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Complete Martial Arts Attributes Chapter 801

Chapter 802 - Golden Horn Giant Python!

Almost simultaneously, Zhou Xuanwu’s expression changed. A blade appeared in his hand, and he slashed it into the air within a split second.


A thick and heavy blade glow shot out horizontally, cutting the mist into two. When the mist separated, a pitch-black monster appeared in front of the blade glow.


The monster roared in anger after getting discovered. It charged towards the yellow blade glow and collided with it.


A thunderous roar was heard.

The strange beast made a weird sound and got thrown into the mist by the blade glow. However, it shifted its body and disappeared into the fog again.

A sharp glint flashed in Wang Teng’s eyes. He saw the power ingrained in Zhou Xuanwu’s blade attack.

There was constellation Force in it, so the impact was greater than a normal general-stage attack. That was why he managed to force the python back. If not, a 13-star general-stage martial warrior might have fallen for its sneak attack.

After the strange beast disappeared, Zhou Xuanwu remained grim. “What is this? I felt dark Force in it.”

“It is dark Force!” Wang Teng nodded. “The star beast must have been contaminated by dark Force; that’s why it can merge into the darkness.”

“I can’t find it.” Zhou Xuanwu furrowed his brows as he glanced around him.

“There’s no need to find them. They will come out themselves.” Wang Teng smiled.

Zhou Xuanwu was stunned. He caught a detail and exclaimed, “Them?!”

“Yes, there’s more than one.”

The instant Wang Teng finished speaking, a soft plop was heard in the air again.

“Hmph, you’re seeking death!” Wang Teng snorted. More than ten flying daggers shot out of his body even though he wasn’t moving. They turned into sharp rays of light and stabbed into the thick fog.

Zhou Xuanwu squinted when he saw the sharp rays.




The instant the rays of light entered the mist, the sound of sharp blades cutting through flesh came from inside. They also heard heavy objects slamming into the ground.

Within a few seconds, all noises had disappeared.

The sharp rays of light flew back and floated around Wang Teng. They cut through the air gently, dispersing the mist.

Zhou Xuanwu swallowed his saliva when he saw the flying daggers. The muscles on his face twitched uncontrollably, and he felt fear creeping up in his heart.

Divine spirit master!

A frightening divine spirit master!

Wang Teng was a monster!

Not only was his Force cultivation at the planetary stage, but he also possessed the rare divine spirit master talent. And he seemed powerful in that field too.

Could he give other people some chance!

“You killed all of them?” The question escaped his mouth as he looked at Wang Teng.

“They’re not very strong. They just knew a strange concealing skill,” Wang Teng replied casually. He walked into the mist and continued, “Let’s go and see what it is.”

Zhou Xuanwu was rendered speechless. He had attacked the monster before, so he knew how powerful it was. Hence, he didn’t believe whatever Wang Teng said.

Wang Teng’s understanding of ‘strong’ was vastly different from a normal person’s. He would be an idiot if he believed him!

He shook his head and caught up with Wang Teng. After taking a few steps, he saw Wang Teng squatting down and poking the beast with his finger.

Zhou Xuanwu walked closer to take a look. He was stunned by what he saw.

This was a strange-looking snake. It was covered with pitch-black scales and needle-like thorns. Its head was huge, and it had sharp teeth. It looked horrendous at first glance.

“Is this the creature?” Zhou Xuanwu asked. “I have never seen a star beast like this.”

“Its body is full of dark Force. Look at this,” Wang Teng pointed to the black ice at the side and signaled Zhou Xuanwu.

“This is… ice Force!” Zhou Xuanwu hesitated before making a guess.

“That’s right, this is the combination of dark Force and ice Force. It was probably formed by this strange python when it attacked.” Wang Teng nodded.

He was certain because he had gained many dark Force and ice Force attribute bubbles.

“That means Earth’s star beasts have been contaminated by the dark Force.” Zhou Xuanwu frowned.

“Maybe not. When I went to the Darkland, I saw similar star beasts. They might be star beasts from the Darkland,” Wang Teng said.

Zhou Xuanwu nodded in deep thought. “Whatever it is, it’s bad news for us. I wonder if there’re other strange snakes or are they coming into our world through the dimensional rift.”

“We need to look at the dimensional rift to be sure.” Wang Teng raised his head. Suddenly, he froze. “You shouldn’t have spoken.”

Zhou Xuanwu was stunned. Why was Wang Teng scolding him?

He saw Wang Teng staring absentmindedly at the sky, so he raised his head too. His body tensed up.

Right above them, a gigantic head was popping out gradually among the dark clouds. A pair of black-brown eyes were staring at them coldly.

“Erm, did we alert their ancestors?” Zhou Xuanwu gulped with difficulty.

“I think so!” Wang Teng nodded.

“Shall we run?” Zhou Xuanwu could sense a terrifying aura from the giant creature. This beast was definitely above the 13-star lord level!

“You can give it a try,” Wang Teng gloated.

“Why don’t you do it first?” Zhou Xuanwu’s face turned black.

“I’m not afraid of it. Why do I need to run?” Wang Teng replied calmly.


Zhou Xuanwu didn’t know what to say. Wang Teng’s words made sense. At the same time, he felt that he was teasing him.


A giant creature appeared above their heads and gave a frightening bellow.

The sound waves surged over like real solid. The dark clouds started churning, and silver bolts of lightning danced wildly. A small part of a large creature was revealed among the black clouds.

The star beast was too huge. From the size of its head and the part of the body it had revealed, they could tell that it must be a few hundred meters in length. Its body was mostly hidden among the dark clouds, so they couldn’t see it fully.

It looked similar to the strange snakes Wang Teng had killed a moment ago. However, it was more hideous and majestic, and it had an extra black horn on its head.

There were numerous complicated golden patterns plastered on the black horn. It looked mysterious.

Wang Teng activated his Spiritual Sight and saw a huge ball of Force light inside the giant python. It was a special Force formed from the merger of dark Force and ice Force, and it was glaring. If he used the human martial warriors’ rank to gauge this ball of light, this creature would be at the planetary stage!

Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Complete Martial Arts Attributes

Score 8.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2019 Native Language: Chinese
The dimensional rifts link the earth to the Xingwu continent. This is the dawn of the martial arts era! I will be useless if I don't practice martial arts? Don't worry, I have a system that allows me to pick up attributes. When other people drop attributes during their training, I can pick them up secretly. Huh? Did you just say that beating up people will make them drop attributes too? In that case... You defeated a sword skill genius. He dropped Enlightenment×2, Sword Talent×1... You've picked them up. Your insights have improved and you've gained a beginner stage sword talent! You defeated a blade skill talent. He dropped Blade Battle Technique×1, Malicious Blade Intent×1... You picked them up and learned a rare blade battle technique! You've also figured out Malicious Blade Intent and have become extremely fierce! You defeated a physique talent. He dropped Physique Scripture×1, Holy-Blood Dominant Physique×1... You picked them up and learned a new top-grade scripture! You are exceptionally lucky to have received the Holy-Blood Dominant Physique. It can change your physique completely and you earned a god-level title 'Endless Health'. Someone killed a powerful star beast and dropped Spiritual Sight×1 and Blank Attribute×60... You picked them up secretly and receive a spiritual eye talent as well as 60 points to add to any of your current attributes! You defeat many opponents in your life. You accidentally kill an innocent devil and split the universe into two when you're practicing your blade at home. You burst the sun with your fist and the world is engulfed in darkness... That's when you realize... You're invincible!


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not work with dark mode