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Eternal Melody Chapter 523

Chapter 523 - Investigation

From the moment he chased after her Yuhi understood already. No matter how many misfortunes she meets along the way, she will get back up on her feet.

‘How strong, one day can I be like that too?’ Even though he has supported her this entire time. Yuhi knew that between the two of them he was still the one with the weakest mental state. He wondered if she knew how much he feared losing her?

Does she know how whenever she got involved with underworld matters, he wanted nothing more than to drag her away?

Yuhi recalled what she said the other day about wanting to lock him up. It surprised him not because he didn’t think she would have such thoughts but because it was similar to his. Sometimes he wished he could just lock her up

Yuhi grabbed hold of her hand. “I guess I will see it, since I will be with you for a long time.”

Sumire sighed deeply. “Yuhi-san, why are you like this?”

He blinked and startled at her tone. Why does she suddenly seem so disappointed?

“Sometimes you give me a perfect answer but most days your responses are terrible.”

Despite those serious sounding words he saw her lips curve to a smile.

His eyes twitched annoyed. “Brat, you’re messing with me again aren’t you?”

“Isn’t it your fault for being so easy to trick?”

Yuhi sighed. There is no use arguing with her, she always seems to get the last word in. The streets were rather busy and the area they were in was gradually getting crowded. Yuhi glanced around and saw some tables near a stall.

“Do you want something to eat?”

At that question her violet coloured eyes brightened and she passed him a piece of paper. It was a list of things she wanted to eat, he sighed once he saw the length of the list.

“You should have told me if you were hungry.”

“I–I am not, I am only suggesting because you offered.”

No he is quite sure she has been writing that since they came here. Well it doesn’t matter. He pointed to the benches. “Meet me over there, I won’t be long.”

Although the lines looked long, he had a secret weapon. Yuhi went to the first location and thankfully the lines were not that long. During the busier lines, he would casually drop his hat and people would see who he was. Yuhi did this very subtly since he did not want to cause an uproar or ruin his date with Sumire.

‘Since when did a simple outing like this become a date? Oh how times have changed.’ Still he does not dislike this situation. Tonight she seems a bit different. Recently he has seen more of her shy side, but even then those faces she pulled when he touched her.

Damn sometimes he just wants to lose control and stop trying to pretend to be a gentleman. But Yuhi understood how Sumire felt about the entire thing. She does not want that to become the center of their relationship. To a certain degree he understood how she felt there. His past relationships with women were like that. It was all about lust, he never went on dates with any of those women. He would always meet them in hotels or their place.

‘I never brought them to my place though.’ It was strange now that he thought about it. Most events would take place in the guys place than the female but he never bought any of them back.

It did not take him long before he walked back over to where Sumire was. She was looking at the documents and had them scattered on the table and seemed to be in deep thought. Yuhi moved some of the papers away and slowly removed boxes from the bag.

Soon he covered the table in takoyaki, yakisoba, yakitori, and imagawayaki.

He placed a napkin on her lap and the girl laughed. “Uh Yuhi-san?”

“You like that dress right?”

Sumire sighed and stepped on his foot causing him to yelp. “Hey-”

“You are so clueless, idiot.”

Yuhi looked at her dumbfounded and wanted answers but she already started to eat the takoyaki. He immediately watched as her sour expression turned to a bright one. His gaze softened when he saw this. Whenever she eats, she ends up with that childish expression on her face.

He walked back to the other side and sat down. His gaze fell on the documents and a few words highlighted caught his attention. They seemed to be news reports on a case earlier this year where people’s body parts were gradually getting stolen. First it was the eyes, then nose, mouth, the right arm, the left arm. But it stopped at the left arm, there was nothing on the news for it.

“You asked Nagawa for this?”

Sumire nodded and took out a document from her pile. “Look at this.”

Modern day jack the ripper strikes again written in bright red letters.

A woman age thirty five was found dead in her apartment last night. Her chest ripped open like it was done by a beast, and her heart was missing.

Yuhi’s eyes widened when he read the details. “This is?”

“It is an unreleased piece of news. It seems the police have had this information for a while but are not releasing it.” Sumire trailed off. “Yuhi-san look at the date.”

His gaze fell towards the top left hand corner and frowned. “This is the day I found you.”

“The incident took place two hours after, it was during the time I was in surgery. Do you not find that odd?”

“Do you think this has something to do with you getting hurt and being in hospital?” Yuhi asked understanding where she was coming from.

“This is just a guess but they probably wanted to give me that heart.”

Yuhi felt his body turn cold at those words. For a guess it was awfully disturbing. “What makes you say this?”

“Hmmm, I have no actual evidence. I suppose it is just a hunch and one of many possibilities.”

So she isn’t certain that is good. If it was really like that then he would need to secretly do some hunting. Still her hunches tend to be accurate. He should watch over her more.

That mysterious serial killer has returned huh?

“When the case happened earlier this year, I believe Shin was in charge of it.”

“They asked the SF?”

Yuhi shook his head. “It was back when Shin was still doing normal work for the police alongside his SF duties. They asked him to lead the case, and I think he later on got the SF involved.”

“So Shin determined it was a supernatural case, I see.”

“Still he didn’t find much. He found a relation to evolved humans, but it was a weak lead. When the crimes stopped they shelved the case.”

“Do you not think that is strange Yuhi-san?”

“The SF do not like to waste their resources on resolved cases. But, I did get a strange feeling from it.” Yuhi admitted.

At that time however he had a lot of other things going on with his career. So even though he found it strange he did nothing. Yuhi immediately understood how shallow that way of thinking was.


Eternal Melody

Eternal Melody

Status: Ongoing Author:

"There was a time in my life where I struggled to breathe. A time where I felt suffocated everyday, but then I met you."

-Turning the gears of fate.

A drop of ink can penetrate the walls, even the walls you took too long to build.

After losing her first love due to a traffic accident, Ibuki Sumire transfers to Tokyo. She wanted to escape, to run away from everything that happened. To start over in a place that didn't have him. But a series of clues lead her to investigating the case behind the accident.

In that place she learns about the masks people wear. The masks people wear to disgui se their feelings. Sometimes you have to look past what you see on the surface.

There she meets him, the person who helps her move forward. But Sumire quickly learns how alike they are. His cold personality is different than the kindness she is used to. However, he is the only one who understands her feelings.

It keeps going around in circles, like a drop of paint. Round and round - an endless stream of pain and lies. But, that stream ended the moment she laid her eyes on his paintings.

Such rich and vibrant colors, it felt like his emotions exploded. Yet, in the corner of his studio, she found it. The real him, a sakura painting of two people walking hand in hand.

A gentle and sweet feeling, something she has never felt before.

[Commissioned Cover by: Vatarison]


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not work with dark mode