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Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 82

Chapter 82 - Visiting The Water Park

[We can’t go today,] Alice stated in a panicked voice.

“Why not? Is everything okay?” Rudy asked in a calm voice.

[Yeah…] Alice sighed and said, [The thing is, when I asked you to go to the pool, I had asked my dad to buy tickets.]

“But they don’t sell tickets in advance unless you buy them a day before…”

[Yeah. He was supposed to go buy it yesterday, but today when I asked him about the tickets, he said he forgot to buy them.]

[Stupid dad!] she yelled at her father.

“But we can buy tickets after reaching there, right?” Rudy wondered.

[No. The park is always full, and you can’t buy tickets after 9 AM. It’s already too late…] Alice said in a low voice.

Rudy could easily feel the sadness behind Alice’s words.

“Well, we can go tomorrow, you know?” Rudy suggested.

[Can…we?] Alice asked hesitantly. [Are you free tomorrow too?]

‘I am free almost all the time!’

“Yeah, I am. So let’s go tomorrow, alright?”

[Okay! Thank you so so much! I will send my dad to buy tickets today!]

“Uhh.. about that. There is no need for that. I am going to the next city today, so I will buy them on the way.”


After a brief pause, Alice asked, [Why would you go there?]

“My mom remarried. I told you about it, right? So I am visiting their house today,” Rudy replied.

[Ummm… I forgot to ask this when you told me about this, and I was a little scared too. But… are you perhaps planning to move out of town to the next city?]

“No, of course not. And even if I was, that wouldn’t stop me from meeting you every day or coming to school.”

[… don’t say things like that on the phone. Now I miss you more than I already was!]

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Rudy grinned. “You can kiss me all you want tomorrow when we meet.”

[Of course, I will. So better get your lips ready for me.]

A few seconds later, Alice said, [ I will pay you back for the ticket tomorrow when we meet.]

“There is no need to. I am paying for it,” Rudy retorted.

[But I—]

“No buts. And if you truly want to pay be, then pay me back with your love,” Rudy remarked.

[You…! I will eat your lips tomorrow!]

After saying that, Alice hung up the call.

Rudy sighed and muttered, “What should I do now? Since I am already here, I might just meet Reina and see how she is doing.”

As Rudy was walking, Angelica came out of his body and stood in front of him with puffed cheeks, as though she was angry about something.

Rudy raised his brow and asked, “What’s with that face?”

Angelica pouted even more as she said, “You always talk kindly with Alice. But you never talk to me like that.”

Rudy squinted his eyes at Angelia after hearing that and said, “Whenever I talk with you, you always turn the conversation into something pervy.”

“And who said I am not kind with you? I always give you head pats when you are sucking me off, right? And I also play with your boobs. That’s an act of kindness,” Rudy smirked at Angelica.

It was a rare chance for Rudy to tease Angelica, and he wasn’t missing that.

“HMPH!” Angelica hugged Rudy’s arm and said, “Let’s go.”

Rudy chuckled after seeing Angelica acting like that.

‘So she can also get jealous, huh?’ Rudy wondered. ‘But to be honest, I am a little relieved. She is acting like a normal girl in love would.’

Rudy entered the water park and went to the ticket windows, but of course, it was closed since it was past 9 AM.

“What are you going to do now?” Angelica asked with a curious look on her face.

“Well… I can call Reina and ask her to let me in…” Rudy muttered.

Rudy took out his phone and called Reina, but he couldn’t get through the call because his phone was out of credit.

“Hashtag lame…”

Rudy activated his see-through ability to look for Reina. He first gazed at Reina’s office since Rudy expected her to be there. But she wasn’t.

“There is no one around… no security either….” Angelica glanced around and muttered, “Why don’t you just go in?”

“Look in the corners. There are CCTV cameras. And there is a guard too…” Rudy uttered without moving his lips.

Confused, Angelica looked around, but she couldn’t see the guard.

“Where is the guard?”

“He is shitting in the cubicle…” Rudy face-palmed himself and murmured, “I wanted to see Alice in a swimsuit, not a guard chucking a shit.”

In the end, Rudy decided to wait until the guard finished his deed.

Then, Rudy called out to the guard and said, “Can you call the manager?”

‘She is also the manager, right? I don’t know if she appointed someone new or not…’

The guard inspected Rudy from his head to toe and said, “If you are here to beg, then go somewhere else.”

“What did you say?!” Angelica yelled at the guard, but obviously, no one could hear her.

“Don’t worry. He just said it because of my clothes,” Rudy mumbled quietly.

Rudy was expecting Angelica to laugh when the guard commented on Rudy’s appearance, but he was genuinely surprised to see her get angry.

‘She always enjoyed it when I got in trouble, but I guess you can’t predict the actions of a ghost in love…’

“I know the manager. Just call her out,” Rudy said in a calm voice.

“Heh! There is no way someone like you can know Madam Reina. She is an angel, and you are just a pebble,” the guard laughed out loud.

‘Normally, I would have let the guard’s comment slide. But he is going too far.’ Rudy furrowed his brows and thought, ‘If it weren’t for Reina’s water park, I would have had some fun with him.’

“What are you waiting for?” the guard shooed Rudy with a hand gesture and said, “Get out of here before I kick you out.”


Thanks, @Exoloty, and @DaoistVtSn8O, for the gift!

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Status: Ongoing Author:

[WPC #228 - Silver Place Winner!]

"Farming wives in the post-apocalypse." Getting a wife is possible. Getting Wives is hard. And after the apocalypse, it's impossible. But what if you have superpowers that allow you to do anything? I mean everything!

Rudy was optimistic, handsome, and blessed with knowledge. He topped every exam with minimal effort and got into his first choice university. Growing up in a low-class family, he had to do what it took to be a successful person. So he focused on his studies and aced the university.

When he was in his last year, dozens of famous companies wanted to recruit him. He had a bright future waiting for him. However, he got into an accident on the day of his graduation.

He was left crippled at the age of 23, and all his hard work was in vain. He had to break up with his girlfriend of 5 years, his friends stopped visiting him, and his family was working hard to pay his medical fees.

One night, when he was staring at the ceiling like countless other nights, a mysterious man visited him. He said he was from an organization that was working on the ‘gene experiment.’

The man offered Rudy a chance to live his life again, but if he died in the experiment, he promised to give Rudy’s family a huge amount of money. It was a win-win situation for Rudy as he had nothing else to lose.

However, after months of experiments, nothing happened. As his last wish, Rudy was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. As he was taking his last breaths, he recalled everything he had done in his life, and he remembered all he did was work hard to have a bright future, which he never got a chance to experience.

“If I knew this would happen to me, I would have lived a better life.”

Left with regret and despair, Rudy died. But when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in his high school. He later learned that he had become an esper with all the psychic abilities.

However, there was a catch. The world was different from what he used to live in. It was a post-apocalyptic world in a parallel universe, where his superpowers were going to help him dominate and crush everyone on this path.
Note- It is a harem novel, so expect at least one yandere. And many more things!

MC is the definition of overpowered!


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not work with dark mode