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Inevitable Road To Divinity Chapter 223

Chapter 222 Kuzan and beauties - the new path of the cigarette perver

Kuzan has broken the link that was holding him to the throne!

He himself exactly knew that he is holding Xue Ren and probed him to conquer and devour more women, hoping that he will somehow get more familiar with nature attributes this way… However, in the end, he just had to accept.

‘My whole past will be given to him.’

The past where he struggled and learnt more about others… The past where he had began looking down on others simply because their nature attributes were weaker than his, a human!

‘You have ‘fire’ in your race, so tell me, why is your fire like shit compared to mine?’

‘Without those wings, you would look more human like… Maybe then… your wind attribute would be as good as mine… as human’s…’

‘Cyclops? Earth’s beloved children? How about I take care of that shitty eye of yours to make you more human like?’

His whole past full of shitty experiences… Actually, Kuzan has to think for a while if he wants to remember at least one ‘happy’ moment of his life… and all of those happy moments were filled with loneliness…


Was he alone right now?


The voice of snow beauty rang out in his head. She was usually ignoring this ‘perverted dragon’, but there were times where she would ask him questions. Of course, the main subject of those questions was her warm, Xue Ren. Her cheeks literally scorching already!


‘Do you think… Ren is going to like my new dish?’

He looked at her strangely, his cigarette making a smokes full of lewd images. It began with a simple intention of tease, then it actually became natural… Seeing those smokes, Eleonora narrowed her eyes, but still looked at him attentively waiting for answer…

‘Heh~~ If you make some sweets and put them on your body, he might become one winged divinity just from looking alone~~’

SLAP! Slap as usual!


Sho Yue, Mrs. Black Tigress, perfect housewife and sexy cat spoke. She kept cleaning the furniture without looking at Kuzan who was in the corner playing with new creations of his, Strawberry Deadly Slap Cigarette.

If woman would slap him, the strawberry smoke would respond with slap as well! Perfect solution!


‘How about you do some grocery shopping?’

‘You want me to do shopping? Do you know who I am?!’

‘The idiot who lost to God of Fire after five minutes?’

‘Damn bitch!’

SLAP! Oh, the usual… She slapped him so hard that the Strawberry Deadly Slap Cigarette couldn’t even activate… resulting in destruction!

‘Here, have it!’

Duan Qiu brought up some chocolate. She had sweat flowing down, clearly showing how hard she trained in her sword. The hole that was in her heart was actually the missing memories from her past life… As her master was getting stronger, Duan Qiu’s heart and soul responded to this with intention to get ‘back’ whats hers…

So she trained in order to forget this hole… or maybe she was unconsciously doing her best to get those memories back?

‘Brother Rure has given us too many of those!’


They both ate the chocolates without talking at all. Duan Qiu was actually eating a bit too much! Kuzan who peeked at her teased, his mouth releasing another perverted image.

‘If you eat it too much, you will get fat, you know~~?’

‘Then I will lose everything by training!’

She patted her stomach that had muscles filled with hard work. The satisfaction on her face was too hard to hide, and Duan Qiu had no plans to hide her emotions at all. She caressed her stomach while thinking of the beautiful night.

‘You sure love those. But because Xue Ren loves them, it doesn’t mean other men might approve them. So ya see, you can’t wear dresses that show your stomach while going outside otherwise others might laugh at you and your lovely Xue Ren. Pffffttt~~’

‘If they would laugh, then my Ren would beat them all~~ Hehe~~ Thanks for caring, Perverted Kuzan~~’

It looked like nothing could beat up the happy mood of Duan Qiu when Xue Ren pops out in her mind… Kuzan shook his head! At least it didn’t end up with slap and they both eat a bit more of choco!

‘Here, I bought you what you wanted.’

The materials suddenly appeared before him. Those materials were for the new project of his cigarette… After a long experiments, Kuzan finally found a mix that is going to satisfy him for a while… Still…

‘Haa?~~ I haven’t asked for them, so-‘

‘Don’t misunderstand, Bitchy Kuzan.’

Head maid, Iza, spoke. Her voice was cold as if she was doing it to match the usual voice of Kuzan… But there was more to it… He was loud motherfucker who spewed curses, looked down on anyone and only listened to their master!

That alone was fine – as long as he listens to master.

‘Yoshiuu heard you were looking for those, so we already prepared them. Since we have done it earlier than usual, your are going close that annoying mouth of yours for two weeks.’


‘But seriously… just how much that shitty mouth of yours can smoke?’

‘As much as you can scream in the bed with Xue Ren on you, damn maid!’


Oh… the usual….

‘Kuzan… the higher world isn’t going to be as nice as medium world. We are going to once again taste a feeling of being ‘weak’. We will need to stay low… at least till I reunite with my family. So…’

Xue Ren words… he heard them so much already… It wasn’t that Xue Ren was mentioning this everytime, but he, he himself was remembering them…

‘So… who are you?’

He was holding him back! The best way would be to let Xue Ren absorb him and his memories… But Xue Ren wasn’t keen on that… rather, he was asking him this question, hoping for something else… And now, Kuzan had to accept that… that he is under him, their destinies intertwined.

“I am Kuzan Farrisnes.”

The power coming from the crack enveloped his whole body, both repairing and filling it up with the power of five nature attributes… The huge amount of energies coming from above like shockwave kicked out the demonic men away from him!

‘You can have that shitty past, Xue Ren.’

It’s past that he wasn’t fond of… so it was rather easy for Kuzan to let it go and start anew… Something which was impossible for Endrun and Uris…

‘From now on, I will start the new life…!’

And protect those who are dear to you!

“Ahahahahh~~ This is it! I feel lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~ I feel aliveeeeeeeeeeeee~~”


Inevitable Road To Divinity

Inevitable Road To Divinity

Status: Completed Author:

After the catastrophe that occured on the Earth, he awakens in unfamiliar, another world. To find out more about himself, he has to step on the road full of danger!

It's a story about modern young man who has Sex God Divinity and his past selves.

*It's a smut novel despite MC hard beginnings, so a lot of smut elements have been used. Every character close to MC(including MC) is more than 18 years old no matter what circumstances.*

*InsanelyParanoid has only published this novel, Inevitable Road To Divinity, to webnovel.com! If you are reading on other sites, then you are reading stolen content!*

*Every R-18 is done with a grown-up/mature/adult lady. Every female character involved in every 'sexual' content is mature(18+)!*
*A lot of gore, brutal and weird R-18 related scenes! Novel is R-18 rated, so expect a lot of dirty and weird humor! MC steps on both paths, good and devil. You can sometimes see the R-18(sex) as punishment. It is rare and not really eerie at all, but it happens sometimes. It's rare though, as the author is a kind man!*
*This is a work of fiction! Nothing is related to the reality! Any names, characters, stories or events, are fictitious! Even author's notes, thoughts and comments mustn't be taken seriously!*
*This novel is rated 18+ (no one 17 and under allowed). It contains mature adult themes, coarse language, explicit sexual content, and graphic violence. Reader discretion is strongly advised. Please do NOT read if you are under 18 or if you feel uncomfortable with any of these elements.*

*Inevitable Road To Divinity by InsanelyParanoid belongs to Webnovel(including their other sites) and is not affiliated with any other site. If you see it anywhere else, then it's pirated and probably changed too, so you won't get that perfect reading experience! Read only here and support an author!*

*This story doesn't encourage anyone to commit or force other to commit any actions that happened here. This is a fantasy solely for entertainment purposes!*

*Author is bad with numbers, so don't take those seriously.*


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not work with dark mode