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Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Chapter 575

Chapter 575 - Epilogue 1 - Wesley – Oh My Goddess (VOLUME 3)




I watched as Trinity left the room. My mind was still reeling. What the hell had I just heard? I mean, did she really just tell us that she was now a Goddess? Did she truly just tell me that she had accepted Nehalennia, Thoth, and Danu into herself.

What the hell had happened while they were at that battle? What happened to cause this? What happened to my daughter?

"I just can't believe it, Eve." I know that my jaw was hanging open and that I probably looked like a fool as I tried to process the words that I had heard.

"Well, you need to. There isn't much that we can do about changing it." She was right, but that didn't make the words any easier for me to accept and understand.

"It's just that, you know, when I took Trinity in to raise her as my own, to raise my sister's baby as mine so that she had a family that loved her, I never thought any of this would happen. I never thought she would turn out to be my Luna. I never once thought that she would become the Luan Queen. And I sure as hell never once thought that she would ascend to the point of being a Goddess. I mean, did you ever see this coming? All those years ago, did you ever think that we would be raising someone so important?"

"To me, Trinity has always been important. Whether she was the Luna, a Queen, a Goddess or even a college drop out that decided to become an old cat lady or something. She would have been important no matter what. I think this is just our little girl living up to the potential that she showed us she had all those years ago. This is just Trinity being who she was always meant to be."

I couldn't help but smile at her words. She was right. Trinity was just being the person that she has always been. She hadn't changed. Not once has she changed the way that she thought, felt or treated the people around her. She is a good person, she always has been. This was a new title. A new title in a long list of them that she has received over the years.

And to think, it's been just a little less than five years since she became the Luna. So much has happened in that time. So many things that have made me think that I was going to have a heart attack because my daughter was in a life or death situation. This was just another tally added to that list as well.

"GAHH!" I cried out frustratedly as I thought about it all in circles. This was all still so crazy, no matter how I looked at it. This was the most crazy thing that had ever happened.

"What now, Wesley?" Eve looked at me with laughter in her eyes. It was like she thought my freakout was funny. I'm glad she was feeling entertained.

"She's my little girl, Eve. How could all of this have happened to my little girl? I was supposed to be protecting her from all this crazy stuff and then her life just gets crazier and crazier." I grabbed my head and threw it back in frustration just as the door opened and some of Trinity's guards started to come into the room. They hadn't been present for 'the talk' since they had already known. "Oh my Goddess, Eve, when is this stuff going to seem normal?"

"Hey, don't you mean: oh my Trinity?" David, one of the guards, started to laugh before he continued. "You know, since she is the Goddess now." He clearly didn't think this was as crazy as I did.

"HAHA!" Shane, who was standing next to him, started to laugh at his joke immediately. "Yeah, that's funny, mostly because it's true. We should all start saying Oh my Trinity. That will be funny. It would all be like this. OH MY TRINITY! OH MY TRINITY! OH MY TRINITY!" He was laughing again once he had finished pretending to panic. It was like he was pretending that someone in a panicked state would be calling out for my daughter. "Ooh ooh, or this one." He grinned then continued in a husky, sensual voice. "Oh my Trinity! Oh my Trinity! Oh my Trinity! Oh my Trinity!" With each additional time that he said the words, he was acting like he was getting closer and closer to a climax. "Get it? Since she is the goddess." He was nodding like it was all so perfect. "Oh my Trinity! Oh my Trinity! Oh my Trinity! Oh my Trinity!" 

Amid Shane's fake moaning, someone else came into the room behind him. However, it was clear that Shane wasn't paying enough attention and didn't realize who was right behind him.

A very large hand landed on the back of Shane's head with tremendous force. Shane very nearly fell to the floor, if he hadn't caught himself on the wall, he would have ended up sprawled on his ass as he looked up into the very angry eyes of his Alpha. As it was, he turned around with his hand on the back of his head and a repentant look on his face.

"What the fuck are you doing? Why are you saying that? Don't you ever talk about my wife like that." Reece was very pissed right now, and I didn't blame him at all. I had been getting angry at Shane's joke as well.

"N..n..no, Reece, it's not what you think. It wasn't like that. I was showing how people could replace Oh my Goddess with Oh my Trinity. Y..you know, since she is the Goddess now. I..I wasn't trying to do anything else."

Shane was literally staring into the face of a very angry man who had heard someone else moaning his wife's name. That was bound to make him murderous.

"I never, ever, want to hear you say 'Oh my Trinity'. Not ever again. Do you understand me, Shane?" Reece's voice was nothing more than a rumbling growl as he spoke.

"Y..yes, Sir!" Shane stood up straight and tried to recompose himself. Poor guy. Oh well, that's what he gets for talking about my daughter like that.. Dumbass.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Status: Ongoing Author:

Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circumstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.

She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously sexy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?

"I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere..."
"...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway."

What is the sexy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?

"This cannot be!" I roared. "There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna."
"I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her."

When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from passion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?

***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong Sexual Content


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not work with dark mode