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Inhuman Warlock Chapter 456

Chapter 456 - 456: Weakness?

"Because I saw it myself. It's the same stone with the same style of character visible in it. The only difference is that the color was different."

"That's indeed true. The colors of each stone are different. I'm tempted to believe you," Lucifer muttered, rubbing his chin. 

He turned around and walked back. "Fine. Tell me where that stone is. I'll tell you what's special about the stones.'

The maid in her room also heard everything. Her ears perked up as she heard it.. She was finally going to know what was special about the stones and why everyone was after them. 

She desired to know about them from the moment she got to know about them. Finally, she had the opportunity. 

She stopped folding the clothes and stood up, just to make sure she didn't miss it. 

"Fine. Come with me; let's talk outside." Arthur let out as he started walking away. "Only you and me."

Lucifer nodded, following Arthur. At the same time, he gestured for the others to stay behind. 

He and Arthur left the palace, standing outside. 

"They…" The most frustrated person in the Palace was the maid, who couldn't believe that she was going to miss the opportunity to hear. 

She hoped that Lucifer wasn't going to get out of her range, even if he left the Palace. 

"Since you can control the wind, I suppose you can fly too?" Arthur looked back at Lucifer. 

"I can. And I know you can too. Let me guess; you're one of the two Wind Users of the Empire you talked about?"

"Hahaha, he seems like we really did fight. Not bad. That's right. I'm one of the two in the Empire that can use winds. But my control is in no way close to yours. I can only fly with my control and nothing else," Arthur replied as he started floating in the air. 

Lucifer also started elevating in the air, following Arthur. 

"Follow after me," Arthur said as he flew towards the sun. 

Lucifer also flew behind him, soon catching up to Arthur and flying side by side. 

"Are you not worried about Milena? She asked me to stay in the Palace. And you're taking me out? She might misunderstand your intentions; you know that?" Lucifer asked, amused. 

"Well, that's the advantage of being a Noble. She knows we can never betray her. Because we are dependent on her. If she dies, w-"

Arthur soon stopped speaking as if he had spoken something wrong. 

He looked elsewhere and commented, "That's a rare bird. I don't think I've seen it before. What a beautiful bird."

Lucifer also looked to the left, noticing a bird flying away. The bird had beautiful rainbow wings and a snow-white body. It indeed looked beautiful, but he was more intrigued about Arthur changing the topic suddenly. 

His words did give him some clues. What did he mean when he said that if she died…? Why didn't he finish? He was mostly sure that his next words were, 'We.'

He also said that they were dependent on her. It gave Lucifer a curious thought. 

'Was he trying to say that if she dies, they die too? That would be really useful information. But he could also be saying something like if she dies, they all lose their senses, or they all get hurt. There are many possibilities. It could also be that if she dies, they lose their powers, and that's why they're dependent on her?'

Many thoughts occupied his head, but he believed that it was the first case. He knew that there was a severe possibility that their lives depended on hers. 

Maybe that was why Sirius didn't want to be a Noble? Because he didn't want his life to depend on someone else's life?

Arthur realized that Lucifer was suspicious. He tried to spin even more. "It's the first time I saw the bird. What a beautiful creature. Anyway, where was I?"

"Yeah, I remember. I was saying that we all depend on her, and if she dies, we lose a great leader. And we can't betray her because of some mental restrictions in our heads," he added, trying to recover the situation. 

He couldn't even believe what a blunder it would be if Lucifer managed to guess what he was trying to say before. Fortunately, Milena couldn't hear his thoughts, or she would have been really upset because of this blunder. 

He further continued, "We can't even think about betraying her; that's why she trusts us. Other than that, we all have the freedom to act independently. So I can do it, and my loyalty won't be doubted because she would know that I can't betray her."

"That's true. She's your leader. Of course, you all depend on her. And the mental restriction makes sense. We also heard something about that." Lucifer nodded, acting as if he wasn't suspicious at all. 

He actually made Arthur believe that he was still ignorant. 

Arthur was finally relieved as he believed he was safe. 

"Anyway, where are we going now?" Lucifer asked. 

"We're going nowhere. We're just randomly flying since I didn't want anyone else to hear what I'm about to say."

"You really think I won't tell my friends?" Lucifer asked.

"I'm not talking about your friends. Of course, telling you is the same as telling them."

"You mean the maid?" Lucifer inquired. 

"She, Sirius, and everyone else. As you said, he can go Invisible. It's better to be safe. Not only do I not want him to hear what I'm saying, but more importantly, I don't want him to hear what you're going to tell him. I want to be the only one who hears about the specialty of that stone," Arthur explained. 

"Hmm? I didn't think about this. He can easily spy on us now," Lucifer muttered, frowning. It was something he noticed just now. "It looks like I need to be more careful too."

'I wonder if the X-Ray feature of the glasses can help me see him? I'll have to talk to Kane about this,' he thought. 

"So, tell me. What's special about the stones?" Arthur asked, slowing down a bit. 

"First, you tell me where the next stone is. Last time, I spoke first. This time, it's your turn."

"Do you really think I would cheat you?" Arthur asked, frowning. 

"It's just fairer this way.'

"Meh, excuses. Fine, I'll go first. I'm sure you know that only one of the three nations is near the sea?"

"Yeah. In the south." Lucifer nodded. "Is the second stone there? If that's the case, it might be easy to get it."

Inhuman Warlock

Inhuman Warlock

Score 8.7
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2021 Native Language: Chinese
"The boy has no powers," they claimed. And thus, the Son of strongest Warlock was declared useless and sent to his death. But was it really possible for the son of the greatest heroes of humankind to be useless? Or was it the biggest mistake the humans made that cost them everything and drove a potential Warlock to the dark side? ________________________________ Lucifer Azarel was the son of humanity's strongest Awakened humans, in a world where people awakened various powers. After his parents perished for the sake of humanity, he was sent to the government facility so that they could keep an eye on his powers when they awakened. Unfortunately, even after 5 years, his powers didn't awaken. The government gave up on the boy and allowed the scientists to use him as an experimental subject for their painful tests on the human bodies, but on the first test itself, Lucifer died. He saw the smile on the scientist's face even as he took his last breath. Was it truly the end? But what happens when the boy truly awakens? What if he awakened not one, but more than four powers that were capable of destroying the world itself if used properly? The strongest Warlock who could have been humankind's greatest protector was driven to become it's biggest enemy. What happens when the boy that has awakened several powers at once starts seeking vengeance. Can the protectors of humanity face the wrath of the Strongest Warlock? Can they stop the person who kills without blinking? Or are they destined to be swallowed by the Darkness they created? Join the journey of the Most Powerful Warlock... .............. Discord Link: bit.ly/demonic1


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not work with dark mode