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Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Chapter 630

Chapter 630 - 47- Trinity – What I Have Done Part 10 (VOLUME 4)




 The other me refused to listen to my pleas for mercy. She just put her hand into that bag at her feet with a smile on her face. That smile of hers didn't falter at all either. Not when she threw the dust into the fire and caused it to surge to life once again. Not when the firelight flickered eerily on her face making her look like some sort of evil creature. And definitely not when the screen reformed for the next crazy ass display.

 "This next one is one of your biggest mistakes, Trinity. There were so many lives lost this time, so many people that died because you had not been able to stop your father."

 "When will that stop being something that you torment me with? When will my father's actions be his own responsibility and not mine?"

 "Do you not remember, Trinity? You killed your father. He is no longer able to take responsibility for his actions. And since you are the one that snuffed out his life, his sins now fall on you, since you are his daughter."

 "I don't want his sins. And I don't want to be known as his daughter. He was a crazy, psychotic asshole. Don't lump me into the same category as him." I was angry at her now. The images on the screen hadn't even started yet, but I was pissed off about them already.

 "I think that you need to see what I have to show you, Trinity. You might just be surprised about what you learn."

 The other me looked at the screen then and the images finally appeared before us. It was time for me to learn about another of my sins from a different perspective.

 The screen was showing me the battle that had been waged when Edmond attacked Colorado Springs. There were thousands of people there to aid us in the defense of our city and our pack. There were shifters of several different types such as wolves, felines, bears, and birds. There were more shifters than that in the world, but I hadn't summoned them at the time, not knowing that they were part of my people as well.

 These scenes were from the battlefield. The time when those hideously grotesque looking misshaped monster people had swarmed us and caused us to have such a hard time. These monsters had also been imbued with magic to make them harder to kill.

 "At this point in time, not only did you lose people that were fighting on your side, but you also slaughtered all of those people. They had been victims of Edmond's and they were forced to do what they did. However, you and your warriors slaughtered them without a second thought." The other me's words sent shivers down my spine and made me shoot my head up to look at her.

 "W..wh..what? A..are you telling me that they c..c..could have been s..s..saved?" I felt bile rising in my throat. Did I kill people that could have been saved and returned to normal? D..d..did I do something so unimaginably and unspeakably horrible? "What did I do? How could I do that?"

 "Perhaps yes, perhaps no. I do not truly know if they were able to be saved or not, Trinity. However, I do know that you never tried to save them. Look at these images. Look at how you just senselessly killed them without a second thought."

 Despite her words, the other me was looking at the images with a gleeful smile on her face. She was enjoying what she saw. She was taking joy in the frightening images that she saw before her.

 And as I watched on, seeing what made her so happy, I had to fight not to feel proud of myself. I had always looked back on memories of this battle with pride and a sense of accomplishment. We had won, we had saved the town, we had protected the ones that we loved, and we had barely lost anyone in the process.

 However, looking at it now. Thinking about it the way that I was now. I had a completely different opinion of the past. 

 As much as I didn't want to admit it, the other me had a point. I didn't try to save any of those people. I didn't try to capture them and separate them. I just destroyed them because they looked like monsters.

 I thought that I was doing the right thing. I thought that I was protecting everyone. But I didn't protect them. I stopped thinking of them as people and only saw them as beasts. What a horribly selfish thing for me to do. How could I have just thrown away their lives like that? How could I have been so cruel?

 "Do you see the error of your ways now, Trinity? Do you see why you bear the responsibility for the death of so many people that day? You allowed them to be created and then you destroyed them without thinking about them at all. It was such a sad, sad day. Do you not agree?"

 The other me was trying to get a rise out of me. She wanted me to get angry. I had figured that part out by watching her responses. She enjoyed it when I got angry or sad or any negative emotions really. 

 Well, I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction anymore. I wasn't going to let her get to me, never again.

 "Yes, I see the error of my ways, but I cannot go back and change them now, can I?"

 "No, Trinity, you cannot. And you cannot hide what you are feeling. You may think that it is hidden from me, but it is not. I can still feel it inside of you. That turmoil of anger and sadness rolling around inside of you. That is what you need right now. You need to learn more about it."

 "And if I take that turmoil and do something really bad with it, what then? What would happen if I let myself be run by those feelings?" The anger was rising to the surface as I spoke, and I could tell that the other me was liking that as well.

 "That is what I am here to prevent, Trinity. You will see what I mean soon enough.. For now though, please just keep watching."

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Status: Ongoing Author:

Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circumstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.

She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously sexy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?

"I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere..."
"...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway."

What is the sexy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?

"This cannot be!" I roared. "There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna."
"I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her."

When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from passion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?

***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong Sexual Content


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not work with dark mode