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After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune Chapter 76

Chapter 76 - Anniversary

Every word Yun Qing said was like a knife, stabbing into Huo Chuan’s heart again and again.

How could he not know her pain?

He also tried to turn the situation around, but this time, Elder Huo was ruthless. He used all his connections, causing this matter to continue to escalate. Huo Chuan’s company also encountered some thorny issues and he had to personally handle it. This caused him to be unable to take care of himself.

Even he could not do anything to Elder Huo, let alone others?

Making Yun Qing bow to Elder Huo was the only way.

After Elder Huo calmed down, he could then use the media to clear Yun Qing’s name.

This way, it would be the best of both worlds.

“Yun Qing, this is the only way to solve the problem…”

“There’s no need for you to worry about me. Aren’t you doing this for the Huo Family? President Huo, I feel no change in my heart. After all, I’ve been humiliated in the Huo family as much as this. I only hate myself for being blind and fancying you for three years for nothing.

“If I could turn back time, I’d rather not meet you.”

“Oh right, that jade ring. Tell Elder Huo not to even think about it.”

After a round of scolding, Yun Qing hung up the phone decisively.

However, her vision was already blurry.

Huo Chuan’s face was so gloomy that Lin Yu did not dare to breathe loudly.

While standing beside him, he could vaguely hear that Yun Qing seemed to have scolded Huo Chuan.

Only Yun Qing had the ability to do that.

“I’ve already said that it’s not worth it for such a woman. It’s just a case of throwing pearl to swine.”

Lin Yu wanted to continue, but Huo Chuan’s glare made him shut his mouth.

“Don’t worry. The Yun family’s anniversary is coming up. This anniversary is going to be a big event. They’ve invited a lot of people from the industry, and they’ve also invited the mass media from home and abroad. Maybe they’re trying to talk about Yun Qing.”

“Whatever,” Huo Chuan said coldly.

Yun Qing’s ungrateful attitude made him inexplicably frustrated.

He did not understand why Yun Qing was so stubborn. Would the Yun family help her?

Now, who would dare to provoke her?!

Yun Qing did not have the time to care about these scandals. Now, the most important thing was to properly organize the Yun group’s anniversary celebration.

Zhu Zhan helped Yun Qing ask about and found out about the gifts that the employees wanted. Yun Qing did not hesitate to spend a huge sum of money to buy the luxury items that they wanted.

Yun Zhe was in charge of managing the venue for the anniversary celebration.

The annual banquet of the Yun group would never be a shabby affair. Yun Zhe talked about the banquet hall in the center of the city. The hall spanned over a few hundred square meters. Outside the glass floor-to-ceiling windows, the city’s night view was clear.

The center of the city was a landmark building. There were tall buildings everywhere. The Yun Group reserved even the electronic display screens and replaced with coverage of their event.

It was the first time that a company’s anniversary celebration was so grand.

The invited guests were all full of praise. At the same time, they were surprised that the Yun group was willing to take them in.

Yun Qing arrived at the lounge early in the morning.

For this public event, Ash had specially given her a custom gown.

The dress was gradually changing color, and the scattered diamonds were glittering like stars.

Wearing this dress, Yun Qing looked like a goddess who had descended from the sky.

Coupled with her exquisite makeup, Yun Qing would definitely become the most dazzling star in the crowd today.

When Yun Qing was done with her makeup, Yun Kun was so amazed that he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

His little daughter, whom he had been so worried about, was a graceful, slender swan.

Her three years in the Huo family had dimmed the youthful fire in her eyes. It was a little saddening, but her eyes were more calm and mature.

“Is it nice?”

Yun Qing circled around Yun Kun like when she was a child.

Yun Kun came back to his senses and praised, “It’s nice! Oh right, I brought you a present this time.

“Quick, bring me the set of jewelry that I brought back from Europe.”

Yun Kun instructed his assistant.

The assistant did not dare to make him wait a second longer and brought over a set of purple velvet boxes.

Just by looking at the appearance, one could tell that it was already very expensive.

“This is an antique that I won at a European auction house. I heard that the princess wore it before. It’s something from the royal family.”

Yun Kun carefully opened the box and saw a set of sapphire jewelry inside.

Necklaces, crowns, earrings, rings…

It was dazzling.

Yun Qing did not expect Yun Kun to spend so much money for her. She could not put it down. “This is too beautiful!”

After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Status: Ongoing Author:

“Hurry to the hospital and donate your blood.” “Go to the hospital at once.” “Remember to donate blood at the hospital.” Even if she had already been donating blood for three times in the past few months, which then took a toll on her body, Huo Chuan never felt an ounce of pity for his so-called wife. After three years of marriage, Huo Chuan would only ever contact her to ask her to donate her blood to the hospital. No, accurately speaking, she was selling her blood. Selling it to Huo Chuan’s beloved woman, Bai Ting.

Yun Qing had been working hard to play the role of a good wife and secretary, but Huo Chuan’s family thought nothing of her. They were enigmatic and petty toward her. Yun Qing even had to do all the cleaning and cooking alone at home. Her existence was so menial that one would even assume she was a maid. In the company, everyone underestimated her. Yun Qing had had enough so she said, “Let’s divorce.” Perhaps she still had hope, but her husband’s reaction completely disappointed her. “What are you throwing a tantrum for? Name your price. The doctor says that Bai Ting is in a critical condition!” Huo Chuan’s mother said, “A lowly secretary like you should be grateful that you married into our Huo family, so why are you making a fuss?” Huo Chuan stared down at her. “I know that you’ve donated more blood this month, but I’ve transferred you the compensation fee! I can tolerate you asking for more, but I won’t tolerate your tantrum!” Looking at Huo Chuan’s mesmerizing features, Yun Qing laughed at herself. He was indeed charming, but he had never ever shown her a pleasant expression. Enduring the pain in her heart, Yun Qing insisted on going through the divorce with Huo Chuan. “Don’t you regret this, Yun Qing!” “Huo Chuan, the only thing I regret is agreeing to this marriage with you three years ago. This marriage had me all battered and bruised. Enough is enough!” For Huo Chuan, she gave up her status and ignored her family’s advice. She pounced at Huo Chuan like a moth to flames, only to receive his indifference and lack of affection in return.

After Yun Qing left the Huo family, she got into a luxurious car. Old Master Yun’s heart ached for his daughter. “Qingqing, you had a three-year agreement with me, that if he doesn’t love you, you will come home and inherit the company. Now, it’s time to uphold your promise.”


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