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The Earth is Online Chapter 179

Chapter 179

A black shadow flashed and Lian Yuzheng moved in front of Ruan Wangshu, two short knives flashed and cutting open the four players. The four men’s eyes were dull and their actions stiff, but their skills weren’t low. Three of them were at least on the second floor while the remaining one had the same speed as Lian Yuzheng.

Ruan Wangshu stared coldly at the four men as Lian Yuzheng fought them. He placed his hands on the ground and cried out, “Gravity suppression!”

The next second—

There was the sound of four people falling. They were pressed against the ground and couldn’t move.

In the distance, Xu Yusheng saw the situation and she looked vigilantly at Ruan Wangshu. “Sure enough, I can’t underestimate you.” Xu Yusheng’s eyes were cold as Lian Yuzheng ran towards the four players suppressed by Ruan Wangshu.

Within three seconds, two of them had their throats cut by a knife and stopped breathing. The other two were seriously injured and lost their fighting power.

Lian Yuzheng stared at Xu Yusheng in front of her and prepared to rush forward. Unexpected, Xu Yusheng gave a strange smile and casually raised her hand into the air, casually grabbing it. There was the faint sound of a steel wire in everyone’s ears and Ruan Wangshu’s expression changed. He turned his head to see another four players running from the distance.

Li Miaomiao exclaimed, “Isn’t that Liu Shao?”

One of the four players who appeared at this time was known to them since he was the leader of an organization in Beijing.

Ruan Wangshu kept his hands to the ground and the four people were pulled down once they entered the range of his ability. The strong gravity made the four people slow down. Ruan Wangshu and Lian Yuzheng glanced at each other before the latter moved forward.

The four new players were much more powerful than the previous ones, including the bald man Liu Shao. He had strong muscles all over his body. Lian Yuzheng agilely changed directions and constantly attacked but Liu Shao resisted her knives using his physical strength.

The short and sharp blade cut through the bald man’s skin again and again, causing him to bleed. However, he didn’t seem to feel pain. Under Xu Yusheng’s control, he just his tough body to collide again and again with Lian Yuzheng.

Ruan Wangshu looked up and asked coldly, “Your ability is to control others?”

The cold voice travelled very far on the elevated road. Xu Yusheng laughed and replied, “You guessed it. Ah, I guess your ability is to change gravity within a certain range?”

Ruan Wangshu ignored the other person’s mockery. “You can control their bodies but you can’t change the attacks they have been subjected to. They don’t move well within my range. You can manipulate them but it doesn’t change the objective fact.”

Xu Yusheng wondered, “What are you trying to say?”

Ruan Wangshu sneered and turned to look at the female doctor.

Li Miaomiao nodded and pulled out a knife. She stared at the bald man facing Lian Yuzheng and then sliced at her ankle. Blood immediately splattered and Li Miaomiao fell to the ground, the hamstring of her feet cut by herself. Once this happened, the bald man also fell to the ground like his hamstring had been cut.

Xu Yusheng’s eyes narrowed.

In the distance, Tang Mo was also startled. “Her ability has evolved?”

Yes, Li Miaomiao’s ability had evolved.

When Tang Mo fought against her two months ago, her ability was just passing on her pain to the other person. Now she cut her hamstring and the bald man’s hamstring was also cut.

Fu Wenduo observed, “It is still her hamstring but the bald man can’t move.”

Xu Yusheng stared grimly at Li Miaomiao. The female doctor was very angry and mocked, “Guess what my ability is?”

Xu Yusheng’s expression kept changing until she finally smiled. “How many hamstrings do you have?”

Xu Yusheng gave up on the bald man and continued to manipulate the other three. However, Li Miaomiao stood up again in just one minute. Xu Yusheng stared at her with disbelief as the doctor raised a knife and slashed at her ankle again. There was a sound as another player fell to the ground, unable to move.

Tang Mo exclaimed, “Her body’s recovery is also faster!”

Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo would take at least 10 minutes to recover from a severed hamstring. Li Miaomiao was different. She wouldn’t die even if her head was pierced with a knife. As long as she used it properly, she could rely on her strong self-healing ability to survive.

On the long and narrow road, the dodgeball thrown by Xu Yusheng bounced and disappeared into the distance. Xu Yusheng fought fiercely with Ruan Wangshu’s trio. Ruan Wangshu controlled gravity, Li Miaomiao passed on physical injuries and Lian Yuzheng attacked. Xu Yusheng’s players gradually fell but she just controlled others.

The road’s surface was stained with blood and became a mottled dark brown.

Another player was suppressed by Ruan Wangshu’s gravity. Lian Yuzheng aimed the knife at him but unexpectedly, this person’s feel stuck to the ground and he teleported back a few metres to escape her attack.

Lian Yuzheng was shocked and turned to look at Xu Yusheng.

In the middle of the road, the girl revealed an insidious smiled. “Look at what I found. Child surnamed Ruan, your ability can only control the gravity of objects moving through the air. As long as their feet are close to the ground, you can’t control them. It’s interesting…” The next second, she glanced at Li Miaomiao and smiled sarcastically. “Auntie, you can cut another 10 people. There are more than 100 players here. Let’s see if your self-healing ability or these pigs are more powerful.”

Li Miaomiao, “Damn your mother!”

Li Miaomiao was angry but the situation suddenly reversed.

The players who dared come here to ambush were the elites of Beijing. Lian Yuzheng’s strength was higher than most of them but it was impossible for her to face four enemies alone. Xu Yusheng controlled the bodies of the players and kept them close to the ground, reducing their exposure to the air. Ruan Wangshu’s ability was in vain.

Li Miaomiao might be able to limit the movements of the enemies through self-harm but her speed was limited. Lian Yuzheng gradually became more injured.

Ruan Wangshu looked up. “Do you think that the leader of each organization is like you and not good at fighting?”

Xu Yusheng’s heart tightened. “What do you mean?”

The next second, the pale and thin teenager smiled coldly. He pulled out a silver gun. His arm stretched out and a bullet shot out from the muzzle straight through a player’s chest. Ruan Wangshu moved quickly and was like a white shadow in the darkness. He crossed several cars in seconds and fired bullets at the four people manipulated by Xu Yusheng.

Ruan Wangshu engaged them while Lian Yuzheng directly rushed to Xu Yusheng.

Ruan Wangshu alone held back four people. Lian Yuzheng’s body was like lightning as she held two knives in both hands and appeared in front of Xu Yusheng. Xu Yusheng was frightened and quickly moved back. The four men immediately stopped their movements, a hint of clarity appearing in their eyes.

Xu Yusheng knew how to fight but her level was very ordinary. Her strong physical fitness meant she wasn’t killed by Lian Yuzheng but the difference in skill meant she could only resist. As a sharp knife narrowly passed by Xu Yusheng’s hair, she angrily shouted, “Aren‘t you moving?” Have you seen enough? If you have seen enough then come out!”

Lian Yuzheng looked up and saw a black shadow flash through the window of a building and appear in front of each other.

The young man in black’s left foot swept towards Lian Yuzheng’s head. Lian Yuzheng blocked with her arms and took three steps back.

The young man walked to Xu Yusheng’s side.

For a moment, the five people confronted each other silently on the elevated road.

Ruan Wangshu looked at the young man standing next to Xu Yusheng and said, “Ning Zheng.”

He sounded certain.

Ning Zheng stated, “Ruan Wangshu, Lian Yuzheng.”

Ruan Wangshu asked, “Are you a group?”

Xu Yusheng laughed. “The returnees don’t form group. Only lucky pigs like you form groups.” She turned to look at Ning Zheng. “One person is no problem right? I want the child surnamed Ruan. As for Lian Yuzheng…I’ll give the big star to you.”

Ning Zheng stared at her silently.

The next second, the two people moved. Lian Yuzheng faced Ning Zheng while Xu Yusheng punched at Ruan Wangshu, whose hand was on the ground, and swept her leg towards Li Miaomiao.

The addition of Ning Zheng meant that the Ruan Wangshu trio was once again passive.

Xu Yusheng wanted to use her ability but it seemed she needed to stay still for that. Now that she was fighting Ruan Wangshu, she could manipulate the players and let them harass Ruan Wangshu through simple movements. There was no need for complicated fighting skills. Ning Zheng’s ability was very treacherous. Whenever Lian Yuzheng’s knife was about to hit him, he would suddenly disappear. Then he would reappeared behind Lian Yuzheng.

Despite being three against two, the three people couldn’t gain the upper hand.

Tang Mo hid in the tall building and watched the scene from a distance.

At this time, Ruan Wangshu shouted, “Aren’t you going to come out?”

This sentence was similar to what Xu Yusheng said before. Xu Yusheng reflexively muttered, “Fu Wenduo, Tang Mo?” She thought that the Tang Mo duo had joined Ruan Wangshu and were waiting to ambush her. She was immediately on guard for possible enemies. Unexpectedly, when Ning Zheng avoided Lian Yuzheng’s knife, he appeared again by Xu Yusheng’s side.

Xu Yusheng was shocked. “You…!”


Ning Zheng fired a gun at her. Xu Yusheng urgently dodged and was shot through the shoulder, blood flowing down.

She grabbed her shoulder, her expression shocked. “You…” She looked at Ning Zheng and then Ruan Wangshu. She saw Ning Zheng coldly walk to Ruan Wangshu’s side. She immediately understood. “Bastard Ning Zheng, you actually betrayed me!”

Ning Zheng’s expression didn’t change. “You and I have never been teammates. We only met five days ago. Before that, we have always been enemies. Didn’t you want to kill me?”

Xu Yusheng smiled coldly. “You wanted to kill me as well.” She stopped talking nonsense. “What benefits did these group of pigs give you?”

Ruan Wangshu replied lightly, “I guaranteed that he could open Eve’s Reward.”

Xu Yusheng’s heart tightened. “What do you mean? Do you know how to open Eve’s Reward?”

“The black tower announced 45 names. Apart from Mu Huixue, killing any of the other 44 people can directly open the reward.”

“Impossible!” Xu Yusheng yelled. “Do you want to die? Or are you going to let that big star die?” She thought again. “There is less than one hour left. Are you going to help him kill Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo?”

Ruan Wangshu looked around for a moment.

He didn’t see Tang Mo but knew that Tang Mo was watching him.

Lian Yuzheng asked, “Who said there are only four people?”

Xu Yusheng wondered, “Who else?”

Lian Yuzheng stated, “From Beijing to Korea, normal people need half a month. I just need a day to go back and forth.”

Ruan Wangshu continued, “42nd, any returnees who kill East Asia District 1 stowaway Jin Chenhao can directly open Eve’s Reward.”

Xu Yusheng’s expression sank.

No one expected that Ruan Wangshu would pay attention to other players from the beginning. On May 18th, the black tower released 45 names to the world. Apart from Mu Huixue, China had five players on the list. Four of them were in Beijing while one was in China District 315, which was unknown. This ratio was already amazing.

According to common sense, the black tower only announced the player’s district and not the special location. However, by name, it was obvious which country some players belonged to. For example, East Asia District 1’s official player Fujiwara Ho, he was obviously Japanese. Another example was Jin Chenhao, who was Korean.

Ruan Wangshu weighed the pros and cons and gave up on catching Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo. The two of them were teammates. Catching one of them was possible but catching both of them was extremely unlikely. That’s why he aimed for Jin Chenhao, who was in South Korea and close to China.

Xu Yusheng bowed her head in silence before suddenly laughing.

“You Earth survivors are like this. Kidnapping your own people and using his life as a bargaining chip to cooperate with returnees. I thought that the returnees were cold-blooded and ruthless. It turns out that you are the same.”

Lian Yuzheng stated, “The king has lost.”

The words made Xu Yusheng speechless.

Xu Yusheng laughed in an angry manner. She didn’t concede defeat as she raised her hand and manipulated the four players. The two sides struggled for a while before Xu Yusheng soon fell into a disadvantage. Blood dyed Xu Yusheng’s clothes red. Her back clung to the soundproof board of the elevated road as she covered the biggest wound on her abdomen.

Lian Yuzheng raised a knife and indifferently walked towards her.

Xu Yusheng suddenly laughed. “Fu Wenduo, Tang Mo, if you don’t come out then my reward won’t fall into your hands!”

Lian Yuzheng paused for a moment before continuing to walk towards Xu Yusheng.

Xu Yusheng roared, “Fu Wenduo, Tang Mo!”

In the tall building.

Tang Mo, “…”

Fu Wenduo, “…”

Tang Mo sighed softly before jumping down to the elevated road with Fu Wenduo.

Ruan Wangshu wasn’t surprised to see Tang Mo. “Do you want to steal her head?” Her voice was very calm but Lian Yuzheng was already gripping her knife, ready to attack Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo.

Ruan Wangshu, Li Miaomiao, Lian Yuzheng and Ning Zheng.

If these four people joined hands against Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo then none of them might be able to take Xu Yusheng’s head. It wasn’t because Xu Yusheng wasn’t a dead person and would run away. As long as they fought, Xu Yusheng would find a chance to escape.


Tang Mo asked calmly, “You still aren’t coming?”

Ruan Wangshu, “…”

Lian Yuzheng, “…”

Xu Yusheng who had been betrayed by her teammate once, “…”

Li Miaomiao was stunned. “Wait, what do you mean? How can this be so familiar?”

The next second, Ning Zheng shot towards Li Miaomiao. Li Miaomiao hurriedly dodged but Ning Zheng didn’t intend to kill her. Once he repelled Li Miaomiao, he took the opportunity to go to Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo.

Apart from Tang Mo and Fu Wenduo, the expressions of the rest of the people were strange as they stared at Ning Zheng.

The always calm Ruan Wangshu couldn’t help saying, “You are like this… is it appropriate?”

Ning Zheng was silent for a moment before he pointed to someone and said sadly, “He stole my Eve’s Reward.”

Tang Mo smiled as he was pointed at. “Yes, I stole it. I couldn’t open it but I took it away. Thus, even if you hand over Jin Chenhao to him, he can’t open Eve’s Reward.” Tang Mo analyzed, “We agreed that threats are the most needed leverage to form a stable partnership to guard against temptation.”

Ruan Wangshu, “…”

Xu Yusheng, “…”

Could he not talk to them in this type of teacher’s tone? How can he be so stinky?!!!

The Earth is Online

The Earth is Online

Score 8.7
Status: Completed Type: Author: , , Released: 2017 Native Language: Chinese
Six months ago, tens of thousands of black phantom towers appeared all over the world, floating above the cities. Chemists, physicists, religious people… all of them could do nothing. Six months later, people became used to the towers and no longer paid them attention. One day, Tang Mo saw a flying insect crash into it instead of going through it. The next day, a sharp and clear child-like voice issued an announcement to all humans. “Ding dong! November 15th, 2017. The earth is online.” The black tower’s three iron-clad rules: 1. Everything is explained by the black tower. 2. 6 o’clock to 18 o’clock is the game time. 3. All players, please strive to attack the tower.


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not work with dark mode