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Death… And Me Chapter 664

Chapter 664 - Fend For Themselves

By the time they had arrived at the Asume Clan, Rean, Roan, and Frandin were received by Xiria and her parents, who were already waiting for them. Not long after, one of them asked, "Is it about time?"

Frandin nodded, responding, "Yes, we will be leaving shortly after."

Xiria took a deep breath before bowing back to her parents once more, saying, "Dad, Mom, I'll be heading out."

"Sigh…seems like that's the only choice we have," said Xiria's parents with a gloomy expression.

However, Laun, Xiria's father, was puzzled about something else, asking, "What about the thing with the Soul Rulers? Are you not trying it anymore?"

"I am. That's why I'm going to see your ancestor now," Frandin soon answered. "She's probably waiting for me already, no?"

Laun narrowed his eyes but didn't deny that. The ancestor of the Asume Clan had always been watching them every time Frandin's group came to visit with her Spiritual Sense.

"In that case, follow me."

Sometime later, they arrived at Sumeri's room, where she was indeed waiting for them. She then smiled before asking, "Are you finally going to tell me where those high Soul Purity humans you mentioned are?"

Frandin laughed as he nodded, pointing at the twins as he replied, "Of course. Rean, Roan, come forward."

"Yes, young master."

Rean and Roan then stopped in front of Sumeri.

"This…" The sight greatly puzzled her, prompting her to ask, "They're far from being children, don't you think?"

Well, whatever she was thinking, Frandin still shook his head, saying, "No. All your rule says is that your need to find humans with a high enough Soul Purity. There wasn't anything saying that they had to be children. It's just that it was a lot more likely to find children with the right characteristics than adults."

Sumeri was taken aback by that. However, Sumeri had to admit that Gian (Frandin) was right. She never heard anything about only children being accepted.

"Well, that's true." She then brought out some kind of deep blue oval gem before showing it to the twins, telling them, "Touch the gem, and it will automatically check your Soul Purity. If it's high enough, it should shine a faint blue. If not, then nothing will happen."

Rean and Roan touched it straight away. Even if Frandin hadn't left with the others yet, it would take some time before anyone from the Soul Rulers arrives. That should be more than enough time for Frandin's group to leave the city. Especially since Rean and Roan intend to teleport them away with the Soul Gem Circuitry Teleport Formation. That way, no one would be able to follow them.


After some time, the gem turned alive as the mentioned faint blue light appeared. Sure enough, Sister Orb was right. No one on this planet would have a higher Soul Purity than the twins. Even kids were no exception. Not only that, but the faint light continued to intensify several times to the point it was even hard to look at. Without a doubt, Rean and Roan's souls were as pure as they could ever be.

"Impressive!" Sumeri looked at the outcome with her mouth agape. "To think that adults could really reach such a level of Soul Purity. I guess I couldn't expect less from a member of a Celestial Land." Naturally, she also considered that to be another perk of a Celestial Land member.

Frandin laughed out loud, not trying to undo the mistake as he asked, "As long as they have the traits, then that's fine by me. By the way, when will you call the Soul Rulers?"

Sumeri shrugged her shoulders in response, saying, "There's no need. The moment the gem was activated, the Soul Rulers had already gotten the message. To be honest, this is the only way to ever call them over for someone like me."

Frandin nodded in satisfaction, saying, "That's more than enough."

His expression then turned solemn as he looked at Rean and Roan, telling them, "You two, you already know what to do. Don't resist and simply let them take you away. I have my own ways of following you later. As long as I arrive at their headquarters, we will have concluded the elders' test."

Rean and Roan immediately bowed to Frandin once again, unanimously saying, "You can count on us, young master."

Frandin then smiled back at Sumeri and mentioned, "Clad should arrive anytime soon. He will follow my two subordinates here when the Soul Rulers arrive. Remember, these twins are part of your family. You found them by coincidence once they were brought from outside for whatever reason you want to think."

Sumeri agreed with Frandin as she replied, "I know how to proceed. However, are you really okay with that? If I say that and you don't appear, all the benefits will be given to my clan instead."

"Hahaha!" Frandin laughed out loud once again, saying in response, "Do you really think I lack benefits? Don't worry, just consider it as payment for following our plan. You should have no concerns if we do it like that, right?"

Sumeri's eyes immediately lit up, responding, "Now we're talking the same language. Very well. I shall not inquire anything and just follow the plan. However, I won't give you anything either if you regret it later."

