The vampire prodigy could see the fight between his father and sex god… Rather than fight, it was mere stalling.

Leynib felt huge gratitude towards his father and his last action of defense caused his heart to boil with anger towards Xue Ren. As the divine, his eyes turned golden and one wing fluttered while releasing the new divine aura.



And he, who thought about himself as divine spoke in divine like way! Little did he know that this word was forbidden for Xue Ren! The veins already formed on Xue Ren’s temple as he locked his eyes on the new divinity.

“Your death will start our glorious era.”

Such formidable words caused the rest of the living vampires to scream with pride! They shouted his name proudly and there were also a few shouts ‘Father!’ as well. Leynib had sacrificed most of his children, but the ones who had potential were spared.

Hearing such cheers, Leynib’s body shone with golden light! Xue Ren who saw it had his heart thumping out loudly… All because before his eyes, the new blood art appeared.

Golden, divine one.

Inevitable Road To Divinity

Inevitable Road To Divinity

Status: Completed Author:

After the catastrophe that occured on the Earth, he awakens in unfamiliar, another world. To find out more about himself, he has to step on the road full of danger!

It's a story about modern young man who has Sex God Divinity and his past selves.

*It's a smut novel despite MC hard beginnings, so a lot of smut elements have been used. Every character close to MC(including MC) is more than 18 years old no matter what circumstances.*

*InsanelyParanoid has only published this novel, Inevitable Road To Divinity, to webnovel.com! If you are reading on other sites, then you are reading stolen content!*

*Every R-18 is done with a grown-up/mature/adult lady. Every female character involved in every 'sexual' content is mature(18+)!*
*A lot of gore, brutal and weird R-18 related scenes! Novel is R-18 rated, so expect a lot of dirty and weird humor! MC steps on both paths, good and devil. You can sometimes see the R-18(sex) as punishment. It is rare and not really eerie at all, but it happens sometimes. It's rare though, as the author is a kind man!*
*This is a work of fiction! Nothing is related to the reality! Any names, characters, stories or events, are fictitious! Even author's notes, thoughts and comments mustn't be taken seriously!*
*This novel is rated 18+ (no one 17 and under allowed). It contains mature adult themes, coarse language, explicit sexual content, and graphic violence. Reader discretion is strongly advised. Please do NOT read if you are under 18 or if you feel uncomfortable with any of these elements.*

*Inevitable Road To Divinity by InsanelyParanoid belongs to Webnovel(including their other sites) and is not affiliated with any other site. If you see it anywhere else, then it's pirated and probably changed too, so you won't get that perfect reading experience! Read only here and support an author!*

*This story doesn't encourage anyone to commit or force other to commit any actions that happened here. This is a fantasy solely for entertainment purposes!*

*Author is bad with numbers, so don't take those seriously.*


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not work with dark mode