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illicit relationship Chapter 1013

Chapter 1013 - Going Home

In the forest, two people were sitting on the edge of a cliff.

The young man had a handsome face while the mature lady had a pretty face.

Even though the scenery in front of them was breathtaking, a happy expression could not be seen on their faces; instead, it was the opposite.

These two people were none other than Xiao Tian and his new lover, Long Jingxian.

Previously, they tried to find Ru Guo’s corpse, but their efforts were in vain. For this reason, they decided to go to the cliff.

“Xiao Tian, can you tell me about your family background now?” Long Jingxian wanted to know about his family background because it was related to her teacher.

“My family is….” Xiao Tian began revealing everything to Long Jingxian.

“I see.” Long Jingxian finally understood everything. “I didn’t expect you to have such a sad past.”

As Xiao Tian and Long Jingxian were chatting, three people suddenly appeared not far from their left side.

‘Isn’t he Xiao Tian?!’

Even though they could not hear his conversation with Long Jingxian, but they could see his face.

Yes. These three young people were the ones who killed Ru Guo last night.

“What is he doing in a place like this?” the silver-eyed young man inquired.

“Leader, what should we do?” the red-eyed man did not expect to see Xiao Tian in that place.

“Should we ask if he met Ru Guo or not?” the blue-eyed man uttered.

The red-eyed man and the blue-eyed man looked at the silver-eyed man because he was their leader.

Before the silver-eyed man could say something to them, a woman who wore a silver fox mask appeared before them. “What are you doing here? Does the Xiao family want to break their promise?”

They instantly shifted their gaze from Xiao Tian to that woman.

‘Silver Fox?’

Of course, they knew who she was because she was famous, especially in the Xiao family.

“We just want to know what he is doing in this place.” the silver-eyed man replied, “If it’s related to Ru Guo, we have to report this matter to our master later.”

“It’s not related to her. Leave!” she did not want these people to be near Xiao Tian, so she wanted them to leave quickly.

The silver-eyed man was unhappy with her behavior. “We only want to know-”

Before he had finished his words, she interrupted him. “Leave or I will kill you now!”

Anger stirred within the red-eyed man. “We just want to know if it is related to Ru Guo or not! Why did you-”

Before he had finished his words, he was stopped by the silver-eyed man. “Shut up!”


The woman unsheathed her sword.

“I will count to three. If you don’t leave this place immediately, I will kill you all.” like before, every single one of her words was filled with coldness.

“We will leave now.” after saying that, the silver-eyed man looked at his subordinates. “Let’s go.”

As they were running towards the opposite side of Xiao Tian, the red-eyed man asked, “Leader, why are we running from her? Why don’t we fight her?”

“That’s right. We should have fought her earlier.” The blue-eyed man added.

“Fools! Have you forgotten who she is? Even if there were ten of us, we would still get killed if we fought her.” the silver-eyed man knew how terrifying she was.

“But we are much stronger now. We also have that thing so I’m sure we can beat her.” the red-eyed man still believed that they could defeat Silver Fox lady.

“Go back and fight her if you want to die! I won’t stop you.” the silver-eyed man stated.

The red-eyed and blue-eyed young men did not say a single word anymore after that.


“I will order my underlings to take all the books later.” Xiao Tian uttered, “I will also build a hidden room for you in my backyard later.”

Long Jingxian had agreed to live with him, so Xiao Tian decided to build a secret room for her later.

“Thank you, Xiao Tian.” Long Jingxian uttered.

Xiao Tian and Long Jingxian then went home. After taking a shower, Xiao Tian called Mu Huo and ordered him to come to Wushang city tomorrow.

He also said to bring twenty people with him so that they could move all the books faster. As usual, Long Jingxian came to his room again in the middle of the night.

After having sex for about two hours, they stopped and slept. The following morning, Mu Huo came to Wushang city with twenty people.

They immediately moved all the books and sent them to Xiao Tian’s house.

“So, you want to go home tomorrow, huh?” Jing Liling wore a sad face.

Currently, Jing Liling and the others were sitting on the terrace.

“Yes.” Xiao Tian replied. “I have been staying at auntie’s house for more than five days, so I think it’s time for me to go home.”

