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Battle Royale of the Sinners Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Chapter 182

Chapter 182 – Battle of Liyang – Part 12

The arrow rain pieced the soldiers who still stumbled in the mud, turning them into porcupines, like what they called their formation .

Tong watched the scene and muttered by reflex, "How ironic . "

The arrows did not kill everybody, some of Zhu Jun's soldiers survived by using their shields to block the volley . These men still struggling and trying to fight back . They regrouped with the nearby survivors, so the ones with the shields could protect the archers who could shoot back .

Seeing the determination of Zhu Jun's men, Tong sighed as he felt pity for these men . If the situation were different, Tong would have tried to recruit these veterans into his army .

Alas, this was a battlefield, and they were the bane of Tong's father . Had he allowed Zhu Jun and his men to fight with Zhang Jiao, his father's army would have lost . Zhang Jiao would have died like what happened in his previous life's historical timeline .

Tong gazed at the back of the enemy's line . Several soldiers cast away their armors and were swimming toward the boats and rafts nearby . The transport units took their boats out from the other side . They rushed in to rescue the drowning men and their friends . If Tong left them be, those over 10,000 men, whom Tong had flushed down the river, would escape back to the other side and voided his attack .

After he rechecked his [Inventory], there were a few hundred liters of boiling grease left in one of the slots . Because he discharged most of them at Liu Yang last night, he did not have enough to kill all of these men .

'I can still haven't used my [Create Food] . I can kill them with another combination . '

Tong pointed his finger forward and released the boiling oil . The void gate opened and released a flash flood of hot liquid . They slammed into the soldiers, burning them alive .



Unlike Liu Yang, who was an immortal with a natural power of regeneration and high vitality, these men were human with the ordinary constitution . They screamed in pain from the 200 degree Celsius oil as it instantly burnt their skins .

"Every one of you, stay here and shoot down any moving imperial soldier! I have something to do . "

The horsemen complied with the order immediately . They began firing the arrows using their judgment and improvised with the comrades nearby .

After giving the order, Tong led the troops with torches, avoiding Zhu Jun's men and approaching the west shore .

'Using boiling grease again won't be efficient . The water is cold . It won't ignite . '

'I should use something else that can ignite easily . '

'Alcohol products won't do . Boiling oil … effective but not efficient . '

'Petroleum? If I remember it correctly, petroleum artificial food dye was derived from the crude oil?'

'Should I reverse-engineer from the food dye to crude oil with my [Create Food]?'

'But if I do that, this river will be permanently destroyed by the crude oil . The citizens that still rely on this river will get caught in my war . '

'That crude oil testing will be for the other time, that Zuo Ci already warned me . I don't want any more trouble . '

Tong had planned to turn the Yellow River into the sea of fire . However, he was afraid of Zuo Ci and the eight-winged woman yesterday . Tong decided to be inefficient for now . Besides, he could not use his skill on the living soldiers directly . He had to be a bit more creative .

"[Create Food], boiling grease!"

Tong poured the hot oil into the river . White smoke fumed into the air as cold water mixed with the hot brown liquid . The 100,000 liters of 200 degrees Celsius oil boiled the river water in an instant . Moreover, the volume of the released oil was massive . It created another flash flood to the east shore .

As the Yellow River current always flowed eastward toward the China Sea, the boiled water current reached the swimming soldiers in no time, cooking them alive .

"The water! AAAAHHHHH!!"


Like frogs in hot water, Zhu Jun's men tried to jump out of the water in frantic . The ones who still swam in the river got desperate . They pushed and shoved their friends down the river so they could escape from the river faster .

The men on the boats and rafts were not doing so well either . They also felt that they were steam-cooked by the boiling river as the river temperature went over 100 degree Celsius . Bubbles on the surface of the river and hot fume were burning them . The rescuers stopped dipping or extending their hands toward their friends in the water and rowed their vessels back to the south shore .

The death throes of the soldiers in and on the river were miserable . Even Tong, who caused the killing scene, got nauseous, thinking what would have happened to himself if he were in those soldiers' shoes .

He accidentally glanced at the surface of the river . Thousands of fishes were also implicated into this mess and were cooked by the boiling water .

"Too bad we haven't prepared a net for these fishes . " He muttered in a pity . "Don't be greedy . I can create seafood in the future . Leave these boiled fish to the nature . "

Tong sighed and left the scene .

<your [gluttony]="" has="" 1 . 98%="" chance="" to="" take="" control="" of="" your="" body="">>

He ignored the auto system message and reunited with his 5,000 horsemen who already emptied their arrow clips .

The Imperial soldiers who were stranded on the north shore were either died by the arrows or were in a terrible condition . They were not in a stat to fight back .

"Listen up, Imperial soldiers! If you still want to live, surrender! I will treat your wounds and keep you away from this battle! You have done enough . You don't have to fight anymore!" Tong attempted to end this combat in a civilized manner .

The 3,000 surviving battered and injured soldiers on the shore glared at Tong in resentment, yet, they hesitated . As a human, it would be a lie if they said they were not afraid of death . They all wanted to live . Even the soldiers who drown their friends to push themselves ashore wished to live .

"I surrender . " An injured soldier lost his patience and shouted .

With only one shout, chain reaction followed suit .

"I surrender . "

"We surrender . "

"Don't kill me . I surrender!"

Three thousand injured men gave up fighting as they could not see the hope of winning . Saving their skins was the priority .

Tong clenched his fist . After thwarting Zhu Jun's ploy, he gained the control of this battlefield . Zhu Jun and the rest of his men still got stuck on the other side of the river while the weather was getting colder each day .

If he could hold the line until the end of the month, Zhu Jun would be in deep trouble .

"Escort the prisoners back to the city!"

The surrendered soldiers sighed in relief that at least they survived .

Zhu Jun looked at the surface of the river with a horrified expression . The calm river sudden displayed a sign of flash flood along with various irregularity .

The color of the river was a mixture of dark brown murky substances, red blood, and the light brown of muddy water . There was white smoke coming out of the river, and the water temperature seemed to be at the boiling point .

Furthermore, cooked white corpses of his men floated along with the river current! Their bodies bloated from the water intake and the boiled human fresh odor made half of the men on the shore threw up their lunch .

Zhu Jun worriedly gazed toward the west . Something unexpected had happened with his detached force .

"Don't tell me … they failed!?"

It did not take long for a messenger from the detached force to rush in and gave Zhu Jun the report .

"Report! The rebel force used sorcery against us! All soldiers on the other side of the shore have been annihilated!"

The scout continued reporting the incident in details, the approaching horsemen, the sudden flash flood, the boiling oil, the arrow rain, and the other surge of boiling water .

Zhu Jun's face lost its color . He was unable to think straight for a whole minute .

"The assistant commander has ordered the survivors to regroup with the main army . We've estimated that we've lost over 15,000 men from this fight . We've also concluded that the enemy's general can use sorcery!"

Zhu Jun gulped before he asked, "How's our enemy? What're their casualties?"

The scout trembled as he was afraid of the punishment . He mustered his courage and told Zhu Jun the truth .

"None, my lord . "

Zhu Jun inhaled a deep breath and slowly breathed out . Several disastrous news almost gave him a heart attack . His hands and fingers could not stop shaking from the nervousness and the heart-pain from the losses .

"Go back and have them regroup with the main army . Treat the injured, and give me the number how many of us left . "

The hoarse voice of Zhu Jun scared the scout . "Y-Yes, my lord!"

The messenger scrammed away in a hurry as he was scared of the current general . Meanwhile, Zhu Jun watched the leaving frantic soldier with a heavy heart .

After the scout left for a minute, Zhu Jun coughed and spat a mouthful of blood .

Such a reaction was known as battlefield syndrome . When someone faced an unexpected disastrous situation, warlords tended to stress themselves which lowered their immunity system, causing hypertension, heart disease, or depression . Several warlords in many countries in history died because of such backlashes . And Zhu Jun had tasted it for the first time .

"I … will … not … fail … here . "

"Yizhen, please look after me . I will complete our duties!"

"Han Dynasty will prevail!"

"Even if Liu Ping is shit, we will not fail!"

Zhu Jun's eyes were bloodshot . The pale face of his became red, then blue . He clenched his fists and staggered to his tent, planning to get some rest first . </your>

Battle Royale of the Sinners

Battle Royale of the Sinners

Score 8.2
Status: Completed Type: Author: Native Language: Chinese
Tong, a sinner who was suffering endless torment in hell because of his mistake he had done in his previous life, was giving other chance to redeem himself by the devil. All he had to do was participating in the redemption program, organized by the gods and the devils. He would be reincarnated as a random citizen of China during the end of the era of the East Han, and the prelude of the era of the Three Kingdoms. He would also retain his memory and a cheat skill that he designed for himself. Tong later found himself reincarnated as Zhang Tong, the son of the Yellow Turbans leader, Zhang Jiao. The problem didn't end with just the dilemma of the Yellow Turbans Army. It appeared that other than him, there were 99 others from the modern world that reincarnated into this timeline with him as well. This redemption program by the gods and devils didn't seem to be simple. There was definitely something fishy going on. Then the hidden agenda revealed itself to the reincarnators. Zhang Tong had to utilize everything by any means necessary to survive this ordeal. -------------------------------------------------- Warning: It's a story with deranged characters that MC and friends won't get a smooth sailing life forever like the other typical WN novels. Patience and high tolerance are required for this novel. Constant nerfs, plot twisted, and changes in the story are expected. All RoTK fans should also be warned. I don't follow the trends of historical events. All characters and their thought won't be like in the 14th-century novel RoTK or Dynasty Warrior. Again, I don't sell 100% wet-dreams in this novel. I mixed nightmares in it. --------------------------------------------------


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