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Card Apprentice Daily Log Chapter 201

Chapter 200: History’s Strongest

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 13:46

Location- Sky Blossom City, Lion Cubs High, School Infirmary

“Why are you guys crawling?… Oh my god! Who did this to you guys? If he/she had applied a little more pressure you guys would be paralysed permanently.” Exclaimed the School doctor. Hearing the school doctor exclaim Kathy woke up from her rest and walked to see what the commotion was about.

“No Doc, this is our fault we all tumbled down the stairs.” Said Jason. As a gangster in training, Jason knew never to snitch. And the rest nod supporting Jason’s statement.

“You! Aren’t you the kid with the broken nose just last week?” The school doctor remembered Jason.

“Yes, thank you Doc, you did a great job healing my nose. There isn’t a scar to show for it.” Jason agreed and seamlessly tried to divert the topic making use of his thick skin. Unfortunately, today was not his day.

“Jason, who did this to you guys?” Hearing Kathy’s voice Jason stood erect. He still freshly remembers how this class teacher of his taught his card soldier realm brother a lesson for behaving inappropriately.

“Class teacher! Wyatt is fighting an unsurprised card fight with Nick, Tom and Eb in the schoolyard.” Instead of stitching Jason reported about the card fight.

“What!” Exclaimed Kathy throwing the pillow to the school doctor she ran out of the infirmary towards the schoolyard.

One of the reasons Kathy finally dared to contact her godson today was because she wanted to talk him out of participating in the tournament by explaining to him what the liability waiver meant and the seriousness of signing it. And after knowing how fatal the tournament could be from the school doctor Kathy wanted to meet her godson later and forbid him from participating in the tournament. But now knowing that her nephew was fighting the notorious Bright brothers, Kathy felt her heart jump up to her mouth.

Having spent a week in the school Kathy was not new to unauthorised and unsupervised card fights in the school. She had witnessed first-hand how cruel these Bright Lions delinquent gang members could be. Not surprising that the school chose to stay silent about this matter and even made some school policies for the offenders to wiggle free.

To her surprise when Kathy reached the schoolyard the card fight was already over and the school janitor along with other staff was fixing the schoolyard. The students present near the yard were discussing her nephew’s victory over the three founders of the Bright Lions delinquent gang. Kathy knew her godson was a talent who contracted a silver grimoire on his first try but she never knew he was a skilled card apprentice. Some students had recorded the fight and posted it in the grimoire network. Surprisingly these recordings were trending on the network. Curious Kathy after watching the complete video muttered, “Fuq! History’s strongest Nephew”

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 14:02

Location- Sky Blossom City, F-rank field dungeon Slime Swamp

“As promised these are the remains of your colleagues. Collect what you can, try digging deeper you might find their bones.” Said Paul as he pointed at the swap where he killed the two middle-aged card masters with corrosive slime vapours yesterday.

Hearing Paul’s words the demigod Michel Angelo church’s crusaders did not utter a word but began digging at the point where Paul pointed to bring their colleagues’ remains back home. A cleric prayed a little and turned to look at Paul and said, “There better be no trickery to your words or else…”

Yesterday after defeating the two crusaders of the demigod church Paul despite the risk returned to the city to get the information he was missing. Why were the religious nuts after him? What did they mean by he tried to kill their lord? What happened after he fled the arena in the Whiteburn manor? Most important of all, how can he make use of this to his advantage.

Living life on the run Paul realised that he was not fit to be a vagabond. Having lived his entire life in the luxury of the Whiteburn Manor his sudden transition was not faring well with Paul. He needed a way out of his current predicament. Turning to the Whiteburn family and begging forgiveness was out of option because the family members who talked him into challenging Pax will kill him before he can even get an audience with the patriarch.

Paul no longer had allies, his faction in the family would kill him on sight to keep their dirty secret hidden and the ruling faction of the family is hunting him down for numerous family law violations such as fleeing the life and deathmatch after a loss. All in all, he was screwed with no gains. He had only his dumb fuckary to blame.

In this situation, Paul saw the involvement of the religious nuts as his way out. Therefore instead of fleeing from the F-rank field dungeon Slime Swamp, Paul returned to the dungeon and waited for the allies of the two middle-aged crusaders who would come to check on them upon not receiving any update from them. While waiting Paul prepared many traps in the dungeon just in case the plan of negotiating with the religious fanatics went sideways. After all, He was trying to negotiate a deal with a bunch of fanatics who knew what would tick them off, it was in his best interest to prepare contingency. As expected, the allies of the two middle-aged crusaders showed up, but this time 4 Crusaders and a Cleric were sent out for a search and rescue mission. All the Crusaders were of the Card master realm and the Cleric was of Card Grandmaster realm.

“Do not worry, my life depends on this. I have nowhere to go, so why would I ruin the only way out?” Yes, Paul was planning to seek refuge in the kingdom. Where the reach of the government and people related to it was very limited. Not to mention a small family like the Whiteburn family.

“You better know what’s best for you. Even at the slightest hint of trickery, I will have them slay you. Here are the five minutes you exchanged for our ally’s remains, make good use of it, you know what’s waiting for you after these five minutes.” The Cleric never planned on letting Paul leave alive after killing his men, he just gave Paul 5 minutes extra lease on his life to save him the trouble of searching the whole dungeon for the remains of his men.

Card Apprentice Daily Log

Card Apprentice Daily Log

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
Dr. Dalton Wyatt, a world-renowned Scientist, and Inventor is transmigrated to the body of a high school student Dalton Wyatt who committed suicide due to unfortunate circumstances and complicated life. The new world was completely different yet similar to Dr Wyatt's homeworld earth. Unlike peace full earth where humans fought other humans, This new world was plagued with Dungeons and Monsters people here fought with monsters for the survival of humanity. Mortal humans were not strong enough to fight these mythical and legendary creatures, thankfully some blessed humans could actively control their soul to manifest soul power and become Card apprentices to fight for the humanities chance at survival. Card apprentices are people who contract grimoire and use various powerful yet resourceful cards to fight off the monsters and conquer dungeons. Grimoire provides the card apprentice with abilities like Card creation and Card fusion, most importantly it allows the Card apprentice to display their full potential in a cardfight. Even though this world has the concept of science but it is not focused on electronics and industrialisation like back in the earth, here the world has cards for every little thing's eliminating the need for electronics. This new world is highly focused around grimoire abilities Card creation and Card fusion. Coming to a world where money could literally buy him strength Dr Wyatt had to earn money for his survival. But thanks to his otherworldly information and knowledge, card creation comes easily to Dr Wyatt compared to other card apprentices. Dr Wyatt creates and sells various perfect, powerful and resourceful cards to earn money and get stronger step by step in this monster-ridden world for his survival. ... "What did you say? making good cards is hard! Bah!! Card making couldn't be easier" "Trash materials! Let me teach you there are no trash materials only trash card makers." [Bloody Veins - G rank, Mortal grade] [Nylon RopeG rank, Mortal grade] [White Core - G rank, Mortal grade] Card creation… complete! [ Card Name - Bloody Rope Card Type - Item card Card Rank - E rank, Common grade Card Rating - 3 stars Card Durability - (100/100) Card Effect - Bloody rope can be used to bind opponents. If bound on open wounds additional effects of paralysis and blood drain activates unconditionally.] "Omg! You used a G rank mortal grade core but how did you create an E rank common grade card with 3-star ratings and that too with full durability. This is a dream! Yes, I am dreaming! I didn't wake up today. I am still in my bed dreaming!" ...


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not work with dark mode