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Esper Harem in the Apocalypse Chapter 401

Chapter 399 Sexting in the Casino while Gambling

Chapter 399 Sexting in the Casino while Gambling

Rudy was sitting on the couch in the casino while being surrounded by many gamblers. Some were taking pictures of him, while others were standing in a line to gamble with him.

Rusher had told Rudy that transferring the money and registering him into the underworld would take at least an hour. At first, Rudy decided to go home and fetch the card later as he did with the money, but he noticed he was already late for school.

So he messaged Lucy and asked her about Rebecca, only to find out that she had already fallen asleep. Lucy also said that she was on her way to her school and the doors of the house were locked.

Then, Rudy messaged Alice and told her to go to school alone. Of course, Alice was a little upset, but she didn’t mind much.

Since Rebecca had already gone to bed, and he was already late for school, he changed his plans and decided to stay at the casino until his card was ready.

However, he was getting bored of waiting, and the gamblers present in the casino kept bothering him again and again. To avoid that, he challenged all of them to a match.

“Play any game you want with me. And the one who managed to defeat me will get one million dollars. If you lose, you will have to spread my name wherever you can!”

That was a tempting challenge for everyone. The gamblers had a chance to decide to challenge Rudy with the game they were best at, and they could bet any amount. Of course, if they lose, they would lose the money, but if someone managed to win, they would get one million dollars as a reward.

The biggest incentive for them to challenge Rudy was that if any of them managed to defeat him, they would be known as a ‘gambler who defeated the mad gambler’,

So far, one hundred and sixty-nine gamblers had challenged Rudy, and all of them lost in a matter of seconds.

They were only allowed to have one match, and they chose the shortest and easiest type of gamble: rock paper scissors.

Rudy wasn’t even paying attention to his opponents. He was gambling while playing with his phone, and it was Maria who was monitoring his matches.

She was a little annoyed at the gamblers as they ruined her alone time with Rudy.

So far, Rudy had won three hundred thousand dollars from gambling with them, and the waiting line wasn’t going to end anytime soon.

Angelica was staring at Rudy’s phone and reading his chats with Alice.

[Why are you using your phone in class?] he asked.

[I am not in the class. I am in the bathroom, so it’s okay,] Alice replied.

[Didn’t you go to the bathroom like five minutes ago?]

[Yeah. But that was a different lecture. The period just ended, so…]

[Wow. So you are now skipping classes, huh?]

[No. I am a scholar student, so no teacher can say no to me when I ask to go to the bathroom.]

[Great. Now you are not even trying to deny that you are skipping classes.]

[When will you come back, by the way? Please don’t tell me that you are stuck somewhere for weeks.]

[No, I am not. I am using my phone, so that’s obviously not the case.]

[Where are you right now? You better not be fooling around with girls while I am worried about you.] Alice sent an ‘angry’ emoji after the message.

[No. Well, not exactly. Angelica is sitting on my lap. I am in the casino, making money.]


[Yeah. Guess how much I made today.] Rudy asked with a ‘grinning’ emoji.


[Last time you earned like two million dollars, I guess it would be higher this time. Maybe five million dollars?]

Rudy first sent a ‘smirking’ emoji and replied, [You are not even close.]

[Give me a hint. Is it more or less?]

[More, obviously.]

[Ten million?]

[No. More.]

[Twenty million….?] She added several dots before the question mark.


[Fifty million?!]

[Why would you jump that much? It’s 25m.]

[That’s a crazy big amount! What are you going to do with that much money?] She asked before sending a ‘thinking’ emoji.

[Make a bed of money and have sex on it.]


[That was obviously a joke.]

“But it sounds tempting…” Angelica looked up at Rudy and said, “I want to try that.”

“We will do that one day.”

[I am going to make more money using this money.] Rudy replied to Alice.

[I figured.]

Rudy wanted to send something, but he saw Alice was typing, so he waited for her message.

After a few seconds, she sent a message that said, [You know I am in the cubicle, right?]


[Do you want me to send a picture of me?]

[I don’t have a fetish to see someone pissing.]

[No! Obviously, I wasn’t going to send that. I am not here to do that. I came here so I could chat with you.]

[So what type of picture are you talking about?] Rudy asked and shortly sent: [Are you talking about nudes?]

[Not nudes. But I can send you my boobies picture if you want.]

[Wow. I never thought I would ever do sexting with you. And no. Don’t send a picture. It’s not safe here.]

[Okay. It’s been more than five minutes, so I think I should return to class.]

[Yeah, you should. I will be there in a few minutes.]

[Okay. I will wait for you.]

Rusher returned with a red card in his hand and said, “What’s going on here?”

Rudy shrugged his shoulders and said, “I guess I have gained a following.”

“Well, you have without a doubt made your name well known in the underworld. They are looking forward to meeting you.”

Rusher handed the red card to Rudy and said, “This is your underworld casino pass. You can use it to enter and leave the underworld at any time, and no one will stop you. The same goes for the casinos.”

He moved his hand towards Rudy to shake hands with him and said, “Welcome to the underworld.”

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Status: Ongoing Author:

[WPC #228 - Silver Place Winner!]

"Farming wives in the post-apocalypse." Getting a wife is possible. Getting Wives is hard. And after the apocalypse, it's impossible. But what if you have superpowers that allow you to do anything? I mean everything!

Rudy was optimistic, handsome, and blessed with knowledge. He topped every exam with minimal effort and got into his first choice university. Growing up in a low-class family, he had to do what it took to be a successful person. So he focused on his studies and aced the university.

When he was in his last year, dozens of famous companies wanted to recruit him. He had a bright future waiting for him. However, he got into an accident on the day of his graduation.

He was left crippled at the age of 23, and all his hard work was in vain. He had to break up with his girlfriend of 5 years, his friends stopped visiting him, and his family was working hard to pay his medical fees.

One night, when he was staring at the ceiling like countless other nights, a mysterious man visited him. He said he was from an organization that was working on the ‘gene experiment.’

The man offered Rudy a chance to live his life again, but if he died in the experiment, he promised to give Rudy’s family a huge amount of money. It was a win-win situation for Rudy as he had nothing else to lose.

However, after months of experiments, nothing happened. As his last wish, Rudy was left alone to die in the middle of nowhere. As he was taking his last breaths, he recalled everything he had done in his life, and he remembered all he did was work hard to have a bright future, which he never got a chance to experience.

“If I knew this would happen to me, I would have lived a better life.”

Left with regret and despair, Rudy died. But when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in his high school. He later learned that he had become an esper with all the psychic abilities.

However, there was a catch. The world was different from what he used to live in. It was a post-apocalyptic world in a parallel universe, where his superpowers were going to help him dominate and crush everyone on this path.
Note- It is a harem novel, so expect at least one yandere. And many more things!

MC is the definition of overpowered!


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not work with dark mode