"Fine by me."

After a while, someone knocked on Sumeri's door before a subordinate of the clan came inside and asked, "Ancestor, there's an Imperial Guardian outside that says he was told to come here. Should we let him enter?"

Sumeri immediately nodded, responding, "Yes, we were waiting for him already."

Not long after, Clad appeared in the room with his father, Firmel. They soon noticed that Frandin and the twins were already there.

"Are the arrangements done?" Firmel asked straight away. Sure enough, he was already told how the twins' group would proceed.

"Yes." Frandin nodded in response, implicating that Sumeri didn't know that the real masters were, in fact, Rean and Roan.

Firmel understood that as he put a hand on Clad's shoulder, telling him, "Alright, Clad, we're counting on you. We can still hold back for a few more years, but the faster you get done with it, the better."

"Yes, father. I will definitely succeed," Clad immediately answered and bowed to his father. They knew very well how important the outcome of this matter would be for them.

Sumeri didn't know what they were talking about, nor did she intend to ask. The Imperial Guardians were also above her position, so she decided that it wasn't worth intervening in whatever was happening there.

Frandin then approached Clad, telling him, "Once you feel a power pulling your body away, don't resist it."

Clad took a deep breath and nodded. Soon after, Rean used the Dimensional Realm and sent Clad inside. Immediately, he appeared inside the jail that Frandin was locked up in the past. The same kail that didn't allow him to see what was outside of it. Nevertheless, he didn't panic. Rean and Roan had explained already that they had their own secrets, so they couldn't let him move around freely in there.

Firmel knew what was going to happen. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but feel impressed as he thought, 'I guessed that it was the case before, but seeing it with my own eyes is another matter. No wonder they could disappear like smoke every single time. With such high-level Spatial Equipment, anyone would be able to move around undetected.'

Sumeri, obviously, was left astonished since she didn't know about that before, thinking to herself, 'Truly, you can't look down on the Celestial Lands.'

Of course, Xiria and Laun were also left speechless by that scene. Xiria had a Spatial Bracelet, but she was well aware that she definitely couldn't send anyone alive inside. 'Too different! Our standings are just too different!'

Frandin noticed Xiria's expression before coming closer to her, asking, "You're the next one. Ready?"

Xiria nodded as a determined look appeared on her face. "Yes!"

Sure enough, that pulling power was felt once again, and Xiria disappeared from the room as well. Laun, not having anything else to do about it anymore, left straight away to tell Xiria's mother about it.

Firmel understood that the Soul Rulers would be coming at some point, so he decided to leave to not arouse any suspicions. "I hope you elder keeps his words," said Firmel as he soon turned around and left.

Sumeri thought that Firmel was talking to Frandin, but Rean and Roan knew that they were the real targets. Well, not that they cared about it anyway.

Last but not least, there was the teleportation issue.

"Senior Sumeri, I'll take my leave with Xiria now. Farewell," said Frandin as he touched Rean's shoulder. Soon after, he and Rean disappeared from the room as well.

This sight puzzled Sumeri, though. With that, she asked, "Weren't the ones supposed to be staying here, you and your brother?"

Roan nodded as he responded, "It is. Rean should be back anytime soon after young master finishes discussing a few issues with him."

Sumeri understood what that meant. Simply put, Gian Torio could send anyone back into her private room anytime he wanted. Clearly, that made her slightly fearful. 'If they can already do that, I wonder how many times more resourceful the Soul Rulers are.'

Little did she know that even the Soul Rulers couldn't do such a thing about it. Rean would only appear there again because Roan was there as well.

In the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, Rean could see that both Xiria and Clad had been put inside the same jail. It couldn't be helped since he didn't want them to see the Dimensional Realm. Soon after, he stepped on the Circuitry Teleport Formation before activating it with Rank Three Spirit Stones, instantly teleporting 1000 kilometers away.

Rean appeared quite close to the ground this time, so he didn't need Kentucky to help slow his descent. He then willed them to leave the Dimensional Realm. Soon, Frandin's group came out with Xiria, leaving only the snoring demon bird and Clad in the Dimensional Realm.

Qia then immediately hugged him before giving him a kiss, saying, "We will meet again."

"We definitely will."

After that, Rean disappeared once again, leaving Frandin and the others to fend for themselves from now on.

Death… And Me

Death… And Me

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
You died... Death came... Death says you have to reincarnate... But you don't want to... Death forces you... Well, he shouldn't have done that...


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not work with dark mode