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Eternal Melody Chapter 269

Chapter 269 - Your Selfish Too

It was careless of her to bring them to a hotel but there was no other option. Yuhi however was not worried. Hino usually has people trailing him so they could cover for any mistakes he makes. His gaze fell on the girl who was sitting on the corner of the bed nervous.

“Uh…where did I put….um…” Sumire was searching for something in her bag but kept dropping everything she took out.

It is rare to see her this way. Normally she is so confident, brave and she has a cold and calculating personality. She is a strange woman. But occasionally he would see her like this. Whenever she became this way, he would end up feeling peculiar. He felt his cheeks grow hot.

Stupid girl she isnt the only nervous one here, still unlike her he could hide his embarrassment. Yuhi left the couch and sat down beside her. From here he could see not only her flustered face but hear the sound of her heartbeat.

“You’re obviously nervous.”


“Relax, I’m not going to bite. Besides I’m hurt.”

Sumire laughed softly. “…I’m acting silly, I’m sorry but my heart won’t stop…”

His heart too, it feels like it will explode. What on earth is this girl doing to him? Yuhi leaned forward and stole a quick yet passionate kiss from the girl’s lips. He kissed her to calm her – no himself down but it only led to wanting more.

Yuhi quickly drew back. “Should we go back to the bar instead?”

If they stay here he may end up doing something to her. He wants to be careful with her. After all, her health is not good.

“N–no, you’re hurt and those people might still be around…”

“I’ll sleep on the couch.” Yuhi offered.

“No, I will.”

Yuhi grabbed her hand. “Sleep with me on the bed, and don’t freak out.”

Sumire nodded. “Okay.”

“Yuhi-san, you must be messing with me.”

“I would never.” He mumbled against her hair. “Sumire did that not bother you? Seeing me that way?”

“It reminded me of before.”

“When did I join the Holy Knights?”

Sumire nodded. “Yeah you acted up a lot then.”

“You remember huh?”

“I think you’re underestimating me too much Yuhi-san.”


“Yes. I mean, I loved you for so long so of course I paid special attention to everything you did.”

Yuhi stared at her utterly speechless at her words. What on earth is she saying now? Then again it’s not like he didn’t know. It was obvious from the way she looked at him, but even with that he was not too sure. How could he have such thoughts?

A few hours later

When he didn’t find her beside him, Yuhi went up to the rooftop and found her. She was staring at the sky in a daze.

“Yuhi-san you’re a gentleman after all.”

“Be quiet. Why are you out here in the cold?” Yuhi was quite upset that he woke up without her in his arms.

“I thought I saw snow.”

“It’s July.”


“You’re angry after all aren’t you?”

Sumire sighed. “Of course I am. Yuhi-san you, did you forget what you promised me a year ago?”

What he promised her a y–

“Yuhi-san, I am very angry! Even though you promised me. No matter what happens you will tell me everything!”

“Well yeah that was when we were partners-” His sentence fell short when she leaned forward, hands on her lips with an angry look on her face. “You’re mad about something else aren’t you?”

“Explain those chocolates I found in your bag.”

“A gift from the fans.”

When he saw her glare deepening. Yuhi sweat fell. So this is what she meant by jealousy issues?

“Well if it’s like that, then why don’t you take it? Or even throw it out.”

Sumire blinked and sighed. “Yuhi-san, acting like a perfect guy doesn’t suit you. It would be better if you said something despicable.”

“Hey now, that’s because I am a good guy.”

“Is that so?”

This cheeky girl. Yuhi cupped her cheeks and leaned forward. “You’re messing with me too much.”

Sumire looked at him with an innocent look. “It’s your fault Yuhi-san, since you came back you won’t let me attack you.”


“Even though I have this urge to fool around everyday.”

‘This girl…’ Yuhi tugged on her hand and was about to kiss her when he suddenly lost his balance.

He landed on the grass with Sumire on top of him. “It seems I am quite needy…” She mumbled.

“You’re selfish too.”

Sumire nodded. “I said so before, my personality is bad.” She traced his lips with her pretty fingers. “Yuhi-san, the stars are watching.”

“Let them watch.” He has had enough of her teasing.

July 6th 4:00pm

Going shopping after school had become a habit for them both. But because he had work to do he could not go with her to school, so he decided to ambush her at the store.

Yuhi walked over and immediately hugged her.

Sumire rolled her eyes. “Did you do something wrong again?”

“No, I’m just cold. Sumire your warm.” He muttered.

What is this warmth? Whenever they are together, even when she is cold he feels only warmth.

He lifted her face and kissed her.

“Mmmm,Yuhi-san were in public.”

Her lips taste so nice and she smells great. God what is this? Why cant he keep his hands away from her, he must be going crazy. Maybe he needs a doctor. He is kissing for her awhile when she eventually broke free and stepped on his foot.

“Ouch…” Yuhi yelped in pain.

Sumire sighed deeply. “When I tell you to stop, you should. Besides if you keep fooling around, the shops will close.”

He wanted to ask her for another kiss but instead he buried his face on her neck instead inhaling her sweet scent.

“Yuhi-san you’re so clingy and annoying…”


“I will go there. You buy things from this aile.”

“I want to go with you.”

“Yuhi-san you’re not a child, you don’t need to come with me. Besides we have a lot of shopping to do, it would be better if we split up.”

Her words fell on death ears and he continued to stare at her.

“It can’t be helped.”


“Behave.” She smiled softly. “You will get more when we finish.”

Yuhi didn’t get a chance to say a word since she quickly left. ‘Damn it, this is difficult.’ He hasn’t touched her at all since that time. This is frustrating.

He recalled what happened earlier at school and frowned. ‘She…is becoming more conscious towards blood.’ It was a small injury from a student who was far away, and yet she smelled it.

This is dangerous. ‘Should I tell her the truth?’ But it isn’t something he can say. Sumire is already aware to an extent so he should just tell her. What if something happens.

It should be fine for now. As long as they are together nothing bad should happen.

From: Atushi

Shin finally woke up.

At that comment his eyes widened. So the guy who has been sleeping for half a month is finally awake? When Yuhi heard what happened to him it shocked him a little. Shin is part of the SF, and while the agents do missions alone.

His thoughts broke off when he caught a whiff of blood in the air.


Eternal Melody

Eternal Melody

Status: Ongoing Author:

"There was a time in my life where I struggled to breathe. A time where I felt suffocated everyday, but then I met you."

-Turning the gears of fate.

A drop of ink can penetrate the walls, even the walls you took too long to build.

After losing her first love due to a traffic accident, Ibuki Sumire transfers to Tokyo. She wanted to escape, to run away from everything that happened. To start over in a place that didn't have him. But a series of clues lead her to investigating the case behind the accident.

In that place she learns about the masks people wear. The masks people wear to disgui se their feelings. Sometimes you have to look past what you see on the surface.

There she meets him, the person who helps her move forward. But Sumire quickly learns how alike they are. His cold personality is different than the kindness she is used to. However, he is the only one who understands her feelings.

It keeps going around in circles, like a drop of paint. Round and round - an endless stream of pain and lies. But, that stream ended the moment she laid her eyes on his paintings.

Such rich and vibrant colors, it felt like his emotions exploded. Yet, in the corner of his studio, she found it. The real him, a sakura painting of two people walking hand in hand.

A gentle and sweet feeling, something she has never felt before.

[Commissioned Cover by: Vatarison]


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not work with dark mode