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After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune Chapter 75

Chapter 75 - Good For Both Of us

She only relaxed after getting into the car.

“Brother, are you okay?”

Yun Qing looked at Yun Zhe worriedly.

If Yun Zhe had not helped her block the water bottle, she would have been hit on the head by now.

Yun Zhe rubbed his shoulders and shook his head. “I’m fine. It’s good that you’re not injured.”

“The Huo family really went too far! Ha, since they’re treating my daughter like this, Don’t blame me for being merciless!”

After this incident, Yun Kun personally experienced the grievance that Yun Qing had suffered and could not contain his anger.

“Dad, you have no idea how much pain Xiao Qing has suffered during this period of time!”

Yun Zhe had long wanted to make a move, but he still chose to listen to Yun Qing and wait for the right time.

Now, the right time had come.

“Dad, Big Brother, don’t be angry. It’s not worth getting angry at them.”

Yun Qing comforted him, but her eyes were a little teary.

If she had not married Huo Chuan, she would still be that carefree young lady, right?

The love that the Yun family gave her was a thousand times better than Huo Chuan’s!

On the way home, the news on the Internet changed again and again.

One second, the headlines were still “Superstar Yun Qi cohabiting with divorced daughter Yun Qing”.

The next second, the headline was “Yun Qing and Yun Zhe, the eldest son of the Yun family, are likely to get married! Together, they will bring Elder Yun back to China!”.

These media were really eager to catch up.

Yun Qing looked at the message on her phone and could not help but admire the imagination of these people.

The people on the news were all surnamed Yun. Could these idiots not see that there was something wrong?!

Just as she was reading the news with great interest, her phone rang.

It was an unfamiliar number.

Yun Qing was stunned and pressed the answer button.

However, Lin Yu’s voice came from the other end.

“What’s the matter?”

Yun Qing’s face immediately darkened when she heard Lin Yu call her name.

Lin Yu was silent for a moment before he stammered, “Yun Qing, don’t, Don’t push me out to take the hit…”

Yun Qing almost forgot about it when Lin Yu didn’t mention it. She chuckled, “Why? Are you afraid now?”

“I’ve already reflected deeply on myself. It was my fault that night. I shouldn’t have said those harsh and sarcastic words to you before…”

Lin Yu sounded a little flustered.

It was the first time Yun Qing had seen Lin Yu lower himself down.

It seemed that there were still times when one had to catch someone’s weakness.

“Let me think about it,” Yun Qing said casually. “Don’t look for me. Your voice annoys me.”

Then, she was about to hang up the phone when she heard Lin Yu’s voice. “Wait!”

Yun Qing hesitated for a moment before Huo Chuan’s voice came from the other end of the phone. “Yun Qing, it’s me.”

Yun Qing’s fingers trembled slightly. She was in a trance for a moment before she chuckled. “Are you not usually busy with work? Do you want to come and warn me too?”

Huo Chuan was stunned. “Grandpa looked for you?”

“Wasn’t this trap set up by Elder Huo? Isn’t he proud of himself and showing off in front of me?”

Yun Qing found it odd. This grandfather and grandson pair were really interesting.

They were both members of the Huo family. Why did Huo Chuan pretend not to know?

“Yun Qing, this matter is all because of the jade ring. Why don’t you return the Jade Ring to grandfather? I will handle the matters on the internet. This will be good for both of us.”

Yun Qing wanted to laugh.

But for some reason, she felt a little sour.

Even now, Huo Chuan still wanted her to give in.


She had been humbled in the Huo family for three years!

Who would compensate her for these three years?!

“Huo Chuan, I finally understand. Your whole family treats me like a fool! You all poured dirty water on me and scolded me with the most vicious words. You never thought about how these words and things would hurt me. All of you have done such a thing, and now you want to be the saviors. Do you want me to thank you for helping me?

“Don’t you feel disgusted? Don’t you feel despicable?”

The air pressure in the car became lower.

Huo Chuan’s chest was like a huge rock.

There was silence on the phone.

Yun Qing forcefully held back her tears and swallowed them down.

There was no need for her to cry for Huo Chuan. She would never cry again.

After the divorce, she could see Huo Chuan and the Huo family’s faces more clearly.

Huo Chuan seemed to be thinking of her, but in reality, he was just like the Huo family, waiting for her to be grateful to them.

He had never treated her as an equal. Even now, he still felt that she should be the one who was submissive.

Unfortunately, she would never be like that again.

After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

After Being Betrayed, I Inherited A Massive Fortune

Status: Ongoing Author:

“Hurry to the hospital and donate your blood.” “Go to the hospital at once.” “Remember to donate blood at the hospital.” Even if she had already been donating blood for three times in the past few months, which then took a toll on her body, Huo Chuan never felt an ounce of pity for his so-called wife. After three years of marriage, Huo Chuan would only ever contact her to ask her to donate her blood to the hospital. No, accurately speaking, she was selling her blood. Selling it to Huo Chuan’s beloved woman, Bai Ting.

Yun Qing had been working hard to play the role of a good wife and secretary, but Huo Chuan’s family thought nothing of her. They were enigmatic and petty toward her. Yun Qing even had to do all the cleaning and cooking alone at home. Her existence was so menial that one would even assume she was a maid. In the company, everyone underestimated her. Yun Qing had had enough so she said, “Let’s divorce.” Perhaps she still had hope, but her husband’s reaction completely disappointed her. “What are you throwing a tantrum for? Name your price. The doctor says that Bai Ting is in a critical condition!” Huo Chuan’s mother said, “A lowly secretary like you should be grateful that you married into our Huo family, so why are you making a fuss?” Huo Chuan stared down at her. “I know that you’ve donated more blood this month, but I’ve transferred you the compensation fee! I can tolerate you asking for more, but I won’t tolerate your tantrum!” Looking at Huo Chuan’s mesmerizing features, Yun Qing laughed at herself. He was indeed charming, but he had never ever shown her a pleasant expression. Enduring the pain in her heart, Yun Qing insisted on going through the divorce with Huo Chuan. “Don’t you regret this, Yun Qing!” “Huo Chuan, the only thing I regret is agreeing to this marriage with you three years ago. This marriage had me all battered and bruised. Enough is enough!” For Huo Chuan, she gave up her status and ignored her family’s advice. She pounced at Huo Chuan like a moth to flames, only to receive his indifference and lack of affection in return.

After Yun Qing left the Huo family, she got into a luxurious car. Old Master Yun’s heart ached for his daughter. “Qingqing, you had a three-year agreement with me, that if he doesn’t love you, you will come home and inherit the company. Now, it’s time to uphold your promise.”


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