“Sigh. This house will be quiet again later.” Jing Liling sighed after saying that.

“Liling, he hasn’t seen his family for more than five days so you have to understand it.” Long Diyi uttered, “He also has a job so we can’t stop him.”

Jing Liling then turned her head towards her daughter and asked, “What about you, Jingxian? Are you going back tomorrow too?”

“Yes.” Long Jingxian nodded her head.

Jing Liling sighed again. Long Diyi could only shake his head when he saw her sad face. They then talked for about three hours before finally, they went to their rooms.

That night, Long Jingxian did not come to Xiao Tian’s room. It was because she was busy preparing everything.

The following morning, Xiao Tian and Long Jingxian rechecked their belongings after breakfast.

“Jingxian, don’t forget to call me.” Tears flooded Jing Liling’s blue-violet eyes. “You have to visit your old mother if you have free time.”

“Don’t worry, mother. I promise to visit you more often in the future.” Long Jingxian replied. “Whatever happens, I will always remember you, mother, father.”

“Grandma, don’t cry.” Mu Ai spoke abruptly when she saw Jing Liling’s eyes filled with tears. “We will visit you again in the future.”

Jing Liling instantly carried Mu Ai and spoke, “My adorable granddaughter, you have to always remember me too.”

“Un.” Mu Ai nodded her head cutely. “I will always remember you, grandma.”

Jing Liling kissed Mu Ai’s cheeks.

Long Diyi then shifted his gaze from Mu Ai to Xiao Tian. “Xiao Tian, I hope you will always keep your promise.”

“Don’t worry, uncle. I won’t break my promise until I die.” Xiao Tian would protect Mu Ai and Long Jingxian forever because they were important to him.

“Good.” Long Diyi was satisfied with Xiao Tian’s answer. “Then I will leave them in your hands from now on.”

Xiao Tian took his business card and spoke, “Uncle, this is my business card. Feel free to contact me if you have any problems or need anything.”

“All right.” Long Diyi took Xiao Tian’s business card.

Then Xiao Tian and Long Jingxian left. After driving for about six hours, they finally arrived at Long Jingxian’s house.

“Xiao Tian, do you want to go home immediately or do you want to rest at my house for a while?” Long Jingxian inquired.

“I want to go home now.” Xiao Tian had not seen his women for more than five days, so he wanted to meet them soon.

“All right.” Long Jingxian uttered.

After kissing Long Jingxian and Mu Ai, Xiao Tian went home.

illicit relationship

illicit relationship

Score 8.5
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
One day, a handsome young man died in a car accident. He suddenly wakes up and find himself in an unfamiliar place, but what surprised him most is that he is taking over someone else's body. He is once again surprised when he knows that he is in a parallel universe with the same laws as his previous world. At first, he only wants to enjoy his life. But after learning his predecessor desires to be a successful person and make his family happy, he decides to continue his predecessor's dream. With knowledge from his previous life, he starts his adventure to become a successful person, and of course, he doesn't forget to seduce beautiful women left and right. Follow him as he embarks on his journey to become a successful person and conquer the hearts of beautiful women. * I haven't finished editing all previous chapters, so please bear with it for now. *Tags= slice of life, poor to rich, action, business, martial arts, gangs, leader gang, beautiful female lead, handsome male lead, older love interests, harem, cruel MC, multiple identities, secret identity, R-18, romance, modern-day, MILF, friendship, war between gangs, war against martial art schools, scheming, betrayal, genius MC, incest, strong MC (OP at the same level). *** plot - first volume = focus on relationship and business. The story is slow and full of slices of life at the start but it gets a lot better and the story progress faster later on. I made so many mistakes in early chaps, but please give it a try. it's repetitive in the early chaps because this is my first time writing a story, so I'm very inexperienced. Try it, maybe you will like it - second volume =Helping Lin Xing Xue and a little problem. - third volume = a lot of troubles this volume is full of troubles, fights and wars. - last volume = the truth, revenge, war and many problems. ** This novel contains incestuous content, if you don't like incest, it means this novel is not for you. this novel also has R-18 content so please dont read my novel if you are not an adult.


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