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Lust Knight Chapter 358

Chapter 355 Roses with Thorns (1/2)

Lucien's wives can't help but compare themselves to each other. While some of them are too beautiful and impressive queens, others have humble origins and not so amazing abilities.

Some of them didn't even wake up or understand their abilities, which is the case of Jeanne, who has been feeling a little bad because she doesn't have a special ability.

She wasn't really unhappy as Lucien gives her so much love, but now, holding the beautiful golden shield that materialized in her hand when she managed to use her special energy, Jeanne feels complete.

[That's my ability… I'm a defender!!] Jeanne smiles as she holds the golden shield up in front of her sisters.

The golden shield is very large and made of two oval plates in a cross position with approximately one meter long and thirty centimeters wide. The vertical plate, where Jeanne holds Its grip, is behind the horizontal plate, which now extended to five meters on each side, defending all the girls in the group.

Jeanne can feel a deep connection with the shield and instinctively knows how to use her energy to extend the vertical plate and reduce the size of the horizontal one, which defines the translucent aura around the shield.

"It's a soul weapon." Envy comments.

"It looks like Naomi's shield… congratulations, Jeanne." Amelia smiles.

The other girls also praise and thank Jeanne for protecting them, but the angels do not stand still but prepare another attack while raising the magical barrier around them again.

"What are we going to do now?!" Cassidy quickly asks Envy.

Envy knows that the angels are preparing another attack, but she is sure that Jeanne's shield can protect them, not only because it is an incredible soul weapon but mainly because she can feel Lucien's powerful aura in the shield and in Jeanne.

Soul weapons are materialized with people's internal energies, and so is Jeanne's shield. Also, all Lucien's wives have a lot of his demonic energy within them.

But Jeanne's golden shield is unlike anything Envy has ever seen. It has half made of her energy, and the other half is all made up of Lucien's demonic energy, which makes the shield even more powerful.

So, Envy quickly starts giving orders to the girls, but she doesn't speak in an authoritative tone, but as if she were advising Amelia, that is, in a friendly manner.

"Jeanne will keep the shield and protect us." She says.

Then she looks at Maggie. "Use your vision ability to look for the most vulnerable part of their barrier."

"The mage girls must continue bombarding the top of the barrier."

"Rose, you must create stone walls around the barrier to obstruct their view."

As Envy speaks, Maggie quickly uses her vision ability to scan the barrier and realizes that Its back is slightly less shiny than the front.

"The left side of the back," Maggie speaks to Envy.

Envy nods and quickly look at Aria and Ella. "You are the fastest of us in the air, so, after the attack, fly behind their barrier and use your sound attacks on that part."

"The archers stay here, and the other girls come with Amelia and me to fight in close combat. Lucien told us to stay only on the defensive, but as soon as they finish attacking, they will be more vulnerable, and if we attack together, we can win." Envy explains.

She would never motivate a group of people from the Mortal Realm, with only two of them being from the Earth Realm, to attack four people from the Sky Realm, but thanks to Lucien's demonic energy, his girls already have a power equivalent to Earth Realm people and have incredible abilities that can make a big difference in battle.

The girls also don't want to just be on the defensive side, waiting for Lucien to save them as that would mean that they can't help and fight alongside him, which is their desire.

As they prepare to follow Envy's plan, the angels finish charging another attack together, this one even more powerful than the previous one.

"NOW!!" Lord Antonios gives the order while the female angel removes the barrier and he fires another ray of light energy along with the other two male angels.

The massive ray of energy goes towards the group of girls, creating a blinding flash, but the golden light with purple parts of Jeanne's shield blocks the entire attack of the angels again.

Jeanne starts to get pushed back by that powerful attack, but she feels the hands of Cassidy and Angela supporting her back while no part of the light energy reaches the girls.

The white light begins to fade when the attack loses strength. Jeanne takes a deep breath as she feels her internal energy almost at the end, but Lucien's energy runs inside her body, quickly restoring her energy.

Jeanne's golden shield disappears, returning to her soul while the girls prepare their weapons.

"GO!!!" Envy materializes her long black daggers and, together with Amelia, wielding her white swords, run towards the angels.


Aria and Ella fly towards the back of the barrier of the angels, and Madelyn creates a strong wind current, boosting their speed even more.

Angela, Marie, and Lena continue to rain ice spikes on the barrier that the female angel quickly raised again while Rose created stone walls to block their view.

Maggie focuses on her vision ability to see all the angels' movements while Kara helps Jeanne to recover.

Neola and Ghilanna go to opposite sides to fire arrows shot as soon as the barrier of angels falls, and Ghalenna, despite being a good archer, prefers to take her emerald sword and move forward with Lucien's other wives.


Oya and Ko loudly roar as they run towards the barrier of angels along with the other girls.

All Lucien's wives are very excited about that fight. They want to prove to him that they can be as powerful as his sister and always be by his side, even in challenging battles.

The angels still don't see the girls as a threat, but Lord Antonius is cautious and orders the female angel to maintain the barrier while they recover the energy they spent on those light attacks and learn more about their enemies. Also, they are without their leader, Melitta, and it is best to be careful until she joins them.

They think that Lucien's girls can't break that barrier, but they also know that they didn't run away because they can hear them thanks to their superior senses.

"They are separated; prepare another attack!" Lord Antonius orders the other colonels. He thinks that Jeanne's shield cannot block another light attack, but with Lucien's wives separated, he thinks it will be even easier to kill them.

He and the other two male angels drink potions of white liquid to recover light energy and start charging another attack. Although they can fight close combat, they prefer to attack enemies with powerful ranged light attacks and not take additional risks.

