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Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha Chapter 462

Chapter 462 - Trinity - The Queen’s Birthday Part 5 (VOLUME 3)




  I don't even remember falling asleep last night. The last thing that I remembered was the intense passion that I was sharing with Reece. One moment he was inside me, and I was screaming with intense pleasure.

The last thing that I remembered was a bright light and a misting of rain hitting my face. However, I think that was probably part of a dream that I had. Why else would there be rain while we were inside? I know that it was an intense moment, but there is no way that there could have been rain inside the cabin.

Yup, it was just a dream. It had to be. A dream that I was fighting to bring back as I laid there in bed with Reece's arms wrapped tightly around me. I remembered very well the feelings that I had last night when we both finished, and those memories were leading me to feel waves of pleasure from the flashbacks.. Damn he was good. So good.

The flashbacks got to be too much for me to contain. I needed to get up. I needed to wake up and touch my husband. He was what I needed right now.

When I opened my eyes and stretched to loosen my stiff muscles, I happened to see the clock on the table.

"Holy shit!" I sat up right in the bed and couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"What? What is it? What's happening?" Reece was on his feet and ready to defend me in an instant. He was, however, naked as could be.

"It's nothing Reece." I tried not to giggle as I saw him ready to defend me from anything while everything that he had swung free. That was actually pretty nice to see.

"If it's nothing, then why did you yell?" He looked at me with worried eyes.

"It's noon already. I was just surprised because I don't even know how we managed to sleep until noon."

"Shit. Yeah, I didn't expect it to be noon." He sat next to me on the bed. "But, in a way, that makes sense. It was like three in the morning by the time that we went to sleep." I could literally see the adrenaline leaving his body as the excitement seemed to be passing. "I guess we better start getting ready to head back. We've got that ball tonight. I think if you're late getting back then Ella and Gina will be worried about you." He turned to smile at me, and I subconsciously ran my eyes over his entire body.

Or I was going to move them over his whole body; however, something stopped me in my tracks and made me do a double take.

"Uhm, Reece, what is that?" I was pointing at his chest and the mark that was there.

"Are you referring to the gorgeous ripple of my muscles?" He said the words seductively as he moved closer, and I could see the mark more clearly.

"No, that." I poked the mark in question now that he was closer.

"That's just the mark that I got from Danu." He shook his head as if I was being silly. "You were there, remember." That was when he looked down and saw what I saw. "What the hell?"

The mark that used to be the size of a silver dollar was now about as big as my clenched fist. It was quite a bit bigger, and it looked different. Instead of just being yellow and orange like the setting sun at the horizon, there was now a symbol in the middle of it.

The symbol in the middle of the now enlarged circle was actually a fist as well. In truth, it was the back of a hand that was clenched, and there was a Trinity knot on the back of that hand.

"When the hell did that change?" He asked me as I was looking at the mark.

"I don't know, it wasn't like that last night. At least, not when we started." I blushed a little as I remembered the night before; the thought had brought with it a twist of pleasure in the pit of my stomach.

"Then what happened to make this-?" He stopped mid sentence and looked up at me. "What a minute. Do you remember a bright light and rain?" He was looking at me with serious eyes. "I thought it was just a dream but-." He trailed off without finishing what he was saying.

"It was a dream. Wasn't it? I..I mean, I saw the light too, and the rain was hitting my face, but that wasn't real."

"It had to have been. If we both saw and felt it, then it was real."

We eyed each other for a moment before looking at the mark again.

"The Trinity knot means power of three. Since you're not three species, that we know of anyway, is it taken literally?"

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head and looked at me with confusion.

"Power of three or power times three. That mark is about three times bigger than before, right? And the fist to me means power, and the symbol means times three. I am reading that mark to mean power times three. As in your power, probably your light magic power, is now three times stronger than it was before."

"Are you serious? But how would this have happened? There was nothing that could have caused th-." He paused again and this time he smacked himself in the head as he remembered something. "Nope, I know what caused it."

"You bit me again." I grinned at him. "You bit me and shared my magic. So I guess we're a little closer in the whole power lever thing now." I laughed.

"Dammit, can't we just have normal hot passionate sex anymore. How many times is it going to change something about us?" He was laughing as well.

"Well, I guess we will either have to deal with the magic affecting us or stop having sex." I grinned at him, expecting the answer that I was about to get. 

"Fuck that. I can't go without sex!" He was looking horrified. "I will take the magic. Just don't take away my sex."

I was laughing as I turned away from him and walked toward the bathroom. I knew he was going to say something like that, but it was still funny as hell.

"What?" He ran after me as I tried not to let the laughter get the best of me.

"Nothing. It's nothing at all. Come on Scruffy, let's go take a shower." I needed to call him a dog name because he was definitely acting like a horny dog right now. Goddess, I love him.

We hurried to get ready, then made our way back to the castle. The way back down the mountain took less time than getting up it; isn't that how it always goes?

Oh, and Reece was right. Gina and Ella were not happy with me running late. They had become the official royal seamstresses and the unofficial Queen attendants, that was a fancy way of saying they got me ready for the ball by closing the overly complicated clothes and they would also do my hair and makeup. Sometimes though, Nikki wanted to do the hair and make up so they would take turns, but today it was all Gina and Ella.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Status: Ongoing Author:

Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circumstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.

She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously sexy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?

"I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere..."
"...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway."

What is the sexy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?

"This cannot be!" I roared. "There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna."
"I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her."

When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from passion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?

***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong Sexual Content


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not work with dark mode