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Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece Chapter 440

Chapter 440: Shocking Change

Due to Olivos’ playful personality and is good at making friends, even though he wasn’t a statesman, he still had contact with Protesilaus during their stay in Amendolara, so the two were quite familiar with each other.

“Welcome, legatus Olivos! You and your soldiers’ arrival has reassured the people of Krimisa!” Protesilaus sincerely said.

“Lord Protesilaus, the sixth legion was ordered to defend Krimisa this time, but we still have to rely on your full support to resist those hateful Syracusans!” Olivos sincerely said as well.

“For me and my subordinates, it is the most important task to support you in defending Krimisa fully. Tonight, I prepared a banquet for you at my residence so that we could eat while we talked and meet the officials of Krimisa at the same time…” Protesilaus eased a bit after seeing Olivos’ gentle attitude. After all, this was the first time he cooperated with the army.

“The banquet is unnecessary as I cannot violate the Theonian Military Law. However, I would be happy to discuss with you in detail how we should defend Krimisa…” Olivos said while scrutinising the city of Krimisa in front of him. Since the second war with Crotone, this was the first time he came to this city on the southern border of Theonia. It seems that Scambras and Protesilaus were not idle during their terms in recent years, as the city wall has not only thickened but also increased by at least two metres. (mainly to defend against the Crotonians at the beginning.)

“Your camp is ready at the square. And even though the Ministry of Military of Thurii were supplying the sixth legion with your rations, the Krimisian city hall would still try its best to provide you with some fresh meat, fish and vegetables…to improve your diet…” Protesilaus led Olivos into the city while introducing some of the preparations Krimsia made.

As he listened carefully, Olivos could see that Protesilaus had fully prepared for the entry of the sixth legion, which made him satisfied.

But just after entering the gate, he heard a loud noise ahead.

“These soldiers are not allowed to enter the city! They will only bring war and death!!”

“Thurians, get out! Krimisa does not welcome you. Get out!”

“You executioners, give back the lives of our loved ones!”

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Hearing this, Olivos’ expression suddenly changed. He turned his head and asked, “Lord Protesilaus, what’s going on?!”

Protesilaus’ expression also changed, and when he was about to explain…

At this time, the leader of the first brigade who had entered the city hurriedly came over and said, “Legatus, many Krimisians are blocking the streets in front of us, stopping us from entering the city!”

“It’s those guys again!” Protesilaus became angry. He sighed and explained, “During the case of Pollux and the lord archon’s attempted assassination, which involved many Krimisian citizens, and the union had severely punished some of them. Now with the invasion of Syracuse on Magna Gracia and the defeat of the allied troops in Scylletium, some families of those citizens began protesting in front of the city hall in the past two days, asking for their loved ones to be released….but I didn’t expect…that they would even dare stop the army from entering the city!”

Compared with the worries of Protesilaus, Olivos, who had fought for many years, was much more decisive and vigilant. So he loudly reminded Protesilaus, “You should immediately send troops to capture these people!”

“That’s not possible! They are all citizens of Krimisa!” Protesilaus shook his head.

“Now that the union is in crisis, they still dare to obstruct the army from entering the city! This is treason, and we must severely punish them! And since this is happening now, I suspect that there must be an enemy directing this! Syracuse is about to attack Krimisa, and if the city is still chaotic, it will only bring us disaster! Therefore I suggest that we put the city of Krimisa under military control!”

“Military control?!” Protesilaus looked at Olivos in surprise.

Olivos looked at him with seriousness, “If we don’t strictly control Krimisa, these scattered and hostile Krimisians may quietly open the city gate once the Syracusan army arrives, welcoming them while we don’t pay attention and turning us all into slaves of Dionysius!”

These words reminded Protesilaus of his tragic days when the Lucanians imprisoned him in Amendolara. He shivered uncontrollably and said with hesitation, “Alright…alright, but I hope that the people of Krimisa will not be hurt…”

After obtaining Protesilaus’ consent, Olivos immediately issued an order. And no matter how they cried, the first brigade quickly surrounded these troublemakers and detained them.

Afterwards, the sixth legion was able to enter the city smoothly.

Soon after, the city hall issued a notice that the whole city would be under military control, and everyone was forbidden to enter and exit the port and gates at will. At the same time, they temporarily moved the residents outside the city inside in response to the upcoming war.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

The situation on the northeastern border of Theonia has not only shocked the Amendolarans but has also alarmed the Thurians. With the war approaching the core of Theonia, it awakened the painful memories of the war that destroyed their homes a few years ago. However, they now face a more powerful enemy that Theonia could only defend but not fight back. Such a stifling situation made the Theonians start worrying as they looked forward to the early return of their archon, Davos. And the oracle of Hades began taking roots in the hearts of the people.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

That night, a sound of hasty knocking sounded at the house* of Aristias, the intelligence officer of Davos. (located near the port in the city and the Theonian arena, which is the famous entertainment district in Thurii.)

Before his slave could open the door, the alert Aristias had already dressed and got up.

The one who came in was Teratus, and as soon as he saw Aristias, he hurriedly said, “Sir, our people saw Petaru, Kadukm Bodiam and their followers sneaking out of the city one after another!”

Aristias was surprised and asked in a deep voice, “Didn’t the city guard stop them?”

“With patrol captain Matonis going to Heraclea and the other party being a statesman, who gone out from the east, west and north gates respectively, it didn’t arouse much doubt. Thus the city guard did not dare to stop them.” Teratus said helplessly.

After Davos left with his army, the current political structure of Theonia showed numerous holes as the war continued and intensified.

Although some statesmen proposed to impose martial law on the whole city of Thurii during a war to prevent accidents, it was not adopted because some believed that such an approach interferes too much with the citizens’ freedom. After all, Thurii is far from the battlefield, so there is no need to make the air so tense.

Although the case of Pollux made Davos give the inspector more power to strengthen the management of the statesmen and set up the tribunus plebis to supervise the top to bottom officials, it has just been implemented after all. So even if some statesmen have no real power, their status alone is very noble. Therefore, once Davos is away, ordinary people wouldn’t dare to supervise them.

Aristias didn’t think much about it as he became tense: After the assassination attempt, Davos asked him to strengthen the monitoring of the various cities of Theonia that he invested more money and manpower into the intelligence department he was in charge of. So after discovering the war, he even asked his men to cooperate with the patrol captain of the cities to ensure the stability of the various cities and prevent accidents.

Some time ago, these three Bruttian statesmen, Petaru, Kaduk and Bodiam, who were involved in the case of Pollux and had even supported his proposal, had been complaining about some of Theonian laws. Although nothing happened in the end, Aristias still paid close attention to them.

During the outbreak of the war, the three had several private gatherings, making Aristias even more vigilant. Unfortunately, he was caught unprepared due to the sudden defeat of the alliance and the invasion of Taranto, leading to the departure of Matonis at such a critical moment. After all, the intelligence department he led was only the private organisation of Davos, without any public power. Thus it is even more impossible for them to prevent the high-ranking Theonian statesmen from leaving…

Thinking of this, Aristias further asked, “Are you sure they are heading to Bruttii?”

But his only hope was soon broken by the words of Teratus, “My men saw with their own eyes that they had crossed the wooden bridge to Besidice one after another.”

Yet Teratus’ following words made him feel a bit relieved, “However, I immediately sent someone to go to the city of Besidice after they left. So once he confirmed Petaru’s route, he would immediately ride to Consentia and inform Lord Hielos.”

Aristias didn’t mind his subordinates having their own ideas as what he cared more about was whether they could relay this report. Although there are already roads from Thurii to Besidice and then to Consentia, it is still dangerous to ride a horse in the dark, galloping between the plateau and the mountains.

“Who did you send?” Aristias asked with concern.


“Oh, that sharp fellow.” Aristias relaxed a bit.

Adepiges, who was once insulted as a “hybrid of Bruttian and Greeks”, had accompanied Androlis as envoy to Consentia and followed the Theonian legion to conquer Brutii as one of their guides. Hence, his identity and his ability in these two operations made Aristias look for him. In the following years, Davos promoted him to the position of intelligence officer of the Bruttian region after making great achievements in building the Bruttian intelligence network, stopping the first signs of rebellion and stabilising the Bruttian region.

Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

MHAG, 古希腊之地中海霸主
Status: Ongoing Author: ,

This is a time of great powers: The vast Persia, Sparta that was founded by force, Athens with its trade and business, Thebes the rising star, The ambitious Macedonia, The twin heroes of the Western Mediterranean, The rising Rome and so on.

This is an era of brilliant stars: Agesilaus II – the last king of Sparta, Epaminondas – the Rising General of Thebes, Philip II – the founder of Macedonian’s hegemon, Dionysius – the tyrant of Syracuse, Camillus – the Roman dictator and savior…

This is an era of contention among a hundred schools of thought: Plato – the great philosopher, Antisthenes – founder of cynicism, Pythagoras – school of number, Democritus – the encyclopedia scholar, Hippocrates – the father of western medicine, Aristophanes – the great dramatist…

What will the hero bring to the world when he comes to this age as a humble mercenary through rebirth?


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