While they totally focus on charging a new ray of light, the female angel completely focuses on maintaining the defensive barrier using her treasure.

She can't see what's going on outside due to Rose's stone walls, but she can hear Lucien's wives prepare to attack the barrier.

"Humph!! These stupid women think they can damage my barrier… they are stupider than I thought." The female angel smiles, but inside she is burning with jealousy of the unique beauty of Lucien's wives and their soul weapons, of course.


Then the angels hear a high-pitched sound. In the left part of the bottom of the barrier, a part of the stone wall turns to dust while Aria and Ella begin to attack the barrier with powerful sound waves.

The angels are confused because they have never seen that kind of sound attack before. Harpies are very rare, even in other words, and few of them developed such an ability.

But what shocks the female angel the most is the fact that Aria and Ella are attacking the most vulnerable part of the barrier. That angel knows that treasure very well because she has used it many times, but no one has ever discovered Its weakness because the whole barrier looks the same to normal people. Well, she didn't expect Maggie's rare vision ability.

Aria and Ella use their abilities as much as possible while Lucien's other wives position themselves around the barrier.

The angels are still confident in their barrier, but soon the female angel starts to see small cracks in the part where the girls are attacking.

"Impossible… they are breaking the barrier!!" She warns the other angels.

One of the male angels looks at Aria and Ella. "What the fuck!?!?! They are in the Mortal Realm…

That is the same angel who looked at them with a lustful expression before, and now he is even more interested and having both for him.

The other angel is also concerned. "Don't underestimate them!! That demon must increase their power."

Lord Antonius looks at Aria and Ella. "Let's attack them first."

The angels aim their light rays at the pair of mother and daughter harpy and fire it simultaneously as the female angel removes the barrier, also preventing it from being broken.


The light rays create another flash as the explosion of light energy quickly reach Arie and Ella.

By being so near, the angels are sure that their attack killed Arie and Ella, but as soon as the light fades, they again see Jeanne's beautiful golden shield defending the girls in the air as she stands on Angela's floating platform.

At that moment, they hear many footsteps from Lucien's girls behind them.

Amelia jumps towards the female angel with her white swords prepared.


The angel easily blocks Amelia's strike with the sword she takes from her storage treasure, but at that, moment Envy materializes her body behind her and attacks with her long black daggers.

She tries to dodge the attack but Envy acts quickly by hitting the angel's arm., However, the woman manages to jump back and leaves just with a slight cut.

She is shocked again as she did not expect to be hurt so easily. Her body is also very resistant, not like Melitta's but similar. Yet, Envy has a soul weapon filled with demonic energy, which allows her to hurt that angel.

While still in the air, a quick shadow passes under the female angel.


Mia, using her wind mana to boost her speed, quickly comes up behind one of the male angels and tries to attack him with a wind slash, using a short black sword.

Although her speed is one of the highest among Lucien's wives, that angel is also able to block Mia's sword due to his overall power being very high.

Mia feels as if she is trying to attack a mountain because she uses all her strength, and the angel smiles while hardly having to make an effort to push her back.

But Mia's intention was not to hit that angel with her short sword.

*Wooosh* *Wooosh*

Two arrows fly towards that angel's head from different directions. The angel evades both as he pushes Mia backward, but while one of the arrows passed by him without any problems, the other explodes with green energy pushing him back.

That explosion is not very strong, but it blinds him momentarily, and as he walks backward, stone spikes come from the ground, hitting his body.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

Rose's stone spikes hit that angel many times but just damage his clothes because his body is really resistant to normal attacks due to him being in the Sky Realm.

More arrows continue to fly towards that angel, as well as Mia's fast wind slashes, which together with the stone spikes make him unable to react.

When he completely loses his balance and falls to the ground, Cassidy jumps towards him, launching a brutal wind slash with all her incredible strength.

"HAAAAAAA!!!" Cassidy makes a mighty vertical strike with her black greatsword, which shines with wind and purple energies.

The angel blocks with his gray sword, then the two blades meet, and…


Under such force of Cassidy's incredible attack, her sword, even reinforced by Rebecca, breaks because the angel's sword was made with better materials from a medium world.

Cassidy rolls forward as half of her sword flies away.

The angel flaps his wings and quickly flies off the ground, already attacking Cassidy with his sword.


But at that moment, still in the air, Oya jumps on his back and bites his wings.

"AAAAAAASHITTT!!!" The angel cries as Oya's big, sharp teeth, coated with Lucien and Envy's energy mix, penetrate his wings.

Cassidy gets up, and using just half of her sword; she attacks that angel with another wind slash alongside Mia, who also attacks with a wind lash.

Both mother and daughter smile as they attack the chest of that angel, who desperately tries to get Oya off his back.

The purple glow of the wind slashes of Mia and Cassidy catches the angel's attention, and at that moment, he can't help but worry.

[I'm screwed!!!] He thinks.


Lust Knight

Lust Knight

Score 8.6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Chinese
Lucien, a guy who has nothing but the desire to save his mother. To get strong enough, he makes a contract with the demon of Lust. And now, only by making a great harem, will he gain the power to protect those dear to him. --------------------- This story contains sexual content. Though it's still a fantasy adventure (no reincarnation or system). ------------------- I am a beginner author. I'm not completely fluent with the English language, it's my second language. This story is written with the help of my friend, Malcolm_Massey, who edits my chapters to avoid grammatical and misspellings mistakes. -------------------- More chapters, better release rate, and exclusive content on my p!atreon: pa treon.com/lamenthief Join our discord group: https://discord.gg/5d4PxH8


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not work with dark mode