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The Bigshot Shocks The World When She Backs Home Chapter 699

Chapter 697 - She Was Also Pushed

Still, everyone’s obvious animosity toward her sent Chen Yi flying into a rage. She was humiliated. “What are you looking at me like that?” she demanded. “Is it because Lin Xin accused me of pushing her earlier?”

She looked around the crowd and immediately noted the way Yao Ran’s eyes lit up.

Chen Yi sneered and pointed at her. “I was pushed, too! It was her, that girl,Yao Ran! She was standing right behind me.”

With that, everyone shifted their gazes over to Yao Ran.

They looked at her with some doubt and uncertainty.

“I didn’t push anyone,” Yao Ransaid in a pleading tone. “In fact, I was a few feet away fromChen Yi. I have no reason to do anything to her in the first place.”

Chen Yi scoffed.

“Oh, you’re saying that you don’t have a motive? But I have reason to believe that you would want Yao Tangto disappear. You wanted to take revenge on her for stealing your fiancé, didn’t you?”

Yao Ran’s eyes immediately teared up, and she hung her head low.

To everyone, it appeared as though Chen Yihad hit the nail on the head.

But Yao Ranstuck to playing the victim. “No, I really didn’t push you! Even if Sister stole him, I… I have no regrets. I don’t blame her for it.”

As expected, her statement caused a stir among the students.

“So it’s true? Yao TangseducedYao Ran’s fiancé? Aren’t they cousins, though? I thought they had a good relationship!”

“I didn’t think Yao Tangwas this kind of person.”

“It seems that Yao Ransuffered a lot.”

“That actually makes sense. If I were Yao Ran, I would want to take revenge onYao Tang, too.”

“Who is Yao Ran’s fiancé? Is he someone from our school?”

“Ah, I remember now! The name of Yao Ran’s fiancé is Yang Nian. He came to our class looking for her once, though I haven’t seen him come back since. I also saw them eating together at the cafeteria!”

Just like that, everyone’s focus was now on Yao Ran. They no longer seemed to be upset aboutYao Tang’s disappearance.

They were busy discussing the controversial fiancé who stood between the girls.

Some insisted that they, too, had seen Yang Niansharing a table withYao Randuring lunch.

To them, it was clear that Yao Tangwas the one who had interfered with the original engagement.

In the middle of their animated conversation, Lu Minglet out a loud snort of disdain. “Yang Nianisn’t even good enough forSister Tang. Why would she bother stealing him away? Your imagination has really gone wild with this one.”

Of course, the crowd didn’t buy a word he said.

They all knew that Yang Nianwas the young master of a powerful clan in the capital. His academic results were among the best, and he also possessed multiple talents.

Yao Tang, on the other hand… Despite her good grades, she was still just a girl from the countryside. No amount of accomplishment could compensate for her lack of background.

They wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up working part-time in some shady store right after graduation.

“What? You guys don’t believe me?” Lu Mingdemanded angrily.

“Yang Nian is just the precious young master of some family. How can he even compare toSister Tangin terms of skills and cunning? You guys must be blind.”

If Yao Tanghad been any less inclined to keep a low profile, the entire country would know that no other youth could be a worthy match for her.

All the young heirs and heiresses that were touted on the news wouldn’t even survive a day in Yao Tang’s life.

“Indeed, Sister is the best,” Yao Ranspoke up with a regretful smile on her face. “I do hope that she returns safely.”

She might be able to fool the rest of them, but to Lin Xinand her friends, her pitiful act was nothing short of a provocation.

“You!” Lin Xinalmost lunged atYao Ran. She wanted to tear the insolent girl’s mouth apart.

But Meng Yang was quick to stop her, holding her arm tightly to keep her from rushing forward.

Their circumstances were chaotic enough. If a disaster were to strike again, he didn’t know if they would be able to cope. For now, at least, they had no choice but to patiently wait for Yao Tang’s return.

Meng Yang didn’t believe thatYao Tangwas in any danger. Even if she were, he was certain that she would overcome it effortlessly.

Back to Yao Yanand the others, the fog was slowly dissipating. Soon, they could clearly see their surroundings again.

Unfortunately, the fog had allowed a couple of mutated wild boars to wander over and cause a rampage.

Yao Yan’s men wasted no time and eliminated the beasts.

The Bigshot Shocks The World When She Backs Home

The Bigshot Shocks The World When She Backs Home

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author:
Yao Tang, the daughter of the Yao family who mistakenly exchanged at birth, was finally found. Unexpectedly, since her parents felt that she was embarrassing, they never recognized her as their own, and claimed that she was a relative's child who came to live with them. Everyone thought that Yao Tang was just a bloodsucker who was greedy for glory and clung to her "relative's" family. Her father, Yao Feng, registered Yao Tang at the Municipal No.1 Middle School for school. Since Yao Tang failed all of her subjects, she was rejected by the teaching supervisor. When Yao Feng left with Yao Tang, he met the principal of No.1 Middle School. He quickly went up to greet him, but the principal walked past him and tugged at Yao Tang excitedly. "You're finally willing to come to school!" Yao Tang bumped into Cheng Yan, who had once saved her life. Cheng Yan's friends were all convinced that Yao Tang was a gold-digger and waited for her to ask Cheng Yan to pay. When the bill came, Yao Tang quietly rummaged through her bag. Cheng Yan's friend said, "See, she's just stalling for time and waiting for Brother Cheng to pay!" Yao Tang took out a diamond-studded card. "Waiter, how much discount am I given for this card?" The waiter replied, "Honored guest, our diamond black card entitles you to spend here for free!" After that, a group of elite bigshots appeared. The heir of a top corporation posted, "CEO Yao, you've been on leave for a long time. Come back to work!" The international hacker group flooded computer screens everywhere. [To Yao Tang: Boss, it's fine if you don't come back to work, but can you not assault your own database?] When the usually emotionless prince, Cheng Yan, saw his little wife being surrounded, he flipped the table angrily. "Everyone, stay away. This is my wife!"


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