My heart was in my throat. I didn't know where my Little Bunny had disappeared to. What happened to her?
"Trinity?" I yelled out to her after a little while of not seeing her. "Trinity, where are you?"
Just after I yelled her name, I heard some more awed voices. I was looking around for whatever it was that had caused their surprise. My head was scanning the entire horizon as I waited for her to reappear.
I saw her then. My Little Bunny was literally running through the sky as if it were the ground. She had been flung in the direction of the cliff and had obviously caught herself in the air like it was nothing. My mate was the coolest ever. She had gotten so much better with her magic that I don't even know all of the stuff that she can do anymore.
"Thank you, oh Goddess, thank you." I was so relieved when I saw her that I let myself sigh in relief.
As relieved as I was though, I knew that the battle wasn't over yet, and neither was my Little Bunny. Even as I watched her running back to where Vincent, David, Shane and Shawn were waiting for her, I saw her set her sights on another target.
There was a huge beast that looked like a much uglier version of a goblin or troll, or something not so nice like that. The only problem was that this thing was about thirty feet tall. I couldn't believe it. Was my mate really going to take that thing on?
Apparently, she was, but not alone this time. I watched her signal for Shane and David. The two of them immediately started to run toward the beast to get its attention. As soon as it set its sights on them, they split up and moved in two different directions.
While the giant thing was distracted, my Little Bunny started to fly straight up into the sky behind it. And I do mean fly. She shoved the sword back into the scabbard that was attached to her hip and shifted just her arms.
I watched as the sleeves of her armored shirt shredded away like it was nothing and her arms started rippling. Right before my eyes her arms grew longer, and feathers replaced the skin that I could see.
With her new wings, she shot straight into the air and searched for a point to land. She landed on the thing's back right above it's shoulder blades and pulled out her sword all at the same time. She didn't waste a single second before driving that sharp, magical sword into the base of the thing's neck.
With its spinal cord now severed, it wasn't able to stand. Once again, there was thick, black blood spraying everywhere and covering my Little Bunny in the viscous, rancid fluid.
She was doing well, but that didn't mean that I was going to stop worrying at all. I would never stop worrying about her until the day that I died. Especially considering the fact that she liked to put herself into danger like this. I know that she can fight, that was obvious to us all, but I didn't want to let her fight because I wanted her to be safe and protected. It was just the Alpha male instincts in me.
With a pounding heart and raging anxiety, I continued to watch on as my Little Bunny was fighting more and more beasts. There were actual Fae that were mixed in between the beasts as well, and I could see two of them coming at my mate like they were going to try and ambush her together.
This was a part that I was so very proud of the men that I had chosen to protect her all those years ago. Vincent and David went after one of the two Fae while Shane and Shawn went after another.
Without even needing to rely on their special abilities they were able to take care of these two. David leapt toward his target first while Vincent prepared to strike. In a matter of seconds, David pinned their enemy down and Vincent swiftly rushed in and cut the dark Fae's head from their shoulders.
Shane and Shawn were moving in perfect unison. Instead of having one of them hold their target still, the two of them rush in at the same time, perfectly coordinated, and grabbed a hold of their target at the same time.
With pure physical strength they tore the Fae apart. It was bloody, gruesome, and amazing. Way to go guys. That's the way to protect your Queen.
Even as I congratulated them inside my head, I could hear someone walking up beside me.
"It's nice to see them working so well together, isn't it?" Dietrich was most likely keeping an eye on his mate the same that I was.
"Yeah, they really are a well oiled machine when they're fighting together." I agreed with him as I watched on.
"That they are." I didn't look at him at all, but I could still tell that he was smiling. "And I am happy that the enemies are easy to spot. Who would have guessed that the dark Fae would be so clichédly dressed in all black? And they're so pale compared to the other Fae. You think they were the vampires." He chuckled as he spoke.
"Don't the Fae have their own version of a vampire?" I could have sworn I had heard of a legend like that before.
"They do. They are known as the Darg Due (1) and they are not quite as pleasant as I am."
"How not as pleasant are they, Dietrich? Do they not charm sweet little wolves like Shawn?" I tried to laugh at the joke I was making, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.
"They are not charming at all. Their name literally means red blood sucker. They are vicious and evil Fae that will not stop until their prey is dead every time. They are also extremely beautiful and charm their victims before showing their true forms. They most definitely would never love anything that wasn't like them, if they're even capable of loving someone."
"They sound positively charming to me, Dietrich." My words dripped with sarcasm as I shuddered a little. "And I imagine it's only a matter of time before we see them in this battle as well."
"I imagine so."
As I thought about those words and the conversation with Dietrich, I watched the fight continue on. There was nothing else for me to do. It wasn't my turn to fight and I was supposed to be resting until it was my time to fight again.
Oh well, what my Little Bunny didn't know, wouldn't hurt her. I was resting in a way. I was just doing so in a way that allowed me to watch over her from afar.
After what felt like days of standing there and watching the fight rage on, I could tell that they were about to call the second wave of our fighters back for a rest. This meant that I was about to head into the fray again.
I watched my Little Bunny for a little while longer. She had fought several monsters and Fae, and was covered in that nasty blood. As she made her way back to the camp in a hurry, I saw a whirlwind form around her. It was made of water and wind really. It swirled for a moment but the moment that it disappeared I saw what she had been doing. She was now clean, and dry as well. She had taken a walking shower as she left the battlefield.
My mate was the best ever. Seriously, was there anything that she couldn't do?
[1] Dearg Due – pronounced DAH – ruhg DU – ah alternate pronunciation
DAH – ruh – guh DU – ah