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Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart Chapter 145

Chapter 145 - Fussing About



Due to the fact that they came later than Li Jing, which was as a result of Jun Tai Hua pressuring the former to come with him to the party after Li Jing turned him down saying she would be busy that day, they did not see when she and Ye Cheng walked in.

"Luo Jinhai, until when would you look like a sorry ass, come on, mix up with some beauties and enjoy your time at the party."

"I do not want to. They are not as beautiful as Li Jing."

"Li Jing is wherever she is now busy with something else. It is high time you start living life. A rejection is not a set back that one cannot come out from. Just pick yourself back up and try again. She rejected a date and not you in person."

"Okay. She did not reject me. That is good right?"

"Sure. Come on. Have a drink or more and celebrate with Mrs Lin." Jun Tai Hua urged him.

As they drank and talked about common things and businesses with other heirs, Luo Jinhai heard someone talking behind them and his ears stood up.

"Yes, wasn't that the lady that came in with Ye Cheng? She is as stunning as before." The first young man said to his friend.

"Sure, even more, beautiful than the last party. I bet Ye Cheng is intentionally showing her off. What better pair than this can they be?"

"But the rumours said he kissed her."

"Rumors? Dude are you in this city art all?" The second guy asked the shocked young man. "It wasn't a rumour. He kissed her. I saw the picture before it was taken down."

"If that is the case, where is Ye Cheng she came with and why is she dining with Tang Zixin?"

"WHAT?" Luo Jinhai could no longer hold it in and asked.

Both young men turned their heads to see the person who intruded in their discussion and eyed Luo Jinhai. "Hey, answer me, what did you just say?"Luo Jinhai asked them hurriedly.

"What did you just hear?" the first guy asked.

"About her dining with Tang Zixin."

"Yes. Don't you have eyes? Look at them eating and talking like a happy couple on a date." The second young man pointed in her direction, showing Luo Jihsi Li Jing.

He followed the direction of his hands and his eyes came to land on the peerless beauty sitting with Tang Zixin.

For a moment there, Luo Jinhai forgot his rage and jealousy and paused when his eyes locked in on her.

She looked like a beautiful young goddess who was shy and learning how to mingle with the common folks, just seating there.

Only that now, it wasn't a common folk but another young dashing god. If now felt like she was among the big gods and too shy to talk to them as they warmed their way up to her in hopes of winning her heart.

As Luo Jinhai's eyes trailed to her side, his gaze zeroed in on Tang Zixin and his blood began to boil.

'Calm down,' he urged himself inwardly.

Jun Tai Hua who had been listening to their conversation as well and saw the sight at the table at the far end of the hall could not help but be wowed at how pretty she looked before shifting his gaze back to his friend.

He could see the veins pop out at the side of Luo Jinhai's head and his hands ball into a fist.

He was fighting and trying to control himself so bad. Jun Tai Hua did not know what had come over his friend. This was not him at all.

He had better control over his emotions than this but then again, love can make one do crazy things and now he was mega jealous.

First Li Jing came to the party with Ye Cheng and not him and now she was dining with Tang Zixin. Could his luck not be any worse?

He was about moving forward when he felt a hand clasp on his shoulder tightly. "Don't." Luo Jinhai whipped his head around and looked into his friend's concerned eyes.

"Not this time at least, definitely not now when you are angry. Do not let your emotions take over," Jun Tai Hua advised him.

He could see a flicker of light and emotions in his eyes and knew he was fighting to control these feelings. "That's it. You can do it. Just calm down."

The other two guys still had their eyes fixed on Luo Jinhai and Jun Tai Hua and looked at them in confusion.

"What is he fussing about? If it came down to looks, don't you know those two bachelors, came at the top of the food chain? Why cry over spilt milk. It is no use getting angry if you like her."

"Yes," the second young man chipped in. "If you cannot walk over and ask her to be yours, then just admire her from afar. Ye Cheng already got her. Those who can try and contest for her would be Tang Xixin and the likes."

Their words were like adding hot magma to Luo Jinhai's already injured and fragile heart.

"Shut up. What do you know about anything?" Jun Tai Hua quickly responded before Luo Jinhai did something they all would regret.

"I know that he likes her. It is way too obvious but he lost already," the first young man replied Jun Tai Hua's question.

"Come on Jinhai, let us go. This is not worth it. Come and get some fresh air." Obeying his friend, Luo Jinhai closed his eyes and after some seconds, he opened them back and looked at Li Jing.

A small smile appeared on his lips and then he nodded at Jun Tai Hua and the walked away to the garden to get some fresh air.

"His loss, not ours." The first young man added after they had left and both of them burst out laughing.

While Ye Cheng was busy catching up with some business clients and discussing future businesses, a slender hand touched his left shoulder, causing him to pause and stop talking.

Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Score 8.8
Status: Ongoing Author:
When we lose our hearts to the wrong person, setting a betrayal in place, how well do we come out from such hurt? Li Jing was the meek and loving, unwanted, adopted daughter of the Li family. For as long as she could remember, she had always been maltreated by her foster mum and sister because she was her adoptive father’s big secret. As though she hadn’t suffered enough, she had her heart torn in shreds by the betrayal of her fiancé and her sister. Ye Cheng was the cold and aloof, indifferent, charming CEO of the Dream Star Corporation, who had always lived his life in a simple way and cherished what life brought to him. One year later after returning to the country, to take over his family’s business, he had the one he loved kidnapped. In a bid to save her life, he lost her and was badly injured. What happens when these two people who life has played its tricks on finally cross paths? They both had a lot of secrets behind their past that they were oblivious to. When secrets finally became exposed, revenge became their only goal. What happens when a simple game to escape forced marriages blooms into something enchanting? Would she be able to melt his indifferent and cold heart and would he be able to accept the love she gave or will revenge be the only relationship between them? Find out how these two people would weave their fates with the thread of life, in a world filled with secrets, lies, betrayal, mystery, vendetta and love.


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