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I Transmigrated As A Villain’s Mother Chapter 132

Chapter 132 - The Debt Should Be Paid

Song Yujin and Lu Suo were taking a bath in the bathtub. Tonight, they were going to sleep with Song Ci and Lu Gan again.

Lu Suo blew a small bubble at Song Yujin and it landed on the latter’s face.

‘This is fun.’

Lu Suo smiled and continued to blow bubbles at Song Yujin. It was his first time taking a bath with another person, so he could not help but goof off.

Song Yujin felt helpless and also a little displeased. Lu Suo was being really childish!Regardless, he did not stop him.

Lu Suo noticed the displeasure in Song Yujin’s eyes. Instead of stopping, he kept blowing more bubbles! Why did Song Yujin have to be such a party pooper?

Song Yujin calmly rinsed off the bubbles with water. Just as he was about to use some shower gel, Song Ci entered the bathroom. She helped Lu Suo scrub his body and was about to do the same for Song Yujin. However, when she saw Song Yujin using the shower gel by himself, she smiled and said, “You can shower by yourself, right?”

Song Yujin nodded.


Lu Suo did not want to be outdone.

“I can shower by myself too!”


Lu Suo was unhappy with Song Yujin’s apathetic response. He raised his eyebrows and asked, “You don’t believe me?”

Song Yujin replied calmly, “I do. This matter isn’t difficult and you’re not an idiot.”

Lu Suo did not feel like talking to him anymore. Song Yujin really knew how to push his buttons! He wanted to splash water on him!

Song Ci dried Lu Suo before carrying him out. She did the same for Song Yujin.

Lu Suo changed into his pajamas. When he saw Song Yujin coming over, he could not help but snort angrily.

“Yujin, put on your pajamas by yourself. I’ll go and inform your brother-in-law that we’ll be sleeping together tonight.”

Song Ci said as she patted Song Yujin’s head.

Lu Gan tried not to move too much around the children. He did not want them to see the condition of his legs either.

Song Ci noticed this, so she would always ensure he had time to set up and prepare.

It was a happy night for the family of four.

The subsequent days passed peacefully.

Finally, it was almost time for Song Ci to start filming.

Yang Haoran sent Song Ci the hotel’s address. Then, he arranged for someone to pick her up.

[ Yang Haoran: By the way, how are things coming along? ]

[ Song Ci: I’ve finished reading the script. ]

[ Yang Haoran: That’s good. Once you’ve met the production crew, they’ll hand you the rest of it. For now, just try to familiarize yourself with the plot. It’s best if you can memorize the lines. ]

[ Song Ci: I’ve already memorized them. ]

Yang Haoran was shocked to read that message! This woman was really different from David’s description!

[ Yang Haoran: You did well! ]

[ Song Ci: Thank you. There’s nothing to worry about. I’m prepared. ]

Song Ci was more sensible than he had imagined!

[ Yang Haoran: Alright. See you tomorrow. ]

Song Ci put down her phone. There was still another unresolved matter. Lu Gan owed her something. After taking a shower, she purposely asked him to help with drying her hair.

Lu Gan did not refuse and was very compliant.

Song Ci gave him a sweet and warm smile.

However, Lu Gan could sense that something was off.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong?”

Song Ci said innocently, “I just want to collect my debt!”

She placed her hands on Lu Gan’s shoulder and teased, “You know what I mean, right?”

Lu Gan was puzzled.

“Huh? Since when did I owe you anything?”

“How could you forget? It’s such an important matter… I’m not letting you off! It’s time to pay up!”

Song Ci looked at Lu Gan and blinked.

At last, Lu Gan understood the definition of Song Ci’s “debt”. He coughed awkwardly.

“It’s getting late. Stop messing around. You can’t show up on set tomorrow with dark circles!”

I Transmigrated As A Villain’s Mother

I Transmigrated As A Villain’s Mother

Score 8.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
# cinderella # supportingcharacter Song Ci transmigrated into a book as a cannon fodder supporting female character with a burden, also known as her younger brother. The burden Song Yujin said calmly, “Do you plan on hitting me today? If so, hurry up. I have homework to do.” Song Ci was speechless. Wasn’t this the male lead who was tortured by his sister at a young age, and then grew up and tortured the sister back?! As she recalled how the story progressed, Song Ci shuddered and revealed a kind smile. “Yujin, go on and do your homework if you want to. Are you hungry? Why don’t I make you something?” Song Yujin became wary as if his sister was now using a new method to torture him. Song Ci tried several times to gain Song Yujin’s favor but failed, and that made her want to cry. This day, their cheapskate aunt who rarely paid them a visit suddenly showed up. “Cici, take your cousin’s place and marry Lu Gan. Both of you have burdens so you won’t complain about each other.” Song Ci was speechless. What kind of bullsh*t was this? She had read the book and knew the real story. Their aunt’s family only aimed for Lu Gan because of his good looks and wealthy family background. But now that Lu Gan’s legs were ruined in a car crash, they were trying to push this mess to her instead! Song Ci said, “Sure, I’ll marry him.” Song Ci wanted to refuse, but then she remembered that Lu Gan and his ruthless son ended up hating her in the book for refusing the marriage! If she didn’t agree, her life would be endangered! After they got married… Lu Gan: My dear, are you hungry? Why don’t I make you something? The great villain: Mom, I earned a billion. That’ll be your pocket money! Song Yujin: I saw a rather acceptable necklace in an auction. It’s almost worthy of you, I guess. Song Xi was speechless. All of a sudden, she was being pampered by bigshots